Vol 7 Chapter 215 – Long Zhu’s extra flesh

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 215 - Long Zhu's extra flesh

As his enemies finally died under his hands, the Emperor's anger was finally vented and his body could finally collapse in fatigue. All this while, he had used his anger to fuel his body to fight, not willing to let go until the hated couple died. 

Xiao Hua flinched in fear, not knowing what was going on when Long Zhu yelled for doctors to attend to the unconscious Emperor. The noise was too much and she could not make sense of most of it. 

Long Zhu tightened his grip around her trembling form, her face pressed tightly against his chest, listening to his beating heart. "Don't be afraid."

Worried for Xiao Hua, he decided to attend every matter with her remaining in his arms. He also did it for the purpose of using Xiao Hua to calm himself down, tying him down to reality instead of allowing the dark memories that today's accident had triggered, threatening to overwhelm him. 

His blatant disregard of his image by carrying Xiao Hua around had some officials felt offended, especially the Minister of Rites. They wanted to subtly hint to the prince to take care of his royal image. Carrying a female in his arms, even if she was to be his wife-to-be, was improper and frowned upon!

Their intention was seen through by the guards, and they made sure the busybody officials have no chance to approach the prince. With their muscular body, they acted as a wall and pasted an expression of fake innocence. They would act as the middlemen by having the officials to convey their business to them without directly speaking to the Third Prince.

The guards even dared to block the scary Minister of Rites!

The guards find the Third Prince's action to be kind, full of cherished feelings towards his wounded fiancee that needed his attention to healing her heart from her fear of unable to see anything in an unfamiliar situation. His fiancee was also understanding, not bothering the prince and remained silent in his arms like a doll, but contentedly enjoyed the safety in his arms.

Such a delicate and heartbreaking mood, it must not be broken by those insensitive old geezers!

As most of the Gu Dan people had managed to flee, Long Zhu called his fourth brother back to help out with the mess. Right now, he was the only one dealing with the consequences and the Eighth Prince was keeping an eye on the restrained angry troops under the Second Prince's command.

As if Long Zhu’s prayers to have someone help him out, a person with much higher cultivation than him was making his way to their location, his traveling speed could make one wrongly assume that person to be flying. 

"Long Zhu!" 

Long Zhu, who had prepared for the new arrival to be an enemy, relaxed when it was the 19th Emperor, who had been absent from the palace to talk to Azure Dragon. 

The 19th Emperor, with a thunderous expression, marched towards his grandson with the composure of an Emperor. Eunuch Lau Liu followed behind him silently. 

"Grandfather, you've returned safely."

"The Azure Dragon said its next vessel is dead. Is Long Qian…"

"Dead." Long Zhu confirmed, his heart clenched in pain. He had yet to have a chance to mourn for his elder brother's death. This was the second time he experienced his eldest brother's death. 

"Who did it?" Even if the 19th Emperor was not quite happy to have Long Qian be the next Emperor, he was still his grandson!

"Eldest brother went insane and attacked Mother Empress. Father Emperor had no choice but to stop him in a much permanent manner."

The 19th Emperor took a step back in shock. Eunuch Lau Liu quickly reached out to stabilize him. "He killed his own son?!"

Although Long Zhu does not agree with what his father did, he could not justifiable blame him when he was not there to witness what happened. The current Emperor, the Empress, and Long Lian were either unconscious from their serious injuries or asleep, not in the state to answer any questions. 

"This grandson heard that the eldest brother acted as if being possessed by a demon, disregarded anything with the only aim to take Mother Empress' life. Father Emperor might have no choice but to… kill him."

"Hah!" The 19th Emperor sneered. "He dared to not save his brother before his eyes, what's more about his own son?"

"Please, Imperial grandfather."

The 19th Emperor also knew it was not proper to badmouth one's father before him, so he let go of it for now and investigated the truth later. "Tell me the important parts."

