Vol 7 Chapter 221 – Long Shan’s life journal

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 221 -  Long Shan's life journal

"I heard she had saved you and your men with her spring water. And that's how you start falling in love with her. With a beauty equal to a fairy descended from heaven, her sword dance was like the grace of mercy descending on her enemies. The blood falls around her like rain dyed in an enthralling red color, breathing life into your black and white world. Ah~ your heart beats in a heady way you had never experienced before, sending shivers down to your fingertips. Could it be love?"

Long Lian was deeply confused by the sudden poetry like sentences spewing out from Xiao Hua's mouth. But strangely, those sentences delivered great impact to her second brother.

Duan XiYing arched an eyebrow when Long Shan's face alternatively turned white and red, his expression was one that got caught doing something shameful!

Perhaps Xiao Hua had seen Long Shan's life journal?

"There's no need to be shy when you are not the one being praised~" Duan XiYing teased, before dealing a blow. "Or could it be what Xiao Hua said is exactly what you had thought of Liu Chu Chu?"

"How do you-" Long Shan could hardly stop his question from coming out from his mouth as his heart and mind were in a messy state. 

Although what she said was not completely accurate, it was nearly the same as what he had thought the first time he saw his wife. His heart felt a great sense of embarrassment, especially under her unseeing gray eyes that strangely gave him a sense of being stripped naked and had his heart bared for her to see. 

It had been a long time since he felt this embarrassed!

Those sentences were written in Heise's novel, so Xiao Hua was able to more or less remember most of it! To think it could be used in shame play - Ah Pei! - Used to embarrass the hero, how useful!

Xiao Hua smiled mysteriously and did not answer his question. "As far as I know, you have helped her quite a bit. Protecting her from the Liu household and separating her from them without much stain on her reputation is rather impressive when our society values filