Vol 6 Chapter 178

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily

I did not do patron thank you shoutout because they usually use real name as their username. So shhh? 

XH 178

After walking around shops that sold pretty things but was not attractive enough to capture the attention of the young couple, they decided to change scenery.

"Would Xiao Hua be interested to visit the best pill selling shop?" 

"You mean, pills for cultivators?" Xiao Hua's eyes brighten. Of course she would be interested to visit! It was a must visit place for tourist - cough - cultivators! This kind of shops were often mentioned in the novels! 

There would be plenty of awe inspiring pills with miraculous effects! 

Long Zhu chuckled. "Pills could be eaten by normal people too, but only pills with low herbs dosage. It is not too far ahead so we can walk there but do you want to rest first?"

"You are tired, Third Prince?" Xiao Hua looked around. "I remember seeing a small tea shop just now, so we can rest there."

The Third Prince smiled helplessly as Xiao Hua earnestly look around for a resting place for him. He was worried for her, but it led her to believe he was the tired one instead!

Xiao Hua could not remember how far back the tea shop was, so they decided to continue walking forward and only rest when they spot a tea shop in passing. 

"《Fruitful Herb》pill shop should be just ahead," The Third Prince noted. It seems their resting would not be fulfilled.

Xiao Hua glanced at the Third Prince worriedly. He does not look tired, but she believed he must be hiding it. Le XiaoTing was quite experienced when it comes to such excuses. When a person suddenly suggest to take a rest mid shopping and gave concerned excuse that the other party must be tired, it was actually a hidden intention to seek rest for their own aching feet!

True to his words, they arrived shortly but there was a large crowd right before the entrance. 

Xiao Hua's eyes shone with excitement. Could this be the legendary fight for a legendary pill between young rich masters?

With her hand still in the Third Prince's hand, she was like a dog with a leash for her master to stop her from running around. 

The Third Prince approached a person. "This sir, do you know why there is a crowd in front of 《Fruitful Herb》 shop?"

Being interrupted in the midst of watching a good show naturally make Ang Kang annoyed. Impatiently, he turned to give that person a short answer but immediately changed his mind when he saw that they were not from simple background.

This young couple may have dressed plainly but they could never hide their noble composure easily from the eyes of an amateur. Not to mention, they possessed good looks that was carefully maintained where commoners would find it hard to achieve.

Irritation hidden, Ang Kang answered humbly, "There was a short competition between Miss Wang and an unknown boy earlier. Miss Wang is a gifted pill maker that everyone knows but was defeated by the unknown boy! Now everyone is trying their best to win against that boy but till now, no one had yet to defeat him. Even the 《Fruity Herb》 's owner expressed intent to work with that unknown boy!"

"Hmm, an unknown boy?" The Third Prince eyed the crowd and easily spotted the said boy right in the middle of the crowd. "That face is rather familiar."

Interested, An Kang asked, "Could this noble sir perhaps know of that genius boy?"

The Third Prince smiled. "I have met many people but I could not remember all of them clearly. That person might just be an acquaintance from the past."

The short Xiao Hua that could not look inside the tall crowd felt a bit disappointed. Catching that look, the Third Prince reached out and lifted her to sit on his arm, helping her to gain taller.

The sudden move elicited a sharp gasp from Xiao Hua and her arms automatically wrapped around his neck. "T-Third- Long- Ah Zhu!" With sudden brain circuit, she had to stumble around before calling him in a manner similar to Long Lian's nickname to keep his identity hidden.

The sudden increase of people staring at her quickly turn her face into ripe tomato! She felt the urge to run or hide her head from sight but the carefree Third Prince does not look like he will release her anytime soon!

"P-Please let me down!" Before this young lady die in mortification!

The Third Prince laughed. "Did Xiao Hua not wish to see the attraction of the crowd? Now it's high enough for you to be able look at it properly."

Xiao Hua: You could have the crowd make way for us to go to the front! I'm not a little kid with her daddy carrying her up!

Ang Kang stared at the unexpected dog food with envy and heartache. He has a cute little fiancee, but she was too big sized for the weakling him to lift around! 

Xiao Hua pushed away her embarrassment, decided to quickly look and quickly get rid of such embarrassing position. 

"Eh? Heroine?" That small, enchanting face was indeed the heroine! She had done admirably to disgust herself as a young man, but she still look too beautiful and feminine despite her effort.

