Vol 5 Chapter 159

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 159

"Have another seat prepared," the 19th Emperor ordered a nearby servant, who quickly did as she was told.

The Emperor and the Empress did not say anything, as they were not stupid enough to question the 19th Emperor's actions for allowing a maid to have a seat with him, but that was not the case for their oldest son that was brave enough to risk his neck.

It must be the frequent challenge towards Long Shan that reduced his survival instinct!

"Pardon this prince for asking, but is this young miss the true apprentice of Doctor Bai?" The Crown Prince asked in a fawning manner.

Other than the Empress, Long Lian was the first that recognized Xiao Hua once she entered. With a wide grin, she tried to make eye contact with the other girl, but Xiao Hua's gaze was facing downward from the beginning to the end, too scared to make any eye contact with anyone, least she would get roped in to start a conversation.

Xiao Hua: This young lady just wants to be a wallflower so please just ignore me!

The confused princess' seating was between the Second Prince and the Eighth Prince. The Eighth Prince does not look surprised to see Xiao Hua coming in with Doctor Bai, but his gaze seems to hold traces of hostility directed at the trio.

Long Lian itched to bite her handkerchief in regret! She had not visited Xiao Hua for quite some time, but it was not long enough for big changes to happen. Jealousy hit her like a wave when she noticed the eighth brother seems to know what was going on.

Despite feeling so, Long Lian has a good sense of priority to cheer at the good news of Xiao Hua being Doctor Bai's apprentice because it will slap the pretentious Liu Chu Chu's face!

Those that dislike or envy Liu Chu Chu's good fortune would never miss that opportunity to throw stones at her. They whispered among each other and even laughed quietly with mocking gazes directed at her. No matter how soft their whispers were, as long as they were cultivators, they could use their inner energy to enhance their hearing to listen to their conversation.

That was the case for Long Shan, who was extremely sensitive when it comes to his fiancée's matters. He emitted a strong blast of icy energy, frightening most of the guests and they quickly fell silent. They knew that even if the Second Prince would not dare to kill them, it does not include preventing them from getting hurt for mocking his fiancée.

"She is my daughter." Doctor Bai answered the Crown Prince with a gentle smile with affection lacing his words. The outstanding visual nearly had everyone run into a heart attack.

The guests' seating area and the royalty seating area were as if in a different realm. The atmosphere surrounding the guests were thick with eagerness, as the guests started to have their eyes on Xiao Hua, hoping to form a good relationship with her so that she can help them approach her father.

On the other hand, the atmosphere around the royal family seating was filled with thick disbelief after the announcement of Xiao Hua's identity.

The Second Prince and Liu Chu Chu might not remember other royal family' servants, but they remembered this personal maid of the Third Prince looks like!

On the other hand, the womanizer Crown Prince did not recognize Xiao Hua's face and blatantly gazed at her with a hot gaze.

As expected of an Emperor that had ruled the Kingdom for more than twenty years, he was experienced when it comes to an unexpected situation and was the first to regain his composure.

"So it is Doctor Bai's daughter." The Emperor's gaze was way friendlier compared to how he threatened Xiao Hua before when he caught her with his wife cheating on his son.

Xiao Hua: Family connection is indeed very precious and useful here!

Not that Le XiaoTing can throw stones around, because she herself had relied on her being friends with her boss to get a high ranked position in his company without fighting with other candidates.

But this matter needs to be clarified. It's not that this young lady wanted to work for him! I'm being forced ah!

Just graduated with a degree and filled with eager enthusiasm to embark on a new chapter in life, the innocent Le XiaoTing ignorantly stepped into He Zhu's clutch and roped to be his employee. She might not have the highest qualification for her position and there were many other co-workers aimed for the position, but her boss only allowed her to occupy the position.

Shit! That bastard -cough- arrogant boss never knows how much this young lady suffered because of their jealousy!

