Vol 6 Chapter 185

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 185

The sun had just risen and in a certain room inside the 《Fruity Herb》pill shop, the abacus was working hard, tak-tak-tak without stopping. 

It was the owner of the shop seated in his comfortable chair, happily counting yesterday's sales, his speed when using the abacus could rival a modern calculator.  Usually, he would count it the night right after the shop closed, but the fortune star boy arrived yesterday to discuss the conditions of their partnership till late at night. 

That kid, Yao Bao, looked as if he had reached past fourteen with his small frame, but he was sharp and able to bargain for better conditions than the owner originally offered. But it was not a heartache to give that boy more benefits because his talent in pill refinement would bring in more profit to the shop!

Heavy, loud footsteps broke the shop owner's non-stop tak-tak-tak and his assistant hurriedly knocked on his door.

"What is it?" The shop owner frowned. The shop will not open until the next hour, so what would make his assistant broke the rule of running inside the shop?

《Fruity Herb》shop was known to cater to higher class customers. The owner emphasizes a lot on proper conduct and etiquette so that the customers would have no complaints. Even if he was a money-minded man, he was still willing to spend a lot of money to renovate the shop to look luxurious, and his decision had brought a sharp rise to the reputation of the shop.

"Owner Kang! Duke Heng requested to have a private talk!" The shop assistant immediately relayed the news anxiously after opening the door.

"Duke Heng? You are talking about the previous prime minister, that Duke Heng?" Owner Kang asked doubtfully.

Owner Kang had never interacted with Duke Heng before. Even if Duke Heng was a customer of 《Fruity Herb》 pill shop, the owner never personally greet a customer, maintaining his lofty reputation. His principle was first come first serve, as long as they have enough money to purchase the goods!

The only exception to it was the day the Emperor or Empress happened to visit his humble shop. How would he dare to be lofty before the rulers of the Kingdom!

"Yes! It's exactly that Duke Heng!" The assistant answered. He fidgeted as he glanced at Owner Kang anxiously. "Owner, I asked why the duke would want to meet you, but he told me to tell you to meet him right now!"

Owner Kang raised an eyebrow, displeased. "Right now? How arrogant!"

"Owner, will you meet him or do I need to call the guards to come quickly to chase him away?"

"Idiot! If we really chase him away, we will be at fault in everyone's eyes!" 

Everyone was respectful towards Duke Heng because he was the youngest prime minister of Guilin in history, contributed plenty to the country, and was the youngest to retire!

Not even the Emperor was able to stop him from retiring at a young age!

Many firmly believed that the young prime minister was saddened that the Emperor could not protect Imperial Concubine Heng, his younger sister, from the assassins and choose to retire. Who would still have the heart to protect the country when his only sister died and the only family left was the insane nephew?

"Alright. I will go and see what he wants!" Owner Kang placed all the money into a treasure box carefully before locked it. Making sure that the key was safely hidden in his pocket, he followed his assistant out.

He was confident about the quality of the goods his shop sells, so Duke Heng should not be here about it. 

The street was not busy so the carriage parked outside the shop did not block other people's path, but that did not stop people from gathering around to see what was going on.

Even the 《Fruity Herb》 workers were distracted from their duties, keep on glancing between the carriage and the direction of the owner's office. When they spot Owner Kang coming, they quickly moved out of the way before they got scolded.

The carriage's window was open but there was a thin curtain hanging inside, covering the person inside the carriage from being seen. A teenage boy with a grave expression that does not match his young face was standing outside the carriage. Upon seeing Owner Kang coming out, the boy informed the passenger inside in a soft whisper through the open window. 

Owner Kang smiled politely and cupped his fists at the direction of the window. "Duke Heng, greetings. I am the owner of this shop, Kang Ji Huan. Does Duke Heng wish to purchase some pills from my humble shop?"

There was no need to be overly respectful to a man that was no longer prime minister, but an ordinary duke. As the owner of a blooming business, Owner Kang has a high standing as well.

The boy walked towards the carriage entrance to open the door for Duke Heng to step out of the carriage.

Owner Kang was all smiles but his heart silently criticized Duke Heng for trying to make himself look good by fanning himself with a folding fan when the chilly morning fog had yet to disappear.

"I'm here to discuss business with you," Duke Heng answered bluntly. 

"Please, come in. We shall discuss this in a private room. Assistant Yen, prepare some tea for the guest." Owner Kang invited Duke Heng and the young boy into a luxurious room for special customers. 

