Vol 7 Chapter 213 – They are like cockroaches

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 213 - They are like cockroaches

Outside the palace, the Gu Dan clansmen had surrounded the palace. Laid on the ground were corpses of the imperial guards that were killed when they attempt to bypass Gu Dan troops. 

"King, we have it easy," One of the Gu Dan clansman said joyfully.  

There was a long chair with the King lying on it, his head propped up with a palm, enjoying chilled grapes. His face was painted with red makeup, looking like an enchanting seductress and wore matching red robes. 

He was Gu Wenjing, the young leader of Gu Dan, and a terrifying poison master. 

He did not reply, but his arrogant tilt of his chin spoke volumes. His fingers that was in the middle of raising a grape to his mouth stopped. His eyes that was previously closed finally opened, revealing his bright green eyes. It would be as beautiful as a priceless jade, if it was not filled with viciousness.

She's in danger!

"King?!" The clansman called his King that disappeared quickly into the palace.

"Attack!" A loud roar filled the entire area, before it was joined with a countless of holler. 

The Fourth Prince had brought along his own men to join General Tang and his group of soldiers. They decided to wait for an opportunity to attack after seeing the palace guards died when they tried to force in. When their King suddenly disappear, An Wan told him it was the right time. He did not question her and immediately ordered his troops to start the attack.

The Gu Dan clansmen were not headless when their King was not there to command them. They quickly counterattacked with poison, which the soldier blocked with face mask and shield.

It would not be effective, but it would at least buy them time until the end of the fight. They had decided to surrender their lives to either let God to bring them back to heaven or for the doctors to keep them on earth. 

The Third Prince had lent them Tian Zi and An Wan to help in killing as much Gu Dan people as they could in preparation of the battle that would most probably going to happen in the future. Tian Chi was also assigned to help out those with severe poisoning. 

They need to cripple Gu Dan's manpower as much as possible!

Heise stared at the bamboo forest and rubbed his smooth chin. "How do we get them out?"

"Let them stay in there longer." Long Zhu wanted them to suffer a bit more before ending their lives.

It would be even better if they died soon after.

Heise tsk-ed. "To think they are still alive after that. They are really a cheat like existence!" 

As cultivators, Heise and Long Zhu would naturally able to hear distant breathing and heartbeats. Not to mention, the whole prison was evacuated, leaving them the only people inside. 

"Cheat like?"

"Cockroaches. They are like cockroaches," Heise explained. "No matter how hard fate had smacked them around, they could still climb back up."

"How accurate." Long Zhu agreed. 

Heise bet that the involvement of Gu Dan was also Liu Chu Chu's compensation cheat when her buy one, free two supporting male leads were robbed away!

Could it be the new supporting male lead was the leader of Gu Dan?

Heise felt the back of his cloth was pulled and then he was off his feet, with his face covered with a cloth. With feet dangling, he was carried a distance away before his feet touched the ground again. He smelled something burning and pushed aside the cloth, which was actually Long Zhu's sleeves. 

"Burned!" Almost half of the bamboo forest were gone! 

"Melted," Long Zhu corrected with a frown as he stared at the quickly distingerating metal bars. 

"Acid?!" There was no fire could be seen but the bamboo poles did not stop rotting away. 

"Someone had taken Liu Chu Chu away." Long Zhu did not give chase, knowing that it would be futile. That man with his hair filled with small braids was likely to be the King of Gu Dan, who can only take the title after proven to be the strongest. If Long Zhu went after him, he might likely suffer more lost.

He shifted his eyes to the remaining heartbeat inside the bamboo forest, his eyes glinted darkly. At least this incident let him repay a part of the blood debt to Long Shan.

Before the acid gets to the part where Long Shan was, Long Zhu had someone dug him out. Long Shan managed to survive the impalement, for the bamboo poles had missed his important organs. 

Long Shan truly have the luck. 

The strategic part of Long Zhu knew that Long Shan still have information they need about Gu Dan's involvement, so he ordered a doctor to keep him alive. But when he saw Long Shan with all his limbs intact, he felt that it was unfair when an image of Xiao Hua with unfocused eyes flashed pass his mind. 

"Dig out his eyes."

"T-Third Prince?" The doctor mumbled in shock.

