Vol 7 Chapter 219 – Can you give me extra skill?

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 219 - Can you give me extra skill?

"What is Heise's cheat?" Xiao Hua asked as an attempt to divert the attention from her blushing face.

《His body.》

"The body of the Eighth Prince is his cheat?" Xiao Hua scratched her head. "How is that a cheat?"

《Discover it yourself.》

"Eh~ So stingy."

The World Spirit could feel its vessel's head throbbed in pain from Xiao Hua's persistent questions and demands. If it was not because she was needed for the sake of this world's future, it would not have tolerated her till this far.

Xiao Hua knew it as well, or else how would she dare to act in such a way?

《I need you to prevent my vessel from dying.》That was the main topic of the conversation today.

"I can't decide that." Xiao Hua shakes her head. "The Third Prince wants you dead very much. You can make another new vessel once this one dies."

Of course the World Spirit was not willing to let go of its vessel. 《Feed my vessel your tea and he will be free of any influence from the transmigrated bride.》

"... You want him to die for freedom?" Such strong pride! To rather die by his own method and on his own time instead of other people's decision!


Xiao Hua pointed to her eyes. "If he drinks my tea, he would most likely get burned, just like how my eyes ended up. It is highly unlikely he had not drank your bride's spring water before."

《Not a problem. This body is made by my own energy. Drinking the same source of energy is healing him.》

"Same source? Then why did I get burnt? Your wife got burnt too!" Xiao Hua had assumed the World Spirit meant that everything in this world was made by the same source of energy, which was not the case.

《Your tea and my vessel are made by me. The transmigrated bride's extra cheat is given by this world. I am a spirit and this world is my body. My body is created by the God of Creation and I am the sentient of this world. In other words, the transmigrated bride's extra cheat was given by the God of Creation indirectly.》

Xiao Hua does not get what it meant. Isn't the body and soul made by the same being, the Great God of creation?

Among the pile of information, she picked the one she could understand. "My tea cheat is actually given by you and not the Third Prince? Or you had power up the Third Prince and then he power up me?"

《I have nothing to do with Long Zhu's power. It is all Azure Dragon's doing. Your power is given by me.》

"Why do you give me power? Did you give Heise any too?"

《He don't get any.》

Xiao Hua: '...' Should I be flattered?

Before she has the time to feel flattered, the World Spirit throws out a sentence filled with knives, attacking her sore spot.

《You are too weak, hence I bestowed a small skill for you to protect your life.》 Le XiaoTing was so ordinary and weak that it felt worried for this small soul.

In the beginning, the World Spirit was not impressed with her and immediately deemed her to be useless. At least Heise was useful with his vast skill of weaponry, even if his acting skills needed to be brushed up.

So the World Spirit decided to be merciful and gave her a weak skill to prevent her from dying so quickly. But after seeing how she interacted with others day by day, it had, a very tiny bit, charmed by her simple personality.

Since she was silly but a good girl, the World Spirit generously boosted her skill.

Xiao Hua swallowed her indignation since the World Spirit did give her an extra cheat that had helped her. "Thank you. Um, can you give me extra skill?"


"I can give you back after Liu Chu Chu died and the demon stopped!"


"Don't you think I'm weak? I'm blind now, so I'm even weaker!"

《... Don't let my vessel die or you will regret it.》

The World Spirit ignored her shameless demand and tossed them back to reality. Xiao Hua became blind again, Long Shan in control of his body again, and Da Bei was ignorant of what happened. The World Spirit had not pulled Da Bei into the colorful barrier.

Xiao Hua took a deep breath, regaining her feet from the sudden darkness and rubbed Da Bei's furry head with a trembling hand. It was a little nerve wracking to suddenly see nothing again. So she did her best to ignore it and focused on the important matter. "Da Bei, can you guide me out to XiYing?"

