Vol 6 Chapter 181

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 181

The duo transmigrator kicked their eunuch and bodyguards away and hides inside a room with snacks filling up all the space on the table. The teapots and cups were placed at the empty chair to avoid getting in their way to enjoy the snacks.

It was time for their weekly meeting!

Munching on a stick of Tanghulu, Director Xiao Hua listened attentively as Director Heise narrated what happened in his life since the last time they saw each other, which was basically just him playing with Duke Heng and Prince Nu Li from Munzhu.

"Did you get permission to follow me to Bai Land?" Director Xiao Hua interrupted when Director Heise's mouth that was long dried up from talking for a long time but still not reaching the important topic yet. At this rate, they would fail to achieve their meeting's objective by the time their managers return to ask them to return to their work!

Director Heise poured himself a cup of tea to ease his dry throat. With the attitude alike to a director that does not care about the company's crisis, he grabbed a stick of Tanghulu and poured honey all over it, adding an extra inch thick of honey, giving its appearance an extra gloss. "Good news is, Duke Heng is able to convince the Empress to let me stay at Bai's house until I'm 'cured'."

Xiao Hua was naturally happy that there would be another fellow to join her in suffering - cough - adventure to a sacred land for two years, but his words and expressions were strange. "There's bad news?"

The Eighth Prince's face was currently showing a 'want-to-die' expression as he bites off the tanghulu in a savage manner and the honey on it spilled onto his fingers. He does not hate sweets nor does he love them, but this amount of sweetness was enough to make him afraid of sweets for a year.

"Bad... it's very bad!" The trembling Eighth Prince was a pitiful sight, along with his agonizing expression when he tried his best to eat his extra sweet tanghulu.

"...Are you developing traits of M now? If you say you are uke, I will believe you." Xiao Hua opened a package for a peanut candy and ate one.

Heise might not be familiar with Japanese words, but as a proud gay man, he knew what does uke means! "I'm a seme, okay!"

"Then why are you punishing yourself with that?" Xiao Hua pointed at his Tanghulu with honey dripping down to the table non-stop. She could almost foresee that the one cleaning the table later will cry.

Her words once again reminded him of his misery.

Xiao Hua could not help but flinch in fear when he stabbed the Tanghulu stick into his mouth, bites onto one round Tanghulu and fiercely pulled out the remaining stick. Xiao Hua was truly worried that he would accidentally stab his throat with the sharp end of the stick with how fierce he was.

"My pride is gone!" The Eighth Prince finally gave up in his Tanghulu and tossed it aside angrily. He had tried to eat sweet stuff to lighten his mood but it was to no success.

"...What did you do?" For the usually thick-skinned Heise to be agonized to this extent, it must be a very shameful matter.

"I forced myself to be revolting, harassing Duke Heng to help me persuade the Empress to let me follow you! Argh!" The Eighth Prince clutched his head, remembering his humiliating experience. It was so embarrassing yet he had no choice but to continue to play till the end!

"Revolting? Do you mean cute?"

"It's the same! I'm such a manly man, to be forced to do such a thing!"

"I can't see which part of you that is manly."

Outraged, the Eighth Prince cursed, "You are blind! You whole family is blind!"

Xiao Hua reached out and poked his cheek, her finger created a deep dimple on his round cheek. "You are a cute boy now. You can be manly when your body grows up. And did you forget that you always act cute towards Long Lian before?"

The Eighth Prince slapped her naughty finger away with a fierce glare. "I never acted cute!"

"After that Duke Heng talked to the Empress?" Xiao Hua generously switched topic since the Eighth Prince wished to bury his past actions deep underground.

She could not open her mouth to request the Emperor and Empress to let the Eighth Prince follow her to Bai Land as she was an outsider. In addition to that, the Eighth Prince's special condition also needed to take into consideration.

"Yeah." The Eighth Prince poured himself a cup of tea and guggled his mouth to wash the taste away. Grabbing an empty basin, he vomited out the content, ignoring Xiao Hua's visible wince at his brute actions and lost her appetite, momentarily.

"The Empress and Duke Heng went to have a talk with that Bai fella about the chances to cure me. After a fake check up on my health, the two-faced Bai told them that I could be cured because the mental handicap is not hereditary or born with it, but a deep trauma. It gave me the excuse to stay at the evil-minded Bai's peaceful home to slowly get over my fears and recuperate my health."

