Vol 7 Chapter 212 – Long Zhu wielding his bamboo stick

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 212 - Long Zhu wielding his bamboo stick

Long Shan's confidence dropped like a quicksand as the fight continues on. Originally, he was confident of his upper fourth rank cultivation and being the strongest among his peers. Not even the 20th Emperor of Guilin was his match. 

But the Third Prince's cultivation rank was even higher than theirs!

Long Shan could not accurately gauge his rank, but it was high enough that he does not need a lethal weapon to deal with them. In the Third Prince's hand was a long bamboo stick that fit well in his hands.

Much to Long Shan's humiliation, his skills in swords was like a child's play compared to Long Zhu wielding his bamboo stick! He does not need to get close to him to attack as his bamboo pole was long, but that was not the case for Long Shan with his sword!

He could not even get close to him!

For him to be defeated by a bamboo stick was a great humiliation! Yet when that stick was pointed at him, Long Shan always sensed danger from it, similar to how an expert master holding a sword with great intent. 

Liu Chu Chu controlled her Qi and formed water needles, sending them straight to the Third Prince. They were easily dodged and hit the wall with a small thud sounds, drilling holes into it. As the Third Prince dodged, he did not forget giving Long Shan a smack with his bamboo pole before switching targets.

The pain nearly had Long Shan loosen his grip on his sword. The ice formed around his sword cracked from the amount of force behind the bamboo stick. He gritted his teeth and withstand the pain on his arm to help out his wife that was overly pressured by the Third Prince. 

Long Shan knew that they were at a disadvantage when the Third Prince finally revealed his true strength that completely overwhelmed the golden couple. But he had yet to find a chance to escape with Liu Chu Chu. 

Among the couple, it was Liu Chu Chu that suffered the most injuries. No one knows if it was because Long Shan was two rank higher than her or if she was the easier target, but the Third Prince love to hit her at every weak point she revealed.

The fight had not gone long, but Liu Chu Chu's appearance was a mess as if she had travelled for days without baths. Her hair was soaked with sweat, sticking onto her skin. Her clothes were dishelieved from the barrage of attacks as she failed to counter most of it. Her makeup, especially her red lips, were smeared and mostly transferred to her sleeves, giving her the appearance of a clown. 

That was because Long Zhu would attack her face and she used her arms to block when she could not dodge. Once she used her arms to block, her arm would press onto her face when her arms could not withstand the blow. 

The bitterness inside Long Zhu's heart was satisfied seeing the originally charming looking beauty became a ugly mess. His naive self truly have bad eyesight. 

He was enraged when saw his Mother Empress weak in pain, in the arms of Xin Lin, that successfully escaped from the court hall. The other three maid servants were dead, leaving Xin Lin as the only survived inner maid of the Empress. The doctor diagnosed that the child inside her stomach might not survive. It was the philosophical shock and the agile movements the Empress had used to protect herself earlier that harmed the fetus.

Long Zhu wanted to just kill them all outright, regardless of the consequences, but An Jing quickly appeased him. 

If Long Zhu used his plants, he would unearth everything and collapsed the building and sealed the private prison, so that idea was out.

But they need to hold back their strength until the Emperor and Princess Long Lian were rescued. The private prison was located just under the court halls, so they must not collapse the above building no matter what.

Even if Long Zhu's cultivation was higher than Long Shan and Liu Chu Chu, it was still two skilled fighters versus one person. Liu Chu Chu's low cultivation rank could be made up with her mercenary skills she had learned in her previous life. 

That was why, even if Long Zhu wanted to kill them both, it was not as easy as he wanted.

Even more so when Long Shan would deal with Long Zhu to give Liu Chu Chu time to recover by drinking her spring water. She had recovered her strength and injury with it many times, annoying Long Zhu greatly. 

Long Zhu eyed the jade bracelet in Liu Chu Chu's meaningfully. He wondered if he can chop off her hand with his bamboo pole. 

It was as if God heard his wish. A spear swiftly aimed its sharp head at Liu Chu Chu's hand with the bracelet on. 

"It's done!" The Eighth Prince yelled as he attacked the resting Liu Chu Chu. His sudden attack stopped her from drinking the spring water, spilling to the floor wastefully.

Only Long Zhu understand Heise's words. Da Liu, Xiao Liu and Eunuch Heng had successfully rescued the prisoners. "Steer!" 

Even if they had not fought together before, their movement matched each other as they pushed the golden couple into the prison. When the golden couple realized what they were doing, it was too late. 

Liu Chu Chu have no way to suddenly shift her fighting method against the Eighth Prince's unknown fighting skill. It was bizarre and fierce, resembling a berserker that fight with fury and no theory! 

She was the first one to be tossed into a cell with Heise's spear, her torso ached greatly from the hit. By the time she could more or less ignore the pain to stand up and continue fighting, Heise and Long Zhu had already break past Long Shan's defense.

It was a sorry sight when Long Shan was hit across the face by Heise's metal pole horizontally and another hit on his stomach by Long Zhu. The two strong force successfully thrown him into the prison cell.

It was a coincidence that Long Shan was thrown at Liu Chu Chu's direction. As she was still in pain, her reflex slowed and got hit. Long Shan may be slim looking, but he have heavy body mass and his weight was not something Liu Chu Chu can withstand in her weakened state and fall back down again.

Once the golden couple was inside, Heise quickly slammed the metal door shut with a loud, "Ha Ha Ha!" 

During their baiting, the prisoners were escorted out quickly, taking the chance when Long Shan and Liu Chu Chu were distracted. With only one entrance, they could not secretly slip out the prisoners and bypass the golden couple standing before the entrance. 

"You!" Long Shan, trembling in fury, unleashed his cold Qi, and ice enveloped his surroundings. He had not used his ice Qi because Liu Chu Chu was beside him and her rank was still too low to withstand it. 

Right now, it does not matter anymore! 

Even if it would be dangerous for her, Liu Chu Chu also used her Qi to create more water to help Long Shan. Her current cultivation rank was still too early for her Qi to manifest element, and could only produce at most a cup of water, which she used to make water needles. However, her Qi was currently running low, and the amount of water she could make was lesser than that.

There was no fear towards the growing ice for Liu Chu Chu does not care for her life, too angry to be defeated in such a way. As long as she still can move, she will give her all!

"Woah! Third brother, quickly get away!" Heise jumped behind Long Zhu, away from the ice that was about to swallow the whole of the prison cell. 

Long Zhu spinned his bamboo pole and impaled it deep into the ground, breaking past the cement and bricks, touching the soil underneath. He used his bamboo stick as a conductor and send his Qi through it. 

The ice had not frozen the soil underneath, only the surface of above the ground. The ground shook, the sound of something big approaching from beneath.

Multiple bamboo poles cloned by the bamboo pole in Long Zhu's hand emerged out of the ground inside the cell, and they only stopped growing after they hit the ceiling with loud cracks. The ceiling shook and dust falls but fortunately it did not collapse down. 

Some of the green bamboo poles were stained with fresh blood.

"Ahhhhh!" The screaming belonged to the female and the male only hissed sharply. 

Heise gaped at the prison cell full of thick, green bamboos, covered the golden couple from sight. It was the suddenly strong smell of copper that let him know the bamboo poles had impaled them. 

"...Isn't this too much?" Heise finally asked after his throat worked again. Are the golden couple dead?

"You asked for restrictment and confinement." Long Zhu sounded as if he was asking 'what are you not satisfied with?'

Heise: '…' Fine, I won't complain since you did fulfill them all!