Vol 7 Chapter 218 – You created my ideal man?

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 218 - You created my ideal man?

As Long Shan was restrained to the wall with special chains that restricted his Qi, Long Lian and Duan XiYing agreed to wait outside.

This was due to Xiao Hua wishes to speak to the hero privately. With Da Bei beside her, of course. He was like a loyal dog that would never part from his mistress’ side, and the chilly soft fur pressing onto her legs provided comfort to Xiao Hua. 

When they were finally alone, no one spoke, not even Xiao Hua that requested to speak with the Second Prince. She had gone to see him on the whim thanks to the voice in her head and had no idea what to do next. 

Da Bei suddenly growled and she felt something like a thin curtain went past her. "What..." She choked in disbelief when colorful bright light filled her previously dark vision. She saw colors instead of the darkness she was learning to familiarize with day by day. 

《You do not need eyes to see in my space》

Xiao Hua's mouth dropped open when the voice that had protected her from the green-eyed man and the one that told her to speak to the hero… was the hero himself!


《I am the World Spirit. This body is my vessel》

"Oh, you borrowed his body?" Xiao Hua sighed in relief. 

Now that she had the chance to look around her surroundings, they were inside a large bubble made of rainbow colors, only that they were of gentler shade that would not treat eyes harshly. Long Shan was chained to the wall, his eyes filled with strange light, where the vast knowledge of the world was swimming in them. 

This pair of eyes would drive one crazy from the overbrim knowledge contained in them if one stared at them for a minute longer.

《I created this body》

Xiao Hua: '...' What? Please repeat it again? (・・ ) ?

"...Right, you created everyone in this world! You are the World Spirit after all!" Xiao Hua nodded understandingly, pushing the wrong kind of thoughts away from her mind. 

《I don't have the power to create life.》

"... Oh." So her dangerous thought was right? The hero was not a human but a human shaped puppet made by the World Spirit? For what reason was this human puppet made?

《Every World Spirit has a long lifespan. It's normal for us to create a vessel and experience life through them.》

"... Do you get to choose what kind of life you get to experience?" Xiao Hua asked with an expression of a person anticipating a train wreck.

'Long Shan' nodded. 《In this round, I wish to experience the life of a prince with a transmigrated wife.》

Xiao Hua's mouth twitched. Other than that, there was no other gesture that indicated what she really felt. "In other words, you are the one that transmigrated Liu Chu Chu to this world to be your bride?"

《My vessel's bride.》 The World Spirit corrected. 《She is supposed to be a clever and supportive wife, loyal to her husband and talented in cultivation. Her performance so far had disappoints me greatly.》

The World Spirit had heard about the tales of transmigrated wives from other World Spirits. After hearing about their bragging, it wanted to experience it too. As the transmigrated wives shared some similar traits, it managed to pick Liu Chu Chu that possessed those traits and pulled her into its world before she took her last breath. 

But when it saw how the world has gone astray from her actions, even if she had not done them on purpose, it started to regret choosing her. Not even the golden cheat it had given to her was used properly to support its vessel, but became the key to bring forth great disaster!

The greedy Liu Chu Chu drank the blood of phoenix that was known for longevity, and indirectly also healing the demon inside the jade bracelet! When the demon regained her full strength, she forcefully took over Liu Chu Chu's body and ran to the gates that sealed the path between the human and demon realm. It's lovesick vessel quickly chased after her but failed to stop her from opening the gates and allowed the demons to enter the human world. 

Not only that, but the transmigrated wife was also not as compassionate or merciful as her predecessors. She cold-heartedly poisoned the entire Guilin's royal family to death, even after the World Spirit dropped a hint of the importance of the Long's blood. Because of that, the Guilin Kingdom was the first to meet their demise once the demons invaded the Four Kingdoms!

Before the world met its end, the World Spirit quickly turned the time back and placed its hope on the four celestial beasts' chosen vassals. But the transmigrated wife ruined everything again when she once again killed all the royal family for the second time!

Xiao Hua could no longer maintain her small polite smile, letting it crumble away like the quicksand. "If she disappointed you, why don't you send her back home and find a better wife for yourself?"

《I need to win.》

Xiao Hua: '...' What do you plan on winning? A 'Yangire' wife? Please place more priority on your world! ((╬◣﹏◢))

(A/N: Google has refreshed my 3 world views again.)

The 'win' he spoke of was actually a bet it had with the other World Spirits, which it does not want to reveal to her. The others had known about Liu Chu Chu's mistakes as the incident nearly killed it. It was not something that can be hidden. The others laughed at its misfortune but would not just sit by and let their sibling meet its end.

Since they could not remove the transmigrated wife, as the world had given her too much privilege that served as a protection against them, they decided to add in new variables just to handle the cheating bug. 

