Vol 6 Chapter 186

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 186

Before the sun could fully rises, the Peach Courtyard, especially Xiao Hua's room, was already lit with light and filled with activity.

Tian Zi and Tian Chi were tasked to transport the necessary things for Xiao Hua's disguise into the room. An Jing and An Wan will help Xiao Hua to wear them. Duan XiYing will be in charge of makeup. 

All this happened because last night, Xiao Hua had innocently answered that she was interested in how Duke Heng will roll up the Second Prince's pawn shop. 

With how quickly the Third Prince had prepared the necessary items for their disguise, it was obvious that he had intentionally trapped Xiao Hua into agreeing in the first place! No matter how rich he was, it was impossible to gather all things in less than half a day, and it was already late night then! She had wanted to ask more about it, but the Third Prince charmingly dodged it and sent her to sleep like a father!

Duan XiYing was the one that woke her up the next morning, but Xiao Hua does not stay confused for long because she had already expected to wake up early. The Third Prince had said the person they will use to bring the pawn shop down will arrive and leave during the early morning so if they do not want to miss the good show, they had to arrive early!

"Will I be dressed up as a man?" Xiao Hua asked, obediently standing still with arms raised at her sides like a scarecrow, letting them do whatever they want.

Fortunately they did not strip her own to her baby suit, leaving her with a thin white robe as the base. 

"Master have prepared an identity for Miss Bai. Miss just needs to follow the behaviour of this identity," An Jing replied.

An Jing and the rest might be acting the same way towards Xiao Hua, but she could feel a certain distance between them after they knew of her adoption. She knew she had to follow etiquette, but her heart slowly became heavier at each encounter.

Is this how a person feels when one gains power and lose genuine relationships?

"Sister An Jing, I know that right now I'm Doctor Bai's adopted daughter, but I don't want our relationship to change. Could you and everyone...continue calling me as your sister?" 

To Xiao Hua, they were just like her own sisters, her new family in this new world. They unselfishly helped her to gain her footing, without expecting anything in return. Even if they treated her well as a facade to maintain the peace in the Third Prince's manor, she was still touched by them. How could she remain indifferent from their kindness?

The two younger inner maids naturally wants to interact with Xiao Hua as they normally do, but it would also depend on how the elder sisters of the inner maids. An Jing's command was second to their master. 

That pair of peach shaped eyes filled with hope and sadness soften An Jing's face. She could ignore the meaningful glances from Tian Chi and Tian Zi, but not Xiao Hua, who had at an unknown moment, managed to capture a soft spot in her heart.

An Wan does not care about Xiao Hua's sudden rose in position because they were not that close to begin with. 

As for Duan XiYing, she never cared about status and continue calling her Xiao Hua in a sweet, sticky manner. 

With an endearing smile, An Jing said softly, "If Miss Bai does not mind us being impolite, we will be happy to call you as our sister."

As if their mouth finally unzipped, Tian Chi and Tian Zi sweetly called, "Sister Xiao Hua!"

Xiao Hua giggled, her joy could be seen clearly from her honest expression and the rise of her voice. "Sisters!"

Even if An Wan does not care originally, her face still soften from Xiao Hua's joyful relief. She lifted the first layer of robe and wear it on Xiao Hua to stop the sickening sweet atmosphere. 

Taking the cue, Tian Chi and Tian Zi passed the necessary cloth to An Jing and An Wan to put on Xiao Hua.

Although the clothes looked thin and light, they were actually heavy when Xiao Hua had to bear all the weight. Fortunately it was only four layers, but it was still more than what she usually wears. But she could not help but marvels at how exquisite they were. They might be plain with black and gold color with no pattern that could be visibly seen on it, but once you touch it with your hands, you can actually feel the patterns!

"The final layer will be put on after XiYing finish painting your face," An Jing said and proceed to fix her hair.

Xiao Hua: '...' There's one more?! Σ(°△°|||)︴

With five layers of cloth, sooner or later she will drown in her own sweat and the melted makeup on her face will turn her appearance into a monster!

"...Er, what happens if I sweat?" Xiao Hua could not resist asking for the sake of her heart's worries. "I will stink, the cloth will stick onto my skin, and the makeup on my face will be ruined. I would end up scaring everyone away."

The first person that lose the composure was Duan XiYing, followed by Tian Zi and Tian Chi. Their laughter soured Xiao Hua.

Picking up the final layer of Xiao Hua's attire, An Jing held it to Xiao Hua. "Once you touch this, you will understand."

The beautiful black robes with gold linings dazzled her for a moment before she stretched a hand to touch the silky smooth cloth, immediately finding it to be cold under her fingers. "This cloth is special?"

An Jing nodded. "The inner robes are made from normal cloth, but this one is specially made with cooling materials. With this, Sister Xiao Hua will not get heat stroke."

"The two of you, go and see if our master needs help." An Wan turned to Tian Chi and Tian Zi that have nothing left to do. An Wan will be holding onto the tray filled with hair accessories for An Jing to pick from, taking the other two's job. 

Tian Zi and Tian Chi's faces showed their reluctance to leave. "Sir Da Liu and Sir Lau Liu are enough to help Master."

Giving An Wan a suspicious and mischievous look, Tian Zi pointed out, "Usually it's Elder Sister An Wan that hogs all the task to dress master. I thought you would not be helping Sister Xiao Hua to dress up."

"Don't speak nonsense," An Wan hurriedly said, her eyes darted to Xiao Hua with worry. Fortunately, the simple minded girl did not even look at her, her expression remained the same.

But Xiao Hua had actually drank a sip of vinegar before dismissing the jealousy. Where in the TV dramas that the royalty would dress by themselves? To create a scene just because of something this small issue would be stupid. If she do not like it, then quickly marry the Third Prince and take over the task to help her husband dress!

Tian Zi decided not to push An Wan into hot water. "Tian Chi and I will attend to kitchen duties and prepare breakfast."

Once An Jing have half completed in setting Xiao Hua's hair, Duan XiYing starts to paint her face without the risk of her hair falling onto her face. Xiao Hua was seated on a chair between them, very curious in how she would end up looking when it was done. 

Her hair was the first to complete and not long after, her face was done painted. The final layer of her robe was put on when she stood up. 

Duan XiYing stared at her handiwork in satisfaction. "Xiao Hua is truly beautiful~"

Xiao Hua wanted to look at herself using the copper mirror, but An Jing gave her an even better mirror. Her eyes widened at how clear it was, just like the mirrors from her original world!

Without a second to waste, she turned the mirror up and down, right to left, until she caught the full version of her disguise. 

Unlike her expectation, the thick layers of robes does not make her look bulky. The heavy black attire would usually make one look gloomy with dark intention, but paired with her face, the outfit looked regal and subdued instead. 

Her hair was entwined with gold, complicated strings in the shape of rose and thorns. Her body stiffened at such a dangerous thing on her hair! Her straight bangs were swept to the side, showing more of her forehead as well as giving her a more mature look. 

But it was her face that attracted her eyes the most. Duan XiYing's skills was a par to the great makeup artists! Her eyebrows were neatly drawn and her innocent peach shaped eyes look larger. Her face was smoother and fair with rice powder and the red rouge helped in adding colors on her cheek, paired with the same shading on her lips. Duan XiYing had also drawn a small golden flower between her eyebrows. 

The frown on Xiao Hua face crumpled the golden flower. "Tell me, who am I supposed to disguise as?"

"A make believe character that's completely made up by master," An Wan answered.

"This … imaginary character, what's her personality?" Xiao Hua asked in dread. This mature attire and that innocent face does not match no matter how much she tried to imagine! She looked like a child trying her best to act like an adult!

An Wan could not answer it as she does not know, so she looked at the two seniors beside her.

"A gentle lady to a fault, prefers less colorful attire and a peace yearner," An Jing answered. That was the only personality she and the Third Prince could think of with last minute planning! They knew how honest and timid Xiao Hua was so they do not dare to assign difficult personality for the young girl.

Xiao Hua: '...' I look more like a mourning little wife instead!

The very doubtful and hard to swallow expression on Xiao Hua face had Duan XiYing pull out a small piece of transparent black cloth. She tied the cloth to hide Xiao Hua's lower face with the two strings tied to each other at the back of Xiao Hua's head to stop the veil from slipping.

"Now Xiao Hua will be harder to recognize~" Duan XiYing stepped back.

"Really?" Xiao Hua blinked when the veil was blown up, revealing her face when she speaks before falling back down to cover her face. "This veil is pretty thin." Xiao Hua tested out and again the veil blowing around from her words.

"... XiYing, it will look better if the veil covers the eyes instead, won't it?" An Jing subtly hinted.

Duan XiYing hums in agreement. "An Jing have good taste." With nimble fingers, she changed the veil to cover Xiao Hua's eyes. 

Luckily the veil was thin enough that she can still look thru it. As for everyone, they will only able to peer through the veil in a very close distance. 

Xiao Hua calmly lifted the mirror again and saw the innocent face was gone, replaced with a feeble looking person staring back at her. 

Xiao Hua: '...' This young lady want to lodge a complaint to the planning department! 

"XiYing, pass me the red rouge, please." Xiao Hua asked calmly, but her eyes were filled with fire!