Vol 6 Chapter 187

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 187

The morning fog and the sound of birds chirping as they flew around the lightening sky was a picture of peace. Today's breakfast focused on light taste to avoid any stomach complications for later.

Two males with similar movements seated under a small pavilion. The table has a large bowl of porridge with century eggs, with slices of seasoned gingers as the side dish.

The student and teacher leisurely eat their congee, treating it as a five-star dish with the way they eat! Foresee that Xiao Hua will take a long time to dress up, her breakfast portion was still in the kitchen to keep warm.

Doctor Bai was in his usual plain white attire, with gold linings in the shape of bamboo trees. He was planning to go and watch a good show as well. But he will not hang around with the young couple to avoid having their identity discovered. The young-looking doctor does not need to disguise himself, for he could hide his presence.

Long Zhu's disguise was simple, yet very different from his usual lofty and casual look. A dark red face mask covered the top of his face, only revealed his mouth and one part of his cheek. His slender neck was exposed to view as his hair was comb up and tied into a neat high ponytail. His attire was the same shade of black as Xiao Hua's disguise, with simple gold linings. There was a folding fan hanging at his side to complete his disguise.

Long Zhu could sense his little flower's presence as soon as she stepped into the clearing. Greatly anticipating how lovely she would look like, he quickly finished off his congee. With a sip of tea and a swipe across his mouth with a napkin, it was just in time before Xiao Hua came into view. The smile on his face froze and his phoenix shaped eyes contained a rare confusion.

The lady dressed in black walking towards him has Xiao Hua's figure. But the swaying hips and confident stride was completely different than Xiao Hua's usual way of walking. It was An Jing, An Wan and Duan XiYing following behind that lady acted as confirmation to her identity.

It was fortunate that the dress length was above her ankle or else her confident stride will end up in humiliation and pain.

The confident lady strode right up to Long Zhu, her bright red lips formed into a smile. He could not see her eyes thanks to the veil, but he could sense her displeasure.

"Xiao Hua?" Even if she was peering down at the seated him, he does not need to raise his head much to look up at her.

"Your Highness, can you tell me what role will you be playing with me?"

Her voice was the final confirmation of her identity. A bit uncomfortable with this different Xiao Hua, he answered, "I will be playing the role of your husband."

The red full lips curled into a seductive smile as it parted enticingly to ask a sinful question. "Will you be my husband that dislikes his dull wife or my loyal bodyguard with naughty hands that love to touch his miss?"

A hot-blooded man that was successfully seduced was not ashamed to change his mind in a heartbeat. "Bodyguard."

Her smile became even wider, easily tempting a man to commit a crime. Her slender fingers slowly and teasingly untied the folding fan hanging at his belt. "My handsome bodyguard, this fan, does it not suit me better?"

The sight of the great Third Prince swallowed from nervousness was extremely satisfying and exciting. Oh~ she was very pleased to see how affected he was towards her.

If she, a modern, adult person and an avid romance reader failed at seduction, she must pack her bags and return to her mountain top to cultivate more!

Only the experienced Doctor Bai was unfazed by his suddenly very mature and seductive daughter. In his experienced eyes, she was just acting tough before a little lamb willing to be eaten.

"You want to change your disguise?" Doctor Bai knew of his student's idea. It was a safe choice to let Xiao Hua take on a similar personality as her original. But what his student does not know was, a person always was a contradiction.

A person could be sweet and nice at one moment, before turning into a violent and savage person next.

As a person that was forced to act as different people with different personalities in different worlds, Doctor Bai was the most familiar with this concept.

Xiao Hua frowned. "I don't even know what my disguise is going to be other than what Sister An Jing told me. I look like a gloomy person with dark thoughts instead."

She did not notice the stiff Long Zhu, who tried to cover himself by drinking his tea. The black and gold attire was actually what he always wore in his first life, as a way to show off his masculinity.

Long Zhu: Is this what others always think of me? _:('ཀ'」 ∠):_

Xiao Hua sat down beside Long Zhu and placed one of her hands on his arm. Her courage shrank when she feel how tense he was, realized he was angry. "I apologize for changing the disguise without asking. I will not change it, but can you tell me more of our disguise?"

Long Zhu smiled and wanted to rub her head, but when he saw the thorny accessories on her hair, he changed his mind.

"Your new disguise is not bad. You can use it." That was his genuine answer, albeit some of it was directed by his seduced brain cells. "Our original disguise is a duke and duchess from the Xuanwu Kingdom. They are distantly related to the Xuanwu Emperor. Your name will be Shu Ern and mine will be Zhu Long."

Xiao Hua wondered what would the Emperor of Xuanwu would react if he finds out about their lies. What she does not know was the Third Prince never cared if he offended the Emperor or not. Their goodwill was built upon honesty and a good relationship with the vessel of the Black turtle.

"Then you can't be my bodyguard," Xiao Hua said. She was unclear why she would have a sense of disappointment. Even if she wanted to bully him a bit, being her husband would be better.

In contrast to her belief, Long Zhu was disappointed as well. "I can be your bodyguard. We can move around easier without having guards around us. I alone am strong enough to protect us both."

Doctor Bai calmly sipped his tea and silently mocked Long Zhu in his mind. You just want to be a naughty bodyguard with pervy hands. (¬‿¬ )

"I will be nearby as well to protect you," Doctor Bai promised his daughter. His gesture touched Xiao Hua's heart.

To get out of the palace without alerting everyone, they shared a carriage with Doctor Bai. Halfway through the journey, they switched to another carriage to go the pawnshop.

"We still have time before the spy will arrive," Long Zhu noted and turned to Xiao Hua that was seated opposite him. He smiled teasingly at her. "I did not know you would have that side of you."

The enticing red lips curled to a serene smile. "I just follow what I remember in the shows I've seen. A proud, confident woman that isn't afraid to get what she wants. Actually, I don't feel embarrassed, just... I feel nothing. I think it's because of this veil around my eyes. I feel like I can do anything and no one will know it's me."

The dim cover around her eyes was strangely comforting. Suddenly the dim comfort disappeared, with the veil lifted up by the Third Prince.

His smile was one of surety. "You are a proud and confident woman. With more effort, you can get what you want."

His fingers gently caress her temple, afraid to smear her powdered face. "If you can't, I will help you get it."

It took her more than a moment to recover from her shock and laughed loudly. "Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

His eyes were full of indulgence as he agreed. "Yes, my little flower will help me get what I want. I will give you my thanks in advance."

The carriage stopped a street before the pawnshop in an alley. Long Zhu carefully fixed her veil before helping her down the carriage like a proper bodyguard. He had acted perfectly like his disguise, even down to the naughty part.

The bright plump lips curled when she felt her palm being caressed once, twice and a final touch before the larger hand reluctantly let go.

Walking a foot behind her, with a sword hanging at the side of his belt, Long Zhu's current look was very much a reliable and strong bodyguard. His previous ponytail was switched to a long braid to match with his new disguise. Even the way he walked was full of vigor and charisma, earning a few looks from the ladies that they had passed by.

But it was not only him that gathered people's attention.

The lady he was guarding had half of her face hidden, but it was not enough to hide her beautiful face. Her stride was bold and confident, but the onlookers do not feel annoyed by it. But the most eye-catching was her plump red lips, expressing her emotions on behalf of her face. The lips would smile when she saw something she liked. It would curl downward when she saw something that was not to her taste.

Everyone wanted to know who they were, but the man with a dark red mask blocked them. He was very protective of his delicate yet prideful lady, emitting a threatening aura to chase the flies away.

But the males understood why the bodyguard would feel so protective towards his beautiful young miss. If they were in his shoes, they do not have the heart to allow any harm befell on this gorgeous creature!

"My lady, there is still time before the pawnshop opens. How about taking a rest at the opposite tea shop?" Long Zhu asked politely, but the possessiveness was thick in his eyes.

Xiao Hua was able to stop her mouth from twitching in time. It was not that she does not enjoy the attention he lavished on her, but too much of it and she might start to call him a pervert.

A soft laugh with a shade of wicked intent came from the seductive lips. "Good. My legs are getting tired."

The bodyguard grinned like a lecherous wolf, not at all deterred by the warning under her tone. "I will help my lady to rub them."

In a happy mood, the bodyguard followed his lady into the tea shop, leaving a line of hungry men trailing after them, not wanting to miss such a good show!

That lucky dog! (╬ Ò﹏Ó)

But to the group of men's disappointment, they had entered a private room, not giving them a free show.

Long Zhu feels his heart and hands itchy when he spotted the darker shade of blush taking over her face apart from the aid of the cosmetics. He admitted that his actions were a bit over the line, but he could not resist teasing her and see how far he could go.

Today's idea of disguise was actually his good intention in helping Xiao Hua to train in deception and acting, but it was not a bad thing to have fun with it.

Xiao Hua ignored Long Zhu and looked out of the window, which they had purposely chosen to spy on the pawnshop.

《A Pair of Genuine Eye》 pawnshop was not a small business, but it not overly large either. The shop was still not open, but the Eighth Prince had told her there was indeed Liu Chu Chu in male disguise, buying and selling information as long as she receives equal payment. This underground business was only done after the shop closed until the shop opens.

Xiao Hua could not remember much about the details so they had to ask Eighth Prince about it. Fortunately, that author was quite reliable, spewing out every information they needed. Afterward, the Third Prince informed Duke Heng the tidbits he had gotten from a 'reliable source', solidifying Duke Heng's plan.

For Duke Heng to plan everything in such a short amount of time, Xiao Hua would not be surprised if he looked haggard and thin!

When the waiter returned with the tea they ordered, Long Zhu stood especially close to Xiao Hua, his hands 'helpfully' massages her shoulder. Xiao Hua wanted to moan exaggeratedly to give Long Zhu a shock, but her eye caught a group of soldiers walking down the street.

At the same time, the pawn shop's door rattled, before it was removed from the frame, just as the massage stopped.

"Shall we go, My lady?"

Xiao Hua's hands trembled from nervousness, but now that things have come this far, she will see to the end of it. She took in a deep breathe and release it slowly, putting back her act in place.

Her slender fingers caressed the warm hands on her shoulders before dropping a soft kiss on it. She hides her grin when she feels the man behind her trembled.

"Protect me, my strong bodyguard?"