Doctor Bai, Heise and Le XiaoTing were the bets they placed. 

Doctor Bai was chosen by the World Spirit itself since it heard players like him were good at fixing problems. 

On the other hand, Heise and Le XiaoTing were chosen by other World Spirits. 

Even if their lifespan had rightfully ended, they had taken them away from the cycle of reincarnation, away from their world. But they agreed to compensate them by giving them a gold grade life for their next reincarnation. 

《Previously, only that demon, with a great sin already marked on her soul, could kill Liu Chu Chu without upsetting the balance of the world. I have removed that privilege.》

Now everyone can kill her without suffering a great punishment. But to commit murder was still considered as a great sin.

None other 'insiders' were allowed to kill Liu Chu Chu or they would suffer great karma of a murderer that would last for a few incarnations. Doctor Bai, Le XiaoTing and Heise were inside the 'insiders' body that were restricted as well, so they were not allowed to kill the heroine as well. 

Unless they have a strong sense of justice and willing to sacrifice their soul just to kill Liu Chu Chu.

"Why did you give her that kind of privilege?"

《As my vessel's wife, she must not die so easily.》

"Ah, a husband would do anything for his wife." Xiao Hua nodded understandingly, but the World Spirit felt as if it was being mocked instead. 

《It is small compensation for taking her away from her world.》

"How about Heise and me? Why did we get transmigrated too?"

《You and the other one are here to prevent disasters, just like the player had explained.》

"Third Prince's death and the demon invasion. Heise could fight, but I'm average at best. Won't you choose someone better?"

《Under countless of consideration and prediction, both of you are the best candidate.》

Heise may be a lovesick fool, but he has the capability to rule. Le XiaoTing may be talentless, but she genuinely wishes to help Long Zhu without backing away when the opportunity to escape arises. They have the qualification or else they would not be chosen. However, it will be another story if they were able to prevent those disasters. 

Xiao Hua stared at the World Spirit doubtfully. "If you are certain."

Again, the World Spirit did not reveal the truth completely, letting Xiao Hua think of the explanation by herself. 

The reason Heise got chosen was actually because of the novel he had written. His plot had attracted the World Spirit's attention among other authors with similar works and it used Heise's novel as a guideline to map out its vessel's life. For the novel's characters having the same name, it was easy for the World Spirit to change their names. 

As for LeXiaoTing, it just so happened that she died at the same moment as Heise, a reader that has a slight pity for the Third Prince. It was also a fortunate coincidence that her crush had the same face as the Third Prince.  

"Then what's our compensation?" Xiao Hua demanded with narrowed eyes. "You have taken us away from our lives and our world. Our compensation should be more than Liu Chu Chu's, don't you agree, World Spirit?"

What was the use to argue if the World Spirit has their permission to bring them here? It was too late to argue about it! The only thing important now was the compensation!

C.O.M.P.E.N.S.A.T.I.O.N. Q('⌒´Q)

《There will be compensation given. Both of you will have a high-grade life for your next reincarnation, free of poverty and misfortune, with the great blessing from Goddess of Luck.》

"That sounds great, but how will we know if we will have that promised life after drinking Meng Po's soup? Shouldn't the compensation be given in our current life?"

《You and the other soul's are fated to die at that day.》 

A large hologram picture appeared between them, showing Le XiaoTing's unresponsive body lying on a hospital bed, in a very badly burned state. The picture gave Xiao Hua a great chill to see her own body become that way. The picture quickly changed to show the aftermath of a car accident involving a truck and a sports car. The driver of the sports car was slowly being pulled out by the paramedics arrived by the ambulance, his body badly injured. 

《Both of you are already dead. That's why your soul could leave your bodies and I can bring both of you here. Your current state is not a new reincarnation, but a borrowed life. The compensation should be given to the next life to be fair on both of your behalfs. As for your 'cheat' that could rival the transmigrated wife's, I have bestowed them already.》

"...My cheat is my tea brewing?"

《Incorrect. It's your future husband.》

"... Are you saying the Third Prince is my cheat?!"

《You did not realize it? He has the face you like, the personality that matched your ideal husband and the wealth to provide you a lavish life. His strength is also enough to protect you from most threats to your life. Isn't that a cheat?》

Patting her chest, Xiao Hua resisted the urge to vomit blood. "You created my ideal man?!"

《I can't create life or manipulate their behavior. I merely placed you close to him. Whether you are able to attract him to you are determined by your ability.》 

The World Spirit had thought carefully about what kind of cheat to be given to them after the bad experience with the transmigrated wife. Their cheats would benefit them if they work hard with good intentions. 

Its answer loosen the new knot formed a second ago in Xiao Hua's heart.