Vol 6 Chapter 180

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 180

"You will be leaving to Eighth brother's residence?" The Third Prince glanced at the scattered snacks on the table.

Xiao Hua nodded distractedly, finalizing the choices on which snacks to give the Eighth Prince. "It's been a while since I last talked to him."

The last time she had slipped away to visit him, it was to tell him everything that Doctor Bai had told her about. This time, she planned to ask if he had managed to get permission to join the trip to Doctor Bai's land, as well as finding out more about the heroine's secret business from the author himself!

"I shall accompany you," the Third Prince said and joined her in selecting snacks.

Xiao Hua stared at the slender hand with subtle hint of strength that added in few more snacks into the pile for the Eighth Prince. "This is a bit too much, isn't it? I plan to give some to the Empress later."

Long Zhu was pleased to hear that his mother finally accepted Xiao Hua and willing to form a friendly relationship with her. "We do not know if Eighth brother will have visitors."

"We will be giving snacks to his visitors?" Xiao Hua was dissatisfied, feeling unfair to have some stranger to receive the snacks.

"Lately Eighth brother have important visitors and as his elder brother, I should help him in maintaining their good relationship."

Xiao Hua stared at the large pile of snacks and reluctantly nodded, since it was an act of goodwill on the Eighth Prince's behalf.

When Xiao Hua and the Third Prince arrived at the Eighth Prince's residence, they bumped into the Eighth Prince's important visitor, the Prince of Munzhu. The young prince happened to be leaving.

The little prince ignored Xiao Hua and only greeted the Third Prince. She did not mind it and offered her own greeting, using that opportunity to discreetly examine the child. From what Doctor Bai had hinted, she had thought about it for a long while, before deciding to take Doctor Bai's word literally.

This kid was not a prince. 

But why would the King of Munzhu let this kid pretended to be the previous ruler's prince? Xiao Hua could not think of any advantage of doing this. 

Now that she knew the kid was not a prince, his tanned and dry skin explained itself. But it might also be due to mistreatment for borrowing the identity of the scorned previous ruler's son.

"This prince just happens to have brought extra snacks. An Jing, give some to Prince Nu Li to enjoy."

An Jing, who had prepared well by separating the snacks into a few bags, handed a smaller bag to Prince Nu Li's maid. 

"Many thanks, Prince Long Zhu. I have yet to find an opportunity to try out some Guilin's snacks."

"Munzhu has different snacks from Guilin, this prince hopes you will enjoy Guilin's taste."

After few lines of pleasantries, Prince Nu Li excused himself quickly and left. A young servant quickly greeted them and lead them into the Eighth Prince's compound.

Duke Heng was in a room with the Eighth Prince, playing a disastrous chess game thanks to the Eight Prince’s ‘mental illness’. It was a surprise that Duke Heng would even accompany his nephew to play chess. It showed how much Duke Heng adored this only nephew of his that he would often visit and play with him.

But only Xiao Hua knew how miserable Heise was to pretend to be stupid.

Duke Heng stood up and saluted the Third Prince. "Greetings, Third Prince."

"I'm glad you are doing well, Duke Heng. It's good that Eighth Brother have you to spend time with him. He has gotten happier with your company."

"He is my nephew after all." Then Duke Heng turned to Xiao Hua with a smile. "Congratulations, Miss Bai Hua. Doctor Bai is fortunate to find a good daughter."

"Thank you, Duke Heng. The fortune is mine."

"Eighth brother, this is the snacks we brought from famous shops. Eunuch Heng, have your master taste some. If he does not like it, discard them."

"Yes, Third Prince." Eunuch Heng received a large bag of snacks from An Jing.

"Duke Heng, would you spare some time for me? I like to discuss something with you."

"My time is worthless so use it as Your Highness wishes."

Xiao Hua: Daringly saying those words… are you a 'M'?

The relieved Eighth Prince skipped to Xiao Hua's side and grabbed her arm. "Let's play!" It was fun to create chaos without getting scolded, but it was tiring to maintain that enthusiasm for hours.

Heise: How can a man in thirties bear to spend hours with a silly kid? I just don't get it!

The two gentlemen continued their conversation in an empty room. An Jing prepared tea and a plate of snack that was brought by the Third Prince and Xiao Hua before leaving them alone in the room.