Xiao Hua could only roll her eyes at his mockery towards her adopted father. "It's good that you can follow along~"

"If I don't follow along, you will be eaten alive by that slag man," The Eighth Prince said it as if it was a fact and wiped his mouth with a clean napkin.

Xiao Hua: '...' Why do you hate that guy so much, other than him reversing the pranks back on you? (ーー;)

As if he was able to read her mind, he continues on, "Hmph! It's all because of him that I had to do those shameful actions!"

Xiao Hua: '...' I will look over it since you did not blame me instead. (¯ . ¯;)

With the intention to switch the topic into a happier one, Xiao Hua leaned over the table and grinned wickedly. "When you act cute towards Duke Heng, did you eat his tofu?"

The Eighth Prince smacked a palm on the table, pointed at her with an 'I knew it' look. "Hah! You are a pervert!"

"When did I ever say that I'm not?" Xiao Hua accepted his accusation and eagerly pressed on. "So did you? Did he have eight packs? How about his waist? From what I can see, he does not seem to have a fat belly."

The Eighth Prince does not want to talk about it, but he could not resist sharing exciting information to this surrogate sister of his.

Like a thief, he leaned closer and said, "He has a drool-worthy abs. Ten over ten, babe!"

Xiao Hua's eyes sparkled when she heard it and the Eighth Prince secretly scolded her for being lustful for another man when she has a boyfriend.

"You saw his naked chest?"

"If I did, I will even draw it for you!" Heise watch as her eyes clouded, signs of daydreaming and he continue to scold her in his heart.

After a moment, her eyes cleared but it was no longer as bright as before. She let out a disappointed sigh. "What a pity."

The Eighth Price snorted. "You got a boyfriend so stop ogling other hot guys!"

"I only admire him, no need to be so defensive!"

"I'm saying that for your own good! If your boyfriend knows you have the hots for Duke Heng, he will lock you up in a tower!"

"Hey, that's a serious accusation! I'm just admiring a handsome man and have no intention to flirt with him! Don't pour dirty water on me!"

"Then why 'pity'?" Heise snapped fiercely. "If you are not sad that you no longer have a chance with Duke Heng, then what are you disappointed about?"

"Geez, what I meant is if he is not your uncle, I would have totally ships you and him!"

The door opened and the Third Prince's voice traveled into the room clearly. "I have to disappoint you, but Duke Heng is not interested in males."

The Third Prince stepped into the room before he turned his head to look at the man beside him inquiringly. "As far as I know."

Duke Heng laughed and fixed his gaze at the double frozen statues. "I prefer a sweet smelling and soft body than hard and stinky ones."

No need for the duo transmigrator to ask, they heard everything ahhhhhhh!!! Why is it that when they are doing something embarrassing, someone would catch them in the act?! ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)

Heise's eyes widen even further when he realized the implication of Duke Heng overheard his and Xiao Hua's conversation! Xiao Hua also realized it too after Heise did and her eyes crawled over to look at the smiling Third Prince that seems to have darkness surrounding his figure.

The thick-skinned Heise smiled brightly and trotted over to Duke Heng, calling out cutely, "Uncle~"

Duke Heng returned his nephew a charming smile filled with indulgence. "Oh, you still want to continue to play? Then I will play along too."

Heise: Da Fuck!!! (°ロ°) !

"You don't seem surprised," Heise asked warily. Should he not get angry and demand an explanation by now?

"I already know quite some time ago."

Heise: When?! (⊙_⊙)

"You known this for so long already but did not confront me about it?" Heise stared at Duke Heng in disbelief. He would have cursed like a sailor already if he was not conscious about the conduct of this time era and risk having a moral teacher sent over to teach him!

"I understand you have your reasons to continue lying and why the Third Prince would help to cover your lies, so there is never a need for me to question you."

"If you already know that, why do you keep on visiting me?" Do you know how tired I am to laugh and act like a fool?

Duke Heng's face formed into a pitiful expression. "Your uncle is lonely in his manor. Coming to visit you helps in easing that loneliness and bring more laughter in my stale life."

Heise: You are actually just treating me as your entertainment, I know it! 


Feeling wronged, he looked for Xiao Hua to help him throw in some words, but found that except for him and Duke Heng, no one else was in the room!

"Where did she go?!" Heise turned his head left and right but could not catch any sign of Xiao Hua!

"The Third Prince had brought her away," Duke Heng answered with a smile filled with meaning. "A man never likes it when his beauty breathes in another perfume other than his."