Vol 7 Chapter 220 – I will decide if you have drunk enough or not!

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 220 - I will decide if you have drunk enough or not!

Xiao Hua feels regretful for not being able to see Duan XiYing forcing the tea down the hero's throat!

There might be wet abs reveal when the trapped hero tried to escape from drinking the tea, and his struggles will spill the tea all over the front of his clothes!

Xiao Hua: So stimulating! o(>ω<)o

Eyes flashed with dismay, Long Shan knew that this tea was the same tea which his wife had drunk and gotten burnt from her throat to her stomach. It would be dangerous to drink it and he had to applaud them for using such a cruel manner to torture him.

What baffled him was that his sense of danger did not rise. Instead, a strange sense of belonging expanded in his heart when he saw the tea.

In his unguarded moment, it gave Duan XiYing the opportunity to grab his chin and forced his mouth wide open. Long Shan's eyes widened as his mind cleared from her grip, the strange feeling that nearly controlled his mind quickly disappeared. 

He tried to pull his head away from her grip, but his limited strength could not be compared to one of her hands. 

His mind was clear that the tea was extremely dangerous, but his heart still foolishly soared in anticipation for it as it came nearer!

Long Lian wanted to cover her eyes from seeing her brother in such a pitiful manner, but she could not stop watching. 

Long Lian: Is this like what Xiao Hua had told her about 'train wreck'? 

Long Shan struggled to close his mouth, but Duan XiYing's grip was firm. His mouth was wide open and easily helped Duan XiYing to pour the tea into his mouth. He had to swallow it or risk getting choked to death.

A person like him would never choose to die without a fight.  

He had expected pain, but at the first taste of the tea, his fight died out quickly. He could not form any will to stop his throat working, swallowing down the tea like a thirsty deserter. The tea acted like a cure, cleansing his body and soothing his brittle heart, calming the long brewing inferno threatened to explode one day in the far future. 

Not seeing Long Shan started screaming in pain from drinking Xiao Hua's tea, Duan XiYing felt a little regretful. Even worse, he treated the tea as if it was cleansing water that he had unknowingly needed it until the moment he tasted it. 

Originally, Duan XiYing enjoyed being rough as she shoved the tea down his throat, but retreated at his disgusting reaction. When the inflow of tea slowed down, Long Shan stretched his body closer to the bucket, seeking for more. 

Long Shan did not notice he was crying, like a lost child that had finally reunited with his mother. 

In a short time, he finished the first bucket.

After the first bucket emptied, Long Lian quickly closed her gaping mouth and wiped any trace of saliva that might accidentally leaked out. "He… He finished the first bucket!"

Xiao Hua was the only one that could not see Long Shan's transformation and assumed it was all thanks to Duan XiYing's hercules effort. "XiYing, continue!"

"Got it." Duan XiYing was not as enthusiastic as before as the victim enjoyed her 'torture' but she still poured the tea down his throat.

Soon, the second bucket was emptied.

Long Shan took deep, calming breaths. His back was covered with sweat that had been purged out by the tea. Fortunately the prison was already smelly and added with his sweat, it does not cause much difference. 

Soon, the third bucket was emptied.

Long Shan's whole body was completely covered with sweat, his skin flushed in a healthy colour. There was not a spot on his clothes that was dry.

Soon, the fourth bucket was emptied.

Long Shan's eyes were brighter and calmer, as if he had found his inner peace. The speed of his drinking had slowed down, and the way he drank was much better to be looked at. 

Soon, the fifth bucket was emptied.

Long Shan's bladder felt full and he looked relieved when all the buckets were empty. If he keeps on drinking, he might vomit them back out.

"Eh? Done?" Long Lian had reported to Xiao Hua when each bucket emptied out. "So fast?"


"It's not enough then. Come, we need to fill the buckets again!" Xiao Hua decided quickly.

Should not the cleansing process be more dramatic, with the hero groaning in pain as the holy ritual going on? Xiao Hua had not heard any sounds except for gulping from the hero!

"Wait!" Xiao Hua flinched when Long Shan spoke for the first time since their unannounced visit. "I don't need to drink anymore. I'm already full."

"Full?" Xiao Hua was taken back before frowning. "Did you take this as a restaurant, and you as the customer? I will decide if you have drunk enough or not!"

The villain would always say they were good people when they were not! This was the same case!

Duan XiYing giggled, not going to stop Xiao Hua from forcing Long Shan to drink more, seeing that Long Shan was clearly uncomfortable with the idea.

"Xiao Hua, I think second brother is completely cured!" Long Lian was the only one here that would plead on Long Shan's behalf. "His whole body had purged out the impurities!"


"Yes! Really!" Long Lian nodded eagerly to accompany her words, even if Xiao Hua could not see it. 

"... XiYing?"

"Seems like it~" Duan XiYing feels regretful that she could not lie to Xiao Hua and mess with Long Shan. 

