Vol 7 Chapter 214 – Purposely made Liu Chu Chu angry

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
Warning: A bit of violence and gore!

XH 214 - Purposely made Liu Chu Chu angry

Liu Chu Chu slipped away from Gu Wenjing's arms and charged towards Xiao Hua. In her eyes, the younger girl's expression was full of mocking towards her.

The spring water had prioritized on healing her wounds first so her Qi had not recovered much, only allowing her to use water needles for one round. But it will be enough to deal with Xiao Hua!

As an experienced mercenary, Liu Chu Chu had correctly estimated Xiao Hua's cultivation rank to be slightly lower than hers. It was also a correct deduction that she would be easy to deal with since she was blind.

However, Liu Chu Chu could never estimate one thing.

When Xiao Hua's body was possessed by the unknown deity, it had boosted her body so that it could fight better against that Gu Dan man. The deity left without taking it away, so Xiao Hua could still use it.

It was also Liu Chu Chu's lack of awareness, quickly deemed the large bucket that was placed beside Xiao Hua to be unimportant. 

That large bucket filled with Xiao Hua's tea was to help Xiao Hua familiarize with her new found ability boost.

It could not be blamed on Xiao Hua when she sensed killing intent directed towards her and acted against it. All the while they exchanged words, her right hand was actually holding onto her whip, coated with her tea and Qi.

With a wave of Xiao Hua's whip, Liu Chu Chu received a powerful slash of Xiao Hua's whip and the Qi disappeared to let the tea enter the fresh wound. The whip left a long, deep cut across Liu Chu Chu's chest and face with fresh blood seeping out. 

As for why Liu Chu Chu failed to avoid the direct face to face attack? It could be blamed on her arrogance that a whip would not be able to harm her much!

Did she forget about the guards around Xiao Hua? Did she expect Gu Wenjing and his guards to deal with them?

Unfortunately, Gu Wenjing was occupied by An Jing, who never gave him the chance to slip past her guard, much less giving him a chance to aid Liu Chu Chu. 

The water needles that were about to form in Liu Chu Chu's hand disappeared as soon as she suffered Xiao Hua's attack.

There was not even a need for Duan XiYing and others to deal with the heroine.

"I hit her!" Xiao Hua cheered when she felt resistance from her whip and heard Liu Chu Chu's scream of pain. Her bitter heart feels refreshed for successfully avenged herself! 

"Congratulations!" Duan XiYing cheered. 

When Long Zhu and a group of guards reached the Peach Courtyard, they found Xiao Hua sitting on a chair, dazedly enjoying the breeze with Da Bei sleeping beside her feet.

Duan XiYing was cleaning the stained whip for Xiao Hua and Da An was the only one remained outright alert, looking around for more enemies. An Jing had gone back inside the building, back to whatever she was doing before the intruders appeared.

Xiao Hua's head turned when she heard a large amount of footsteps approaching. Her gray pupils did not move or display any emotion.

"The Third Prince has returned," Duan XiYing announced. 

"Third Prince!" Xiao Hua called out and got enveloped into a warm, protective hug. 

"Are you alright?"

Xiao Hua drilled into his arms like a cat seeking a place to hide and voiced out her complaints. "I'm scared. Liu Chu Chu suddenly appeared and wanted to kill me!"

Duan XiYing looked as if she agreed with Xiao Hua's words, except for Da An, whose mouth twitched unnoticed under his mask.

He wondered who was the person just now that purposely made Liu Chu Chu angry! And also, who was the one that acted in a play just to have a chance to deliver a great blow on Liu Chu Chu and sent them running away! 

It was a first for Da An to have a shred of pity for the enemy. 

However, Da An was relieved that Xiao Hua's actions had made the green eyed man with braids disregarded them for the injured Liu Chu Chu. He chose to leave instead of wasting time dealing with them. 

"Search around the place!" The Eighth Prince ordered. However, the guards eyed the Third Prince first for permission. 

The Eighth Prince lets out an angry huff at the guards' back. "I'm a prince!"

"They are His Highness the Third Prince's guards. It is only right for them to follow his command," Eunuch Heng said, trying to appease his angry little master. 

But he knew that it was also because his master was widely known to be an idiot. Even if the Eighth Prince had displayed his excellent skills when fighting against the enemies earlier, the old perception was hard to shake off.

Who would follow the order of a mentaly ill person? 

"They have escaped through the secret path," Da Liu reported solemnly. "Should we continue to chase?"

"No need. Have everyone stay alert for any green eyed people. Kill them on sight."