"Is there anything new from your spy?" Long Zhu inquired. So far, only Duke Heng's spy was able to gain a high footing beside the Second Prince and Liu Chu Chu. 

"They are planning for something big after their wedding but keeping silent about it even among their trusted guards. Miss Liu had frequently gone out alone dressed as a man but my spy could not find out where she went."

"She had went to 《Fruity Herb》 pill shop yesterday, demonstrating her talent in pill making. The owner would want a talented person to work with."

"I see. That would be a good move on the owner's side." All businessmen always think of ways to increase their profit and the sudden appearance of a talented kid would have the owner naturally tried to keep that kid at his side. 

"I want you to change the owner's mind and have him continue working with Miss Wan."

Duke Heng snapped open his folding fan and fans himself slowly. "Your Highness certainly overestimate me to believe that I'm able to change the mind of the owner of the best pill shop in Guilin."

Long Zhu took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and pushed it across the table to Duke Heng.

Curious, Duke Heng eyed at it carelessly with his fan covering his mouth. His eyes barely finish scanning the words before it went wide and quickly reread the content again.

The sound of the folding fan closing was loud in the silent room. Duke Heng demanded in disbelief. "Where did you get this deed?"

"Money talks well," Long Zhu simply said. "Are you able to change the shop owner of 《Fruity Herb》 now with this in your hands?"

Despite experienced in facing unexpected development, Duke Heng was still shocked that the Third Prince was able to get his hands on the land of one of the most successful businesses in Guilin! For the owner of the land to give in and sell it to the Third Prince, it means the prince had used a considerable effort to change the landlord's mind!

Duke Heng's composure returned and unfold his fan again, gently fans himself. However, his eyes were sharp. "How far will you go for the shop owner to comply with your request?"

"That location is good. Raising the rental fee will not be an outrageous demand."

Duke Heng chuckled, his eyes flashed with interest. "This subordinate understand. I will guard this deed until the task is complete and return it to your hands safely."

“This deed is for you.”

Duke Heng’s face was forced into calmness despite his heart felt as if it was stuck in his throat. “Your Highness must be joking. How can I receive this golden deed?”

“Treat it as this prince repaying the treasures you have given away.”

That answer relieved Duke Heng and he carefully hid his smirk that threaten to emerge. “Then this subordinate will not be polite and receive it.” To think that the Third Prince who had previously shown zero interest in opposite gender would be this mindful to Xiao Hua, it was hilarious. 

"Also, I want you to take down 《A Pair of Genuine Eye》 pawn shop. Ruin their business until they could not return."

Duke Heng stilled. "Your Highness, you are starting to go after the Second Prince? I take it the others know about it as well?"

"Not yet. This is just an unexpected plan that I could not resist taking advantage of. A reliable source informed me that they are using the pawn shop as a hideout for secret information exchange."

"Selling and buying information?" Duke Heng frowned. "It would be bad if they sell information to other countries that wish for Guilin's downfall."

"It would be good if they chose not to do information exchange with foreigners, but that would be difficult for us to confirm in a short time. It would be good if that shop stops its operation before their grand wedding."

Duke Heng stared at Long Zhu with an unimpressed expression. "You are aware that it is only five days until their wedding day?" 

"Have I overestimate your capabilities, Duke Heng?"

Duke Heng sighed. "I will do my best to bring the shop down, but to completely eliminate it in just five days, I will need to create a large wave."

"Do it. Minister Qin will aid you." Long Zhu agreed without concern. 

Duke Heng laughed. "Your Highness already plan for this matter to be big."

Long Zhu picked up a teacup and drink the tea elegantly, did not confirm or deny the statement.

"Is there any other task Your Highness wish for me to complete? My time is now precious."

"Keep an eye on Miss Wan's safety. Once our plan succeed, Liu Chu Chu might blame it all on the innocent Miss Wan."

Duke Heng frowned slightly. Naturally, he knew who Miss Wan was. Her rude and shameful conduct towards the Second Prince was not widely spread, but this small matter could easily reach his ears with the amount of ears he had planted around. 

His frown cleared. Could it be…?

The whole pill problem was actually a fight between two girls for the Second Prince's affection? To think that the Second Prince was just like his Emperor Father, not satisfied with just one woman and leave his harem to fight for his affections. 

Duke Heng tsk-ed and fanned himself with more force. “Long Zhu, you are good enough now. There is no need for you to change.”

Long Zhu: (• _ •)?