Assistant Yen was quick and prepared the refreshment without them waiting long. He did not step out of the room, but stood behind Owner Kang with the intention to backup the owner if necessary. Since the other party only bring a person with him, it would not be improper for Owner Kang to have a man around him as well in this discussion.

Duke Heng did not even care about their actions, only the purpose he was here today. For the sake of being polite, he picked up the tea served to him and took a sip to wet his mouth before starting the discussion.

It was a good tea, but after drinking Xiao Hua's tea, none could be compared anymore.

"Owner Kang, I've heard you accepted a young boy yesterday to be your pill supplier?" Duke Heng asked, straight to the point. 

He would usually be more tactful and polite in dealings, but the land deed on his hand was a useful tool to finish this discussion without wasting more time than necessary.

Actually, Duke Heng was rushing because he wishes to be around the Second Prince's pawn shop that will have a good show to watch soon. Besides, he will also need to maintain peace if the situation went out of control.  

The other reason for his rushing was the letter he received from the Third Prince before he set out this morning. 

《If our great, intelligent Duke could identify the dragon's pearl and a little white flower inside the spider's web, you will earn yourself a day of unlimited tea, free of charge. Challenge your bravery and go to where the guardian of the white flower is, and sing what you see in detail.》

It was an offer that Duke Heng could not refuse! He feared that if he was late, he will have less free time to look for them!

On the other hand, Owner Kang was taken aback at Duke Heng's question. His eyebrows furrowed. "There is that matter, but what about it that caught Duke Heng's interest to personally ask me even before my shop opens?"

Duke Heng's lips curled. "Owner Kang needs to run the shop. The right time to discuss matters with you, would naturally need to be outside operating hours. Am I wrong?"

"No, Duke Heng's decision is right." Owner Kang could only agree when his words were not wrong.

Snapping his fan close, Duke Heng looked right into Owner Kang's eyes that was half hidden by his swollen single eyelids. "Owner Kang need to open your shop soon, so please excuse my bluntness for the sake of your time. I want you to refuse that boy as your pill supplier."

This time, Owner Kang does not bother hiding his displeasure. "Duke Heng's meaning is that the boy have problems, or Duke Heng does not wish for my shop to flourish?"

That boy, Yao Bao, had easily won the small contest the shop had held two days ago, even the previous first place in pill refinement, Miss Wan Ting, was defeated.  

Raising an eyebrow in surprise, the ex- prime minister questioned, "Owner Kang, you seem to have misjudged that a boy held the fate of your shop in his hands."

Owner Kang stilled when he finally realized what he just said. He quickly recovered with a small smile. "Duke Heng is joking, how could it be! But I could not deny that boy will help bring in more profit to my shop. For Duke Heng to ask me to refuse my cooperation with that boy without giving me a reason is hard for me to accept!"

"So Owner Kang would not let go of that boy?" Duke Heng rubbed his temple, as if he had a headache.

Owner Kang's smile became wider and his eyes expressed his pleasure. "Such a big fortune, I would be a fool not to take it!"

Duke Heng sighed. "Liu Bing."

The boy took out a sheet of paper, unfolded it and put it on the table, facing Owner Kang's direction. 

For the first time since many years, Owner Kang's eyes could be seen clearly without his swollen eyelids blocking it. "L-Land deed! How could it be? The land belongs to Madam Xia!"

Before coming, Duke Heng had investigated about Fruity Herb's owner and the original land deed owner. Madam Xia was an elderly with no children of her own, but her stepchildren were extremely filial to her. It could be said she has the most number of lands in Guilin Kingdom. 

Madam Xia had let Owner Kang rent this shop with low price because he was one of her step children's in-laws. How this land's deed could fall onto Third Prince's hands could only be the Empress' help. 

The two ladies grew to be good friends during the years after Concubine Heng had passed away. 

Naturally Duke Heng will not explain how he got his hands on this deed to Owner Kang. "As the new owner, I have the right to not accept you as the tenant or to charge a higher rental fee. It is really generous of Madam Xia to charge you with a lower rental compared to the shops in the same street."

How could Owner Kang not understand what Duke Heng was trying to say? He could move his shop to elsewhere, and it was not a problem even if the rental he need to pay will be higher. 

But what he could not agree was the amount he had spent to renovate this shop, as well as the golden location of this land!

The previously dark face was no longer in sight as Owner Kang was all smiles, extremely pleasant looking. "I've been slow to catch up! If it's the land owner's wish, I will immediately stop buying the boy's pills!"

That boy's talent was not enough for him to sacrifice this golden location!