When Doctor Bai introduced that the little maid was his daughter, Liu Chu Chu had a bad feeling. She felt as if things were going out of control, and the train was going too fast, not allowing her enough time to regain control. Only her compulsive habit of rubbing her hidden short sword under her sleeves reined her nervousness from breaking out.

"Doctor Bai has a strong heart to send your daughter to work as a maid to temper herself and broaden her knowledge," The Second Prince praised 'sincerely'.

Xiao Hua: '...' The situation will be made into big issue ah!

Many people have different thoughts, either superficial or with a deep plot, but Doctor Bai disregarded them. The servant had finally returned with a new table and he motioned it to be placed between his and Long Yuen. He even had the new table pushed close to his table without any gap in between.

This brings back the memory of Le XiaoTing's school days. Usually, her table partner was her good friend or a classmate, always her equal status. But now her new deskmate was Doctor Bai, a high-grade golden thigh! Xiao Hua felt pressured to have such an expensive desk mate.

After Xiao Hua took her seat without embarrassing herself from the pressure, Duan XiYing placed some dishes onto her table. "Please eat~ Xiao Hua only eaten a small bowl of porridge earlier."

Xiao Hua: This situation... dare she still eats?

The cute dim sums on the table were indeed tasty looking with a tantalizing aroma that teases her still hungry stomach, but she can only look at them with tears. With this much drama, she doubted it would be soon before she gets to eat them.

Xiao Hua: Does it mean I had to hide them in a napkin, excuse myself to the washroom so that I can sneakily eat them?

Xiao Hua's goodwill point towards the heroine dropped 50 points.

"Brother Bai won't be that foolish as to send out his precious daughter to be a maid of his apprentice. From now on, Bai Hua won't be a servant anymore," Long Yuen answered for his friend.

Everyone caught different key points from the 19th Emperor's words and they finally choose to focus on the most important point.

Doctor Bai's daughter is a maid of his apprentice!

Xiao Hua had never attended any banquet before other than the family meeting to annul the engagement between the Second Prince and Madam Ping Shui. Naturally, no one had seen her before and no one knew who she served as her master before.

Currently, the one that knew would be the royal family and the group of palace servants, which would start selling the information right after the feast ended!

Unfortunately for them, the free-feeding informant Yang Ling had followed the Third Prince to the South Guilin Village, unable to help out his fellow countrymen!

Liu Chu Chu had stopped caressing her sword. Instead, she was gripping onto the handle tightly, looking like she wanted to pull the sword out and slay Xiao Hua. Although she has very dangerous thinking, there was no killing intent emitting from her and her face remained calm.

This master and servant must have a hand in ruining most of her plan! They must have laughed at her behind her back all this time, letting her continue making a fool of herself!

Liu Chu Chu thinks her mask of tranquility was perfect, but as a predator, Duan XiYing was pretty sensitive to Liu Chu Chu's bloodlust and had most of her attention on her in case she decided to go crazy and harm Xiao Hua.

Naturally, except for the forgetful Crown Prince, the royal family figured out that the Third Prince was Doctor Bai's apprentice.

Long Lian's gaze at Liu Chu Chu was extremely fierce. How could she not know that this slut had wronged her third brother this much?

Doctor Bai finally looked at Liu Chu Chu for the first time since he arrived. As the recipient of the gaze, Liu Chu Chu meets his gaze bravely, without a trace of guilt or submissiveness.

Liu Chu Chu had given herself a backdoor the moment she decided to borrow the identity of Doctor Bai's apprentice. Her declaration earlier that he was not her teacher will also provide her some leeway to talk herself out of trouble. As one of the best mercenaries in her previous life, there was nothing she was afraid of and unable to handle!

"Currently, there are only two people with the surname Bai in the Four Kingdoms. The first is me and the other is my daughter. This young miss, it would be wise to discontinue using your medical techniques until they are confirmed to be safe."

The heroine's fans, especially those people that had been treated by Liu Chu Chu, started to protest!

Young ladies: Is it only us that is more interested in Miss Bai's cute dress?