"So I guessed right," The Third Prince noted and looked around to see if he could spot the Second Prince. 

"Psst! Quickly put me down before she sees us!" Xiao Hua whispered hurriedly. However, she had leaned too close to him so that she can whisper to his ears without anyone eavesdropping. 

Ang Kang felt his heart hurt. He had wanted to be close to his cute little fiancee, but she only loves food and disliked him to be close to her! This...this is so unfair!

The Third Prince's eyes tingled with mischief as he 'obeyed' her. He pressed her body close to his and slowly let her body slid down against his body.

"Y-You dare to eat my tofu with so many people watching?!" Xiao Hua hissed angrily and created a distance between them. 


"You pervert!" Xiao Hua hissed but still aware to keep her voice low. 

Ang Kang started to understand this display of love was the new nobility's trend! Previously, rumors of the Second Prince being so close with his future princess consort in public caused a great disturbance to the scholars that empathized etiquette! But there were also those that admire their courage and followed them, displaying their love in public!

Till now, he had not bothered with it, but right at this moment, he was faced with such a display and his heart hurts from too much salt poured over his wound located at his heart!

With a sob that a manly man would rather die than being caught, Ang Kang tearfully ran away from them. "Xiao PangPang, I'm coming!"

Xiao Hua: '...' Is there something wrong with that guy?

Xiao Hua did not want to visit the shop when the heroine was there, so they decided to go to another pill shop.

"Xiao Hua, that Miss Liu know how to make pills?"

"It's just a cheat that comes with her red jade bangle. That dark beauty in it taught her how to make pills but Liu Chu Chu could not master it. Now that I think of it… the dark beauty had controlled Liu Chu Chu's hands to make pills…" That should be when the dark beauty was gaining power and intent to slowly possess Liu Chu Chu's body!

But the dark beauty will fail, according to the novel. 

"Hmm, that spirit must not be ordinary."

Xiao Hua eyed the Third Prince thoughtfully. "You should be strong enough to overpower the heroine. Why don't you kidnap her and deal with her?"

The Third Prince laughed, pleased that his little fiancee was confident of his strength. "I can, but I prefer to let her fly higher so that when she falls, it will be even more painful." 

"Oh." Xiao Hua inwardly zipped her mouth. As someone that had not suffered under the hero and heroine's scheme, she has no right to arrange their demise.

It was getting late and they decided to visit the best selling snacks to buy some as souvenirs before going back to the palace. The pills were not worthy as gifts, was what the Third Prince said when she expressed her desire to buy some for the others.

“Is it far?” Xiao Hua asked when the Third Prince guided them back to their carriage instead of walking. 

“It is only a few streets away. Riding the carriage can shorten the travelling time so that we can have more time to look around for gifts. When we return, we will not need to walk the same path again for our carriage.”

Xiao Hua nodded, understand his reasoning. 

"I am the best pill maker in our generation! Where did that unknown guy come from?" A very familiar voice stopped Xiao Hua in her tracks. It was a voice that she could only hear from a recording. 

"Miss, there's no need to be angry at that bumpkin kid. That shop owner does not know Miss' true value. Miss can go to a better pill shop to do business with and let them know their loss."

"Naturally! Even if that shop owner begs me to return, I will not agree if that guy is there. Seeing that guy makes me irritated for some reason," the familiar voice said with annoyance.

"Xiao Hua?" The Third Prince rubbed her pale cheeks when she suddenly stopped walking. 

Xiao Hua finally blinked and quickly turned to the direction where the voice came from.

"That kid dared to challenge Miss to make the least talented pill that Miss is known for, he must have planned this."

Xiao Hua spotted a girl with a very familiar face dressed in light purple robes sighing beside her servant girl. "All right, enough of this talk. I don't want my mood to spoilt."

"Miss, shall we go to the embroidery shop to choose some cloth for your new dress?"

The beautiful girl with a tiny red flame drawn between her eyebrows, enhancing her beauty, nodded. "Head to the carriage."

"Xiao Hua knew her?" The Third Prince's eyes had followed where she was staring at. But he does not like the way Xiao Hua was looking at the girl, with eyes filled with longing and pain. 

"That's me," Xiao Hua said dazedly as she watched them disappeared among the crowd. Even if that face was younger with different hairstyle and dressing, she can still recognize that face as the same one she had for twenty seven years!