Vol 7 Chapter 216 – I don’t want to see another brother of mine to die

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 216 - I don't want to see another brother of mine to die

Two days have passed since Long Shan’s attempt to take over the throne by force. The Empress stayed in bed to recover, leaving everything in her sons' hands to deal with. Long Lian's damaged nerves could only wait for Doctor Bai's aid when he returned. Long Zhu can only ease her pain and reduce her muscle inflammations. 

"Where did Bai Chuan go?" The 19th Emperor asked his favorite grandson, who he had finally able to rope him to help out in sorting the documents. 

Long Zhu took this chance to secretly pull out the roots that took part with Long Shan's rebellion party. The 19th Emperor knew what his grandson was doing, but he closed his eyes and pretended to know nothing. 

Even if Long Yuen felt that ordering all the He and Su family members to be killed was too excessive, it was something that previous dictators had done to clean out the rotten roots. The dead bodies were burned this morning, polluting the air with smoke and the smell of burned flesh. The protest of their death was silenced after the palace revealed they had worked with the enemies to harm the royal family and attempted to steal the throne.

Long Zhu had also released the news of Long Shan that has no blood relation to the royal family, adding another heavy crime on the He and Su family for lying to the Emperor and pretended to be royalty. Any thoughts of saving the 20th Emperor's face for wearing a green hat were not considered when Long Zhu aimed to crush Long Shan's reputation completely.

"Those imperial physicians could not discover much from Long Qian's body," The 19th Emperor sighed tiredly.

The deceased Crown Prince, Long Qian, was sent to have his body checked to discover what happened to him that caused him to suddenly go insane. The doctors found that his blood vessel exploded from a strong reaction towards something they had yet to find out. It also brings hallucinations, which explained why he had viewed the Empress as a monster. It was also diagnosed that he had suffered those injuries before his death and even if the 20th Emperor did not kill him, he could not be cured as his mind was already insane with a body that was damaged severely. 

Doctor Bai might be the only one able to discover what really happened to Long Qian.

"Teacher went to the South Guilin Village to pick up something."

The 19th Emperor's hand that was writing stilled. "Do you mean, that ginseng?"

"As far as I know, that is the only valuable thing that the Teacher had left there."

The 19th Emperor's expression changed a few times before it calmed down. That thousand year old ginseng was Bai Chuan's most precious item, treating it just like his own flesh and blood. For him to still hold a grudge on Duan XiYing for more than ten years just for her single, failed attempt to steal it, it spoke just how important the ginseng was to him.

"We may not know how or what, but Duke Heng informed me who caused it." Long Zhu had received Duke Heng's letter, and inside it was written the prisoner's confession. Liu Chu Chu planned to drug the Crown Prince and borrowed his hand to kill the Empress. 

"Don't we all know it’s that ingrate?" Long Yuen scoffed.

"It's actually Liu Chu Chu's plan. This plan is likely aimed to pull off the eldest brother and mother Empress at the same time."

"How wicked. What are your plans for that ingrate?"

"Pry out everything he knows before disposing of him."

The 19th Emperor had no objection towards Long Zhu's decision. The 20th Emperor was still unconscious, mostly due to his injuries and mental trauma of being betrayed. The doctors could not answer when he will wake up, as it can only depend on how strong his will to live. 

The world is fair. Those that sinned will receive their karma one day. 

"Long Lian will not let you kill that ingrate off."

Since the moment Long Lian found out that Long Shan was kept in a separate cell, tortured endlessly by her third brother, she tried to stop the torture.

She understands the need to know more information from Long Shan, but she fiercely protested against killing him off after he was no longer useful. Her pleading eyes filled with tears was the main reason why he allowed his grandfather to force him here, helping out with the kingdom’s affairs instead of torturing Long Shan.

It was also because his heart does not feel the satisfaction of seeing Long Shan in his worst state. He always thought revenge would get rid of the consistent pain in his heart, but why does he feel empty? 