"Let me do it!" Yang Ling, who had unknowingly slipped into the palace and joined Long Zhu's troops, offered his service to dug out the eyes. Yang Ling have no hatred to the Second Prince, but after hearing the truth of his lineage, being blind was a small payback for what he tried to do. 

"You just need to keep him alive. Don't care about anything else," Yang Ling assured the doctor and approached Long Shan.

However, Da Liu stopped Yang Ling and say he would do it.

"Why? What's the difference between you or me anyway? It's just digging his eyes out!"

"I'm a master in this."

"... Shit, such a thing can be mastered?!"

However, before they could do anything to the Second Prince, a guard reported that Peach Courtyard, Doctor Bai's temporary residence, was under attack.

The one that attacked the Peach Courtyard was the escapee Liu Chu Chu and Gu Wenjing. He had ordered his troops to flee and planned to bring along Liu Chu Chu.

They could not use their previous path to escape since it was full of soldiers, so they had to find another way. It so happened that the only path to escape was Peach Courtyard, the place with the least guards.

During their escape, Liu Chu Chu keep drinking her spring water to recover and her heart ache from leaving Long Shan behind. Gu Wenjing said it was already tough to rescue her and he would not go back to rescue Long Shan.

In Gu Wenjing's heart, it was only better if Long Shan died so that Liu Chu Chu will be his.

As a poison master, he was sensitive to sensing living people and this courtyard only have five people in it. He decided to use this courtyard to let Liu Chu Chu close up the holes on her body before continue to make their escape. 

They jumped past the wall and into a clearing, encountered a group of people, which was precisely Xiao Hua & Co. 

"Liu Chu Chu, the Gu Dan's King and his bodyguards are here," Duan XiYing reported with a smile, but her eyes were already turned back into her snake form.

Xiao Hua was doubtful of the identity of the 'guests'. "... Aren't they supposed to be at another place? Why are they here?"

Xiao Hua: This place have no cheat like treasures for the heroine to unearth!

"To hide? Our courtyard have the least guard here," Duan XiYing guessed. She smiled at the uninvited guest with a predatory smile that showed her neat, white row of teeth.

Da Bei, right beside Xiao Hua, growled protectively and Da An pulled out his weapon from its sheath.

"You knew them?" Gu Wenjing asked Liu Chu Chu in his arms and took a step back as his guards stepped forward in a protective form. 

"That girl in the middle. She is the one that poisoned me!" Liu Chu Chu accused as she glared at Xiao Hua. 

The blind Xiao Hua tilted her head. "... Is she talking about me? When did I poison her?" 

Did someone drop their achievement on her head?

"She may be referring to the wonderful moment when she drank Xiao Hua's high quality tea," Duan XiYing reminded. 

"Oh." Xiao Hua nodded. Then her innocent face suddenly morphed into a disgusted expression. "Why isn't she dead then? A trash like this should be disposed quickly before it pollute the world even more."

Gu Wenjing found himself dazed at the speed of Xiao Hua's changing emotions. And such a dirty mouth at that. 

"You are a piece of trash!" Liu Chu Chu glared hatefully. Because of her poison, she suffered so much pain! "Wenjing, she cannot be left alive. She is the one that killed the Gu bugs!" 

Gu Wenjing had also heard about an unknown water that managed to kill Gu bugs. The neutral gaze turned frosty cold.

"Kill them!" Gu Wenjing ordered his guards. However, they dropped to the ground, dead, before they could even attack. Their necks were bleeding, with a palm sized ice rock stabbed in their necks. 

"With your capability?" An Jing stepped out from the building, her gaze cold as blizzard. In just one move, she managed to kill off all the guards.

"Snow wolf beast!" Gu Wenjing was able to identify An Jing's true identity and knew she would not be easy to handle. 

They need to escape.

But Liu Chu Chu was no longer rational from the great trashing she received from Long Zhu earlier. Even more so when she remembered how much suffering she had to endure after being burned by the poisonous tea! 

How much weight she had lost from not able to swallow food! 

How much pain she felt when she tried to speak!

How many sleepless nights passed when the pain keep her awake!

Every second of that hellish pain was her greatest nightmare! Even now it visited her in her dreams, hunting her endlessly!

She will make this b*tch pay!