Xiao Hua, still wrapped inside Long Zhu's arms, tugged the front of his robe. "Third Prince, is everyone alright? Long Lian is inside the palace, right?"

"They are alive. The physicians are currently tending to their wounds." Long Zhu picked her up, letting her weight fall onto his arms and chest. 

He felt a flicker of worry when Xiao Hua just let herself be carried this way when she knew there were other people around. Normally, she would have fused with a blushing face to be let down before ending up letting him get his way.

After experiencing near death and losing her sight, Long Zhu already expected her to change, for the worst. He was relieved when Xiao Hua still remained positive, but this degree of acceptance was quite worrying. 

"Where are we going?" Xiao Hua asked when she felt Long Zhu walking. Da Bei followed behind them like a trained pet dog, his tail swinging left and right. 

"To the court hall. The enemies had retreated and there were more guards placed there." 

General Tang and the Fourth Prince had continued to chase after the fleeing Gu Dan. Yang Ling was forcefully dispatched there to help out, all the while complaining in wanting to go to Peach Courtyard to see what was going on. It was Advisor Yang that pulled his son by the ear and dragged him to help out. 

Advisor Yang had fortunately gone to the prison building to help out Minister Qin and missed today's court. He quickly went to the palace once the news of the palace under attack reached his ears.

As someone that had served the Emperor for many years and received trust in return, Advisor Yang knew quite a number of secret passages. He helped General Tang to make use of them to clean off the escaping Gu Dan. 

Long Zhu has long legs, and with his speed, they reached the court hall in a short time. With Xiao Hua's blindness, he does not need to deter his path to avoid corpses.

On the entrance, Long Zhu saw someone he had not expected to see. "Sir Sun?"

"Your Highness!" Eunuch Sun, the Empress' retired eunuch, called out in relief once he saw them. He was dressed in simple robes, looking like a gentlemanly elderly. 

"Sir Sun. It is a pleasant surprise to see you here. Are you here to visit Mother Empress?"

Before the Empress was discovered to be pregnant, she was worried about Eunuch Sun's health that was getting worse. So she forced him to retire with a large compensation so that he can live comfortably. Looking after his nephew was just an excuse to sound nice when he leaves.

Eunuch Sun sighed. "Today, this servant came back to visit Her Majesty with some delicacies she is fond of. Your Highness, is Her Majesty safe?"

"The doctor is doing their best to save the fetus." Eunuch Sun's face paled with worry. "Do not fear, the doctor may have succeeded now. Please follow us in to have a look at Mother Empress."

"This servant will trouble Your Highness." Eunuch Sun bowed and followed closely. 

They went to a side room where the Empress was in. Xin Lin, with an anxious face, greeted them upon their arrival.

"How is it?"

"Her Majesty's fetus is saved, but the doctor says to expect for an early labor." It was good news that the baby was saved, but early labor was not a good thing. Most children that were born early were usually not born healthy.  

"The child can be treated. The most important thing is to have Her Majesty safe," Eunuch Sun said, his eyes filled with relieved tears. 

"Her Majesty had fallen asleep," Xin Lin said. 

"Then we will not bother her rest."

Eunuch Sun bowed. "Please allow this servant to remain by Her Majesty's side."

Long Zhu nodded. "Mother Empress will be happy to see you when she wakes up."

The others left for the court hall and immediately heard sounds of screaming and yelling. Long Zhu frowned when there were no guards standing before the door. 

Once Da Liu pushed open the door, they saw the Emperor fiercely fighting with General Su. His yellow robes were heavy with blood. With a missing arm, General Su's fighting force was lowered, allowing the Emperor to deal even more injuries on him.

Concubine He was sprawled on the floor, her limbs at an odd angle. Her head was burst open with a palm print on top of her head. It was obvious she was dead.

"Your Highness! The Emperor woke up in anger and killed Concubine He!" Xiao Liu, who was left behind to watch over the prisoners, shivered in horror. 

He had watched the Emperor enclosed his large palm on Concubine He's head and then... splat! Her head was crushed like a watermelon! Xiao Liu does not even have time to stop the Emperor's savage move!

He does not even wish to stop the Emperor! QAQ

The General Su that had witnessed his one and only love died before him, went crazy. He fought like a wild beast but the Emperor was filled with anger as well, which showed on his battle crazy form.

"Seperate them." 

But before the guards could do as Long Zhu instructed, the Emperor had killed General Su.

The hall was dead silent when General Su's lifeless body dropped to the ground, his face remained distorted uglily in fury.