Vol 5 Chapter 158

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 158

"The 19th Emperor and Doctor Bai arrive!" A eunuch standing by the doorway announced loudly once his sharp eyes caught sight of the incoming people.

The eunuch recognized the young girl with them as the Third Prince's personal maid that had stayed over at the Empress' courtyard as a guest and because of her identity; he did not bother to announce her arrival. As he was also in charge of helping the Emperor in sending out invitations to guests, he knew that this maid was not invited. But he was not stupid enough to stop her when she was able to tag along with two important guests to attend the banquet.

The eunuch and other gatekeepers had their head lowered but their ears remained sharp. The life of a servant was truly difficult. Their owners expected them to be attentive and mind readers, yet forbid them to know much and to have them act like an unfeeling thing made to cater them.

The servants' greatest dream could be the day where they were allowed to beat up their masters and being rich!

"You met my grandson at Munzhu? It could be considered as the fate for the two of you to meet. How old are you?" The 19th Emperor asked.

"I'm fourteen this year."

"Ha ha! Just three years difference! That's just nice!"

The servants were surprised at how friendly the stern 19th Emperor was towards a maid. The fact that the Third Prince was the 19th Emperor's favorite grandson was known to many, but even so, the favoritism should not have extended to the Third Prince's personal maid.

Witnessing their genuine harmonious interaction, the eunuch was glad that he had not attempted to stop the maid from entering!

But no matter what the other servants thought it was not shown on their faces. It was a crime to overthink their masters' actions, but that does not stop them from making an assumption of their actions and sell it to those that want it.

Money, money, money~ make us happy! [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]

Immediately after the eunuch finished speaking, every guest's eyes were glued at the entrance and their heartbeats were beating like a war drum, waiting for the God-like doctor to appear.

It was the gentle flutter of the white robe, covering the long legs and flashing the sight of white shoes that first entered the gate. That wonderful sight gently caressed the surface of the guests' hearts, hooking their attention. Next, the gentle swaying of long and smooth black hair immediately had their heart shook from an unidentifiable heavy feeling. Finally, the benevolent and fresh face with the purest gaze in the world had their heart nearly stop beating, their mortal heart unable to withstand such tenderness.

The male guests: F**k! This lord nearly falls for a male! Σ(°△°|||)︴

The female guests: Kyaaaaaaaaa! I want to jump him! ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ

Although everyone has different, the direction of their thoughts was actually alike to each other.

Not even the indifferent heroine that had seen and tumble with good looking men in her original world could resist such a temptation.

It was the squeeze on her hand from Long Shan that returned her back to rationality. She gave him a bright smile and an affectionate squeeze in return, calming down his jealousy. So what if her fiancé was not as good looking as Miracle Doctor Bai? He would never be ten times the man Long Shan was.

Liu Chu Chu stood up, her flattering red dress grabbed some people's attention and they sat back to wait for a good show.

"Your Majesty, that doctor is not my teacher." Liu Chu Chu's voice was loud and clear. Liu Chu Chu had planned to be the first to attack by denying this doctor being her teacher so that no one can accuse her of lying.

Even so, there were still people that could spot a hole and happily volunteer to widen it!

"Father Emperor, since Miss Liu said it, perhaps this man isn't the Legendary Doctor Bai?" Crown Prince asked with fake concern on behalf of Liu Chu Chu.

Liu Chu Chu gave the Crown Prince a middle finger in her mind. "Your Majesty, this isn't what I meant. This girl's teacher goes by the name of Bai, but there are many people that share the same name. It is a mere coincidence and fate that my teacher shares the same name with Doctor Bai."

A man's cold 'hmph' cut into their play. It came from a middle-aged man with an air of authority that had entered the place with Doctor Bai. Actually, the small entourage was lined in three rows.

The first row was Doctor Bai, leading the small train, while the second row was Xiao Hua and the 19th Emperor. The last row solely belongs to Duan XiYing.

Despite Duan XiYing's gorgeous body, no one would pay attention to her once she hides her presence. That was why the eunuch from earlier did not notice her.

As for everyone in the banquet, they were too mesmerized by Doctor Bai's appearance that they ignored the other guests. The nobles, unlike the servants, could look at his face without violating etiquette, although their current drooling expression was rather improper.

"Is this how guests are treated? We have not even taken a seat and the accusation already began? Where are your etiquette teachers? They should be sacked from their post for teaching improper things!" The 19th Emperor chastised sternly, the previous friendly air disappeared completely.

The current Emperor's face changed. Even though he disliked his father, he was not unreasonable as to defy his father publicly. Airing own dirty laundry was simply asking for humiliation!

"Imperial Father, this son is unfilial. Eunuch Xiang, quickly lead Imperial Father and Doctor Bai to their prepared seats!" The Emperor ordered.

When the small group entered, the Emperor and Empress had stood up to receive them, giving the guests a confirmation of their honorable identity other than the eunuch's announcement. However, Liu Chu Chu was too busy trying to save her own ass that she missed their action. Not even Long Shan was in a clear mind to realize the significance of their actions.

The prepared seats were actually beside the Empress, who greeted them with a deep curtsy along with a warm smile; her six months pregnancy was rather prominent under the thick robes. "Father, this daughter-in-law is in wrong."

"Ling Yi is not at fault and neither is my son." That sentence had the Emperor and Empress free from fault, but not Liu Chu Chu. That had shifted all the blame onto her.

The younger generations not recognizing the 19th Emperor could not be faulted, for after the 20th Emperor inherited the throne, the previous Emperor left to travel the world, which was his youthful dream.

That was not the case for the older generations. Once the 19th Emperor was seated, they quickly greeted the 19th Emperor and praised in a flattering manner for his increased cultivation level, which was seventh rank, the highest rank a cultivator in the Guilin Kingdom had for the last four hundred years.

The 19th Emperor nodded and with a wave of an arm, allowed everyone to return to their seat. With a polite laugh, he said, "This old man is here to attend the feast the Emperor had arranged for my good friend, Doctor Bai Chuan."

Understanding the 19th Emperor's intention, the guests switched their target, greeting the star of today's banquet respectfully. "Greetings to Doctor Bai."

Doctor Bai bowed, accepting their greetings. His demeanor was graceful, like a celestial, further confirming the guests that this man was indeed the genuine Doctor Bai. The 19th Emperor would never trick them by having them meet a fake Legendary Doctor Bai.

The guests eyed Liu Chu Chu at the corner of their eyes and found that the young girl had greeted Doctor Bai with no negative feelings. Her red dress enchanted her skin to be fairer, giving everyone the impression of looking at a beauty free untainted in the mortal world. If she had worn white, that image would be even more perfect!

The Empress was smiling beautifully, but her mind was wondering why Xiao Hua would be here and wearing that embarrassing dress even if it was her gift to the young girl. She was supposed to stay in her room obediently without causing so trouble, so what had happened that got her to arrive with Doctor Bai and the 19th Emperor?

Perhaps Doctor Bai had known about Long Zhu having a new personal maid and wishes to meet her, which lead to a good relationship between them and had her join the feast?

However, the Empress felt that there must be something more to it.