Vol 5 Chapter 153

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 153

"Xiao Hua never knew why Long Zhu always treats her well, but she knew she could make use of his feelings after testing out how much tolerance he had for her. That privilege formed a cocky and abusive girl, swiftly gathering hatred from everyone in Long Zhu's manor. Never a day she did not get into a fight with someone and it was always Long Zhu that rescued her from trouble and punishment. Naturally, that fed her haughtiness and her self-confidence escalates past the chart. One day she wants something more and she told Long Zhu she wanted to marry him as his main wife and he agreed. At that time, the Empress had been pestering him to choose a girl to marry."

"The Empress stopped the Third Prince from marrying the original Xiao Hua, right?" the Eighth Prince guessed.

"That's not exactly it. She did refuse Xiao Hua to be Long Zhu's main wife and only allowed her to be his concubine."

The sour feeling in Xiao Hua's heart grew. Why would the Empress agree to Long Zhu marrying that mean girl but not her? She had not done anything worse than the original Xiao Hua!

"Long Zhu obeyed his mother's words and married Xiao Hua as his concubine. It was not surprising that she gets angry about it and tried to change his mind but Long Zhu does not wish to disobey his mother."

Hearing that, Xiao Hua felt her heart grew lighter. She concluded that the Empress does not find the original Xiao Hua as a complete eyesore that could corrupt her son, so she allowed her to be his concubine. After all, it could be seen that the Third Prince placed high importance on his mother than his previous life's saviour.

Xiao Hua was a little giddy that it was her that makes the Empress felt insecure and it was her that the Third Prince placed high importance than his own mother.

Really, it was a damn high achievement!

"Then the original Xiao Hua is unsatisfied, gotten jealous of how lovey-dovey Long Shan and Liu Chu Chu were and set out to seduce the so-called 'husband of the year'?" The Eighth Prince guessed in a bored manner as if wishing the conversation would just jump to the end.

"You got it right. Liu Chu Chu noticed Xiao Hua's meaningful gazes directed at her husband and naturally detested it. However, she did not outright call Xiao Hua out, but instead have her husband played a game with the girl."

Xiao Hua's face twisted as if she saw something she loathed coming straight to her. "I don't like how this is going, I just knew it."

Doctor Bai laughed at his soon to be adopted daughter and continues with the story. "Long Shan told Xiao Hua that if she follows his plan and succeeds, he will let her be his concubine. The dim-witted girl agreed, thinking that even as a concubine, she will still be loved. Every day, Xiao Hua's will feed Long Zhu a slow-acting poison that slowly destroys his nerves. That's where the bug appears. Long Zhu is a person that's paranoid about poison after he died from it in his past, yet he dumbly trusted a girl to prepare all his meals, without even checking for poison. He should have been able to detect that poison after the first bite, yet some stupid lingering emotion from his past must have blocked his survival instinct towards the girl."

"But now that I'm Xiao Hua, the Third Prince won't die anymore, right?" Xiao Hua challenged Doctor Bai with a fierce glare, daring him to contradict her words.

With a chuckle, Doctor Bai reached out and rubbed her head, surprising her that her soul nearly jumped out of her skin. "Yes, you stopped Long Zhu's death. Thank you."

She could not stop the grin from appearing on her face.

"Then the Third Prince died and Liu Chu Chu killed the original Xiao Hua after that?" the Eighth Prince asked, trying to speed up the conversation. It was unnerving and giving him horrific thoughts when he looked at the still as statue Heng Xin with eyes blank without life.

"Yes. She had also unknowingly killed the child in Xiao Hua's womb."

Xiao Hua's eyes unconsciously widen as her heart ached. She had never thought the original Xiao Hua would be pregnant. "Did she know about the baby? I mean, the original Xiao Hua."

Doctor Bai grimly nodded and the room fell into a heavy silence.

"That's just sick," Xiao Hua said with a grey complexion. How could she be so cruel, to kill her unborn child's father just because he could not love her the way she wanted? Xiao Hua feels a cold shiver at the sudden question popped up in her mind.

What would she do to the child if she was alive?

"If Liu Chu Chu had not killed Xiao Hua, the child will be born as the Azure Dragon's next vessel and Guilin Kingdom will still have protection when the demon invaded the land. Of course, the child would not play such a big role if the other Long family were still alive, including the Fourth Prince's baby daughter."

The Eighth Prince laughed with a mixture of astonishment. "Darn it. It's so crazy that my female lead had destroyed so many good things. The Long family, Azure Dragon, Guilin Kingdom."

"You may have written the first world script, but the second world script is no longer in your control. What the characters did after that is their own will and control. They are needed to count on you to act."

"Fuck! It's so bloody confusing!" The Eighth Prince roughly rubbed his head, further messing up his slowly drying hair.

"It's like... Heise created the world and the characters but it's not under his control?" Xiao Hua tentatively guessed, in fear of further egging the frustrated Eighth Prince.

"Yes. It's out of his control after Long Zhu travelled back in time."

Xiao Hua's mouth twitched. "Does that mean it's all the Third Prince's fault?"

Doctor Bai laughed. "Not at all. Long Zhu travelled back in time thanks to the Yellow Dragon's power, combined with the other four celestial beings. They wish to change the future, so they are the catalysts of the second world script. Heise might have created the world and characters, but he did not write the ending, therefore allowing the world to grow by itself. Or, the world is not created by Heise originally."

"It's not created by me," the Eighth Prince quickly pushed all the responsibility of the mess away. "I dream them all up, nothing original at all!"

"That's actually believable, you know?" Xiao Hua said, insulting the Eighth Prince.

The Eighth Prince exclaimed in rage. "Hey! I will let you know I think them all up as I write! I don't even need to think logically because the male lead and female lead won't need to use logic to solve anything since they are supposed to be OP!"

"They sounded like arrogant, bloodthirsty idiots than being OP. Do you even read the comments? I bet they are all scolding you for being a brainless idiot."

"Hey! Do you even realize you read my novel? Are you brainless then?"

"I don't know why the translator picks your novel, but I read it because the translator is my friend. I have to show some moral support, you know?"

"You fucker!"

Doctor Bai struggled to stop laughing to stop their quarrelling. "I've seen this world status earlier. Actually, this world is not inside a novel that Heise wrote."

"Then you should have said it earlier!" The Eighth Prince roared in anger and would have jumped on Doctor Bai if Xiao Hua was not seating between them and would have gotten hurt from the fight.

Doctor Bai just laughed in a carefree manner and changed the subject. "I'm also here to stop the demon invasion from happening. The demons murdered every human they met and that world was no longer a safe place for humans anymore."

"Who is the one that opened the gates that sealed the demons?" Xiao Hua asked.

"She is originally a human but had turned into a demon due to the strong hatred towards humans that had caused her daughter's death. She plans to open the gate to revive her daughter."

Xiao Hua blurted out, "Who on earth told that crazy lady that the gate is the path straight to Hell?"