"...To be safe, let's have him drink one more bucket!" Xiao Hua could not afford it if the hero was not fully clean from Liu Chu Chu's influence. 

"I will fill it~" Duan XiYing skipped out with an empty bucket, gleeful at the sight of Long Shan with a green face!

Long Shan felt bloated, with excess energy in his body that could not go anywhere. With great difficulty, he finished the sixth bucket with a green face. 

"S-Sixth bucket is done!" Long Lian hastily announced.

"Alright! Time for questions!"

Duan XiYing went to stand beside Xiao Hua and keep her eye on Long Shan, ready to report any irregularities from his reaction.

"Is your head clearer? How does your heart feel?" Xiao Hua was anxious. She feels crippled for not being able to look at his expression! At this moment, she realized just how much she depended on her sight to read other people's mood. 

"You drugged me?" Long Shan asked murderously. So his weird emotions were caused by her?

"Before you drank the tea, you have already acted weirdly," Duan XiYing said seriously, not willing for Xiao Hua to carry the black pot. "You don't want to drink it, yet your body clearly knows you need it. Your crying and begging are the best proof."

Long Shan gritted his teeth, feeling a wave of embarrassment washing away his manly pride.

Xiao Hua: Huh? Could it be the World Spirit helped out? 

With a soft laugh, Xiao Hua said, "So he reacted just like a sick person whose body knows what would benefit him instead of his twisted belief?"

"Yes~" Duan XiYing agreed.

Forcing himself to ignore their taunt, Long Shan questioned through his clenched teeth.

"What's in your tea?"

Could it be the tea he drank and the one his wife drank were different?

"My tea works well in removing your forced obsession towards Liu Chu Chu. How do you feel towards her now? Did you still feel the great urge to please her, dote her and obey her?"

Long Shan's eyes went chilly. "Your aim to create conflict between us would not work!" 

"Oh~" Duan XiYing drew out the word lazily. "A great hero like you does not mind the flies flying around your wife, finding the opportunity to land on her? Such a great ambition, to use your wife to please influential officials for them to sway to your side!"

"Watch your words!" Long Shan's indifferent mask could no longer be maintained, and roared his words fiercely. 

Long Shan knew how desirable his wife was, and proud of it too when she chose to marry him instead. However, he was greatly displeased when she did not outright reject other men, with the excuse of leaving herself a path when she needed help from them.

She should know that he has more power than those flies she allowed to circle around her. Why would she waste time asking them for help when he was around?

Xiao Hua gasped exaggeratedly, covering her mouth with the tips of her fingers. "So it's true? No wonder Duke Heng and Lord Yang Ling begged to drink my tea to cleanse themselves from Liu Chu Chu's witchcraft!"

"Witchcraft!" Long Lian gasped in fear, her reaction completely genuine.

One thing that everyone, even cultivators, feared was witchcraft! It was tricky and hard to break once it was casted. The way it worked was hard to phantom and not anyone could cast it. 

"What nonsense did you sprout!" Long Shan scolded in rage. "She won their hearts with her talent and intelligence, not foolish superstitious."

"Talents such as seduction, acting coyly and martial arts?" Xiao Hua questioned lightly.

Long Shan devotedly defended his wife. "She is also a talented doctor that healed countless people, along with her outstanding achievements in strategizing battles."

Xiao Hua laughed. "You did not deny my claims either. Then you should also know about the spring water inside her spatial jade bracelet? Her medical talent is nothing to brag about when she only used the spring water disguised as medicine to cure people."

Duan XiYing saw the surprise that Long Shan tried to hide. "Oh? Your wife did not tell you the secret behind her healing technique?"

Long Shan forced himself to show calmness. "She does not need to tell me everything. A person has their own secrets that need not everyone to know, including their spouse."

"But surely this thing should be told to you, her husband that she's going to spend her whole life with?" Long Lian said in disbelief. "This is not a small matter! You don't know where it came from and the effects of drinking it! What happens if something goes wrong and implicates you!"

Xiao Hua reached out and managed to grab Long Lian's hand with her second try, giving her a supportive squeeze. "The healing water is from the spring pool inside the spatial dimension of Liu Chu Chu's bracelet. It may possibly be the same missing healing spring pool from the Zhu Que Kingdom."

It was actually the Third Prince's assumption, but it may be true. Zhu Que Kingdom happened to have their healing spring pool vanished without a trace, and there was a healing spring pool that coincidentally to be inside the jade bracelet.

Even if it was not the same healing spring pool, it does not mean Xiao Hua was telling the hero a lie when she does not know the truth either. She just chose to omit that this was a guess.

"Without proof, it's useless to speak of outrageous claims," Long Shan declared firmly. He was not foolish enough to believe in Xiao Hua's words. 

"True." Xiao Hua nodded, before her face formed an engaging smile that a salesperson usually used. "So let's talk about what she had done for you instead." 

Or the lack of.