With a worried whine, Da Bei rubbed his furry form closer to Xiao Hua's legs, trying to soothe her fears. When her trembling mostly gone, only then did Da Bei placed her palm between his jaw lightly and guided her towards the door.

The silent Long Shan, ignorant that his body was being used a moment ago, saw their movement and did not speak. But he could not stop shivering at his fate that would be similar to that girl's if his eyes were really dugged out. Long Zhu had threatened to do so for many times, but never did it because he wanted Long Shan to see what kind of torture was done to him.

His eyes flashed with chilly anger. He will get out of here sooner or later and teach Long Zhu a lesson!

"Xiao Hua!" Long Lian went to Xiao Hua's side when she stepped out from the prison. "You have finished talking to second brother?"

Xiao Hua shook her head. She had not even started talking to the real Second Prince yet. "I need to prepare something first. XiYing, can you prepare a few buckets of water for me?"

"Will do~" Duan XiYing speed away without the sound of footsteps.

Guessing that Xiao Hua wanted to brew tea, Long Lian looked complicated. "Xiao Hua, you want to cure my brother's wound?"

"That's one of them, but mainly because I want him to be clear minded when we speak."

"So that's the case." Long Lian nodded. Pain could disturb one's thinking. It was helpful to pull out information using pain, but not for rational discussion.

Duan XiYing returned with five buckets full of water. She was walking in a scarecrow posture, with two of her hands spread out at her sides. One bucket was on top of her head, two buckets hanging on her right arm and the remaining two buckets hanging on her left arm.

Long Lian was taken aback at the sight. She had seen servants lugging water buckets before, but they never did it the way Duan XiYing had!

"XiYing is back~"

"Thanks! Can you guide my hand to each bucket?" Xiao Hua took out the tea leaves from her bracelets.

With the help of Long Lian, Xiao Hua successfully tossed tea leaves into each bucket. The floor has some scattered tea leaves from trial and error.

"Can someone test if the tea works?" Xiao Hua asked worriedly, since all she did was tossing tea leaves into the water. The stirring was done by Duan XiYing.

Duan XiYing was the first to use her hands to scoop the tea to drink. One person was enough to test the effectiveness, but Long Lian reached out to test as well, to make sure it was safe.

"It works!" Long Lian said brightly, feeling her sore body feels a little better.

"Yes~" Duan XiYing affirmed.

"Good! Now we just need the Second Prince to drink them all!" Xiao Hua does not know how much he needed to drink to neutralize Liu Chu Chu's spring water, but surely five buckets would be enough?

"Drink them... all?" Long Lian stared at the five buckets doubtfully. It would not be suffering for Long Shan to drink them all, but the tea effect might completely cure him and the restraining Qi chains might be overwhelmed by the sudden increase of Qi.

There were only three people and one wolf, two of them unable to fight well due to their injuries. If Long Shan made a move to escape, they might not be able to stop him.

But it was Xiao Hua that said it so she must have her own plans.

"Yes, he must drink them all!" Xiao Hua said firmly. Drink until he will not be swayed by Liu Chu Chu's charm when they meet again!

"How do we get second brother to drink them?" Long Lian asked. Her second brother would not willingly drink unknown water, much less a tea that they suddenly wanted him to drink!

"Force him?" Duan XiYing suggested with an excited gleam in her eyes.

Long Lian's mouth twitched at the dangerous image formed in her mind. "I do not have enough strength to hold him still." She was still injured after all.

"XiYing alone is enough~ there is also little Bei Bei to help out~"

Da Bei growled in disgust at the new nickname given to him after he was stuck in his wolf form.

"Okay, that decides it! XiYing, after he finished drinking, I will need to talk to him, and perhaps antagonize him. I can't look at his reaction to my words, so can you tell me if he reacted wrongly?"

"No problem~"

"Long Lian, can you work with me?" Xiao Hua requested.

Long Lian was worried. What would Xiao Hua say that would antagonize her second brother?

"... I understand." Long Lian will trust Xiao Hua.