Long Zhu was relieved to have his paternal grandfather come back in time to help out and summarized the entire event. The 19th Emperor was quick to catch up. 

"Hmph! To wear a green hat and take care of another's son like his own flesh and blood, how foolish!" 

Everyone in the room dared not to look at their direction, pretended to be deaf and mute. Not even the courageous Minister of Rites dared to approach them. He pretended to be busy and fled the place. 

"Grandfather, this grandson will have to trouble you to take charge."

The 19th Emperor did not immediately accept. "This is a good chance for you to show your capabilities."

If Long Zhu showed his intelligence and solved this problem, many would not protest if he became the next Crown Prince. 

"I have no interest in the throne. Fourth brother should arrive soon and help grandfather. I have something else I need to do."

Not interested in the throne? Fourth grandson to help him? "Long Zhu-"

"Ah, I will have Eighth brother to help you out too, grandfather. It would be good for him to sharpen his mind instead of relying on his brute strength for everything."

"... What can my eighth grandson help me with?" the 19th Emperor sighed helplessly. "Where is the prime minister?" 

"No one knows where he’s at."

"What? How can the prime minister disappear!" The 19th Emperor roared, his headache appearing.

Long Zhu could not answer when he does not know as well. As soon as the rebels were captured, he had sent a messenger to get the prime minister to enter the palace, but Xiao Liu said the prime minister was not in his residence and none of his servants knew where he went. 

"Where is Duke Heng?" Since the current prime minister was nowhere to be found, then the previous prime minister will help!  

"I've sent someone to call him back. It will take a few days for him to arrive. I will have to trouble grandfather to work hard until then." 

Without waiting to hear his grandfather protest, Long Zhu walked away with his secret guards, showing his refusal to act as the next Emperor’s candidate to deal with the Kingdom's affairs. 

"Even if the young prince has the capability to be a good ruler, his heart is not in it," Eunuch Lau Liu commented.

The 19th Emperor glared at his eunuch that had followed him since young. "I've sent you to stay by his side to change his mind. How will you explain yourself?"

Eunuch Lau Liu laughed. "This servant is helpless, unable to change the Third Prince's mind."

"Nevermind. There is still time to change his mind." The 19th Emperor changed the topic. "Lau Liu, why do I feel as if Long Zhu looked different than before? Aish, did he get fatter?"

"Your Majesty, the extra flesh you have seen is actually Miss Bai Hua."

"... Huh?"

Long Zhu stepped out of the hall and headed towards the storage room which was now a temporary prison cell. 

"Where are we going?"

With a fierce flinch, he abruptly halted. Xiao Hua’s head was still lying on his chest so she could hear his heart beating faster than before.

Letting out an amused snicker, Xiao Hua asked, "You forgot about me?"

Long Zhu had indeed forgotten about her, completely treating her just like an extra flesh in his body. He had carried her around for four hours and she stayed still in his arms just as long. As they were both cultivators, carrying her weight and staying still in the same pose was not difficult. 

He pressed a long kiss on top of her head and mumbled, "It is not my intention to forget you."

Xiao Hua laughed, not angry at being forgotten. "I know. But I need to use the toilet first."

Duan XiYing had fed her bowl after bowl of nutritious medicine earlier and her bladder was about to burst. She also had gulped down water to avoid her body gets heaty from too much nutrient and fall sick. 

"XiYing," Long Zhu called her over. "Bring Xiao Hua there. After that, find a secure room to let her rest. It's about time for an evening meal."

Xiao Hua let herself transferred into Duan XiYing's arms and Da Bei followed along too. "Third Prince?"

"The place where I'm about to go is not a place I want you to see… to hear." Long Zhu swiftly corrected himself.

"Are you going to interrogate the prisoners?"


"You can let the expert do it. Don't harm yourself."

Long Zhu laughed and rubbed Xiao Hua's cheeks that were turning cold from the late afternoon's wind. "I know."

He will let the guards deal with the other prisoners, except for Long Shan.