Vol 6 Chapter 179

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 179

The lively noise outside the carriage had entered through the window, but the occupants' mood was in contrast to it. 

"Do you want to meet her?"

Xiao Hua shook her head fiercely; the bells on her hair jingles for a long while before settling. "No, please. I...I am happy to know she… is alive and well. There's no need for me to meet her."

He gently rubbed her cheeks, slowly warming it up. But this gentle action stroked heat around her eyes, creating a thin layer of water.

When Xiao Hua sees her, many thoughts circled around her mind and her heart encountered violent storms. But she also understands they were different people despite having similar appearance. She does not want to get close to the girl and risk hurting her heart.

It would hurt her even more if she managed to meet with the girl's family, especially if her mother was the same face as Le XiaoTing's mother. 

"From the information we have, that girl with the same face as your original body must have challenged Liu Chu Chu and gotten defeated."

Xiao Hua blinked her eyes rapidly to dry off the tears gathering in her eyes. "That match."

It was not surprising that the heroine could be skilled in pill making when most of her success was contributed to the dark beauty. In the novel, Liu Chu Chu's body does not have the talent in pill making, but the dark beauty have a great talent in it 

Xiao Hua frowned as panic grew in her heart. She also remembered that the dark beauty could control Liu Chu Chu's hands, after given the permission to do so by the heroine, to help making pills. 

But it also means that the dark beauty can use Liu Chu Chu's hands since the permission would never be revoked by the opportunist heroine! Le XiaoTing had thought nothing negative about the hand control while reading the novel, even supportive of it because it will help the heroine. 

But after Xiao Hua knew that the dark beauty wanted to open the gate, this small control was enough to pose a great threat to them! With fake story for the power hungry heroine, the dark beauty will able to get her to find the location of the gate!

"Don't worry, I will make sure Liu Chu Chu will not harm Miss Wan."

"Ah?" Xiao Hua blinked, confused. 

"That girl with the same face as you, did she have a mark on her forehead?" The Third Prince asked.

"Yes...it looks like a tiny flame," Xiao Hua noted. Now that she recalled, that girl's face was painted with makeup, and she had chosen the correct choice of makeup to successfully enhance her features. 

Compared to other noble ladies in this world, her beauty was above them, but to Xiao Hua, An Jing was still the most beautiful woman she had seen. The Empress and Long Lian may be known as number one Guilin Kingdom's beauties, but there was just something about An Jing that was irresistible.

The Third Prince nodded. "That is indeed Miss Wan, then. That flame is actually the red flame spirit, very useful for pill maker to create a higher quality pill."

Xiao Hua frowned, this time with different worry. "I'm not sure if Liu Chu Chu would do anything to get the red flame spirit, but she would not harm Miss Wan if she does not threaten her plans or life."

The Third Prince chuckled. "Did Xiao Hua forget who Miss Wan is?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua stared at the Third Prince suspiciously. "Do I know her before?"

"Did you not heard of a certain miss that had confessed her love boldly to a man right beside his fiancee?"

Xiao Hua: '...' You mean they are the same person?! 

"This… Liu Chu Chu would just teach her a lesson but will not take her life if Miss Wan learned well." Xiao Hua tried to salvage what she could to support Miss Wan.

In the novel, Liu Chu Chu had never taken any cannonfodder's life just because they eyed her hubby. Look at Madam Ping Shui, she was still alive! Actually, there were quite a number of female fans of the hero, but Le XiaoTing could hardly remember who they were.

The amusement died out from the Third Prince's eyes. "Xiao Hua does not think that Miss Wang had wasted her affections on an unworthy man?"

Who does not yearn for a man that would love them like his one and only goddess and pampering them to the height of sky?

That thought was quick to pop out in front of her mind, scaring her. Xiao Hua quickly throws that naughty thoughts deep down in her mind. She was unclear how she knows it, but if she said that, the Third Prince would be angry. 

With a forced smile, Xiao Hua once again champion for Miss Wan. "To many innocent ladies, the Second Prince indeed is the best husband material."

"XiaoTing, do you know the person with the same face as Long Shan?"