Since he restarted his life for the second time, Long Zhu never thought of what happened after his death in his first life. He was forced to eat the poisoned rice and died before he could know if his plan to rescue Long Lian out of the Kingdom succeeded or not. He feared to think about what would happen if his remaining loyal men failed to rescue Long Lian out. 

"Long Lian is too soft-hearted." The Long Lian in his first life was tougher and more resilient, but she still cried silently, not speaking out her grievance, but her eyes spoke for her. Long Zhu had not asked the reason for her tears and just assumed she felt despair having their family ruined by their father's mistake.

But after seeing Long Lian pleaded for Long Shan's life despite knowing the truth, he started to think that Long Lian in his first life was actually mourning for the loss of their happiness and past. It was heart-wrenching for her to experience a happy family that turned out to be a lie. 

"You are too cruel, third brother!"

"Don't you think he suffered enough? His parents died and his wife disappeared."

"He has nothing left."

"He is still my brother, even if we are not related by blood."

"... He saved me. He stopped Liu Chu Chu from killing me. He also sent a doctor to heal me."

"Please...I don't want to see another brother of mine to die."

"Soft-hearted is better than being a cruel-hearted person," the 19th Emperor said. To say this, was it not just to speak in defense for Long Lian?

"If she continues to be that way, her marriage to Tian Liang will have to be postponed until she learns to protect herself."

"Tian Liang? Isn't that the rigorous King of Munzhu? When did the talk of marriage happen?" The 19th Emperor only knew that the young children were getting to know each other, not till the stage that mentioned marriage.

"Not yet. But Tian Liang intends to do so soon." Since Tian Liang was not a bad person and sincerely treated his sister well, Long Zhu would help them by speaking up on their behalf. 

However, Long Lian would be moving to Munzhu, a country without family and familiarity. If she does not harden her heart, he feared she would suffer, especially when Tian Liang would not have time to stay beside her all the time. There was also a problem with Tian Liang’s childhood sweetheart that became his concubine. He may have no feeling for his concubine, only marrying her just to keep her safe, but that was not the case for her. 

The 19th Emperor nodded. "He's not bad, but still lacking when it comes to court topics. He's one to use fear and threats to control his ministers." Even though Long Yuen was no longer involved with the kingdom's affair, he was not ignorant.

"Then we will count on grandfather when Father Emperor rejected Tian Liang's offer of marriage."

"Hmph! He should be the last in the family to decide about marriage with those small eyes of his!"

"...Xiao Hua."

The porcelain spoon in her hand knocked on the bowl filled with bird nest soup, producing a loud clanking noise that hurted one's ear. 

"Who?" Xiao Hua raised her head and let go of the spoon. She had not realized someone had entered the room and Duan XiYing had not told her anything. 

This time, her ears hear the sound of a chair moving beside her and someone sat on it. "It's me, Ah Lian."

"Long Lian?" Xiao Hua released her breath and laughed, patting her chest. "You frighten me!"

"I apologize. I… I'm too used to making less noise when I move." Long Lian took in the girl before her with a concerned gaze.

Xiao Hua looked as cheerful as she always did, unconcerned with her lack of sight. Long Lian could see she was training to eat by herself without help and judging by her movement just now, she had improved greatly. 

"You should let the servant feed you. There's no need to trouble yourself."

Xiao Hua shakes her head with a laugh. "How can I do that? I can't always depend on others for these little things."

"Servants are hired to help their master."

Xiao Hua smiled and changed the subject. "I heard your nerves are hurt badly. Are you alright? Should you not be resting?"

"I'm feeling much better now, so I came to visit you." Long Lian's voice was energetic, far in contrast with her exhausted appearance. Her remaining baby fats had disappeared after experiencing the previous harsh days.  

"Thank you for visiting! I miss you, Long Lian."

Xiao Hua's sweet voice and sincere words made Long Lian feel heartache from guilt. 

"Xiao Hua… I-." Long Lian choked as her eyes teared up without her permission. 

"Long Lian?" Xiao Hua was alarmed when she heard Long Lian's voice broke apart and sounded suspiciously like crying. 

"Please help me."