It took Xiao Hua a moment to recognize her own name. That realization was like a boulder dropped on her head, filling her heart in dread. She knew that her name was now Xiao Hua, but it still hurt to discard her original identity. 

With tears flowing in her heart, she nodded calmly externally. "Yes, I know of him. He is my boss' friend."

Long Zhu knew that the boss she talked was 

the person with the same face as him. "Then, do you find him attractive?"

Of course! With that golden, silky thread known as hair, and those dark emerald gems known as eyes hidden behind his gold rimmed glasses, he is the perfect western man in Asian ladies' hot dream!

Xiao Hua made sure she had not drooled and reply calmly like a monk. "He is indeed attractive." She had personally seen his very impressive naked chest after all. "But he is too perfect that one would not feel secure to have a relationship with him."

That time, she had just broke up with her boyfriend and determined to forget about her handsome yet despicable boss. Normally, when she saw a very handsome man with delectable naked chest, she would have happily aim her heart on him, but she knew better than to repeat the same mistake again.

He was too successful and good looking, on top of that, he has a really good personality. But she knew better than to pin on this SSS grade man!

And so she unleashed her rotten fan girl side and shamelessly ships this hot blond guy with her boss, especially since they spend the night together. She even go as far as to joke about it to her boss, risking being bullied for it. It was a fun experience, until one day her joke was accidentally being heard by the hot blonde guy when he visited her boss to discuss about her boss' finance.

That look on his face was alike to cold water pouring over her head, waking her up from her steamy delusion!

Le XiaoTing make sure to avoid him since then.

After carefully watching her expression, Long Zhu was reassured that she felt nothing but admiration towards the man with the same face as Long Shan. But to know the other her in this world to love Long Shan so much made him felt uncomfortable.

Xiao Hua thought that today’s excitement had passed, until they bumped into Long Lian and King of Munzhu when they stroll around the street for snacks!

Long Lian’s face was full of terror when she recognized her third brother despite having most of his face covered by a mask! There was no chance to hide, when they had literally bumped into each other face to face!

“What a coincidence, Long Zhu.” King of Munzhu was the first to speak. He does not look uncomfortable to be caught sneaking the princess out of the palace for romantic time at all. 

"You seems to have plenty of free time, Tian Liang." 

The smile on King of Munzhu's face slipped a small degree at the underlying threat. 

"T-Third brother." Long Lian called out, half wanting to protect Tian Liang from being targeted while the other half wanted to run away. She had not told anyone except for Xiao Hua about Tian Liang wishing to marry her as his main wife. There was no knowing whether Xiao Hua had spoken about it to her third brother or not.

The Third Prince spared his sister's discomfort and go straight to the point. "I know about you two, but Tian Liang, you had not reveal your intention to our Father Emperor and Mother Empress. It is improper to bring my unwed sister out without a chaperone. Long Lian, you will follow us back to the palace to avoid any unwanted rumors."

"Yes, Third brother," Long Lian agreed without a fuss, already overjoyed that her brother did not oppose to the match. 

The King of Munzhu was naturally displeased that his date was interrupted and decided to return the favor. 

"Long Zhu should not be around Miss Bai Hua without chaperone as well, huh? Are you taking advantage of her innocent mind?"

The Third Prince smiled. "There is indeed no chaperone, but my intention to marry Xiao Hua is known and her father approved of this outing."

Tian Liang's grin was more like baring his teeth like a wild dog. "Then you shall be Lian and my chaperone."

The Third Prince surprisingly agreed. "Long Lian, come over here. It would be improper for an unwed lady to stand beside that kind of man."

"What kind of man I am, Long Zhu?" Tian Liang grabbed Long Lian's hand and leered at the Third Prince.

Xiao Hua: If someone say this guy is a bandit that kidnaps beauty, she will believe it!

"Perhaps I should not participate in the discussion of Long Lian's marriage."

That sentence was enough for gloomy Tian Liang to release his hold on Long Lian, even gently nudged her to stand beside Xiao Hua. 

Third Prince 1, King of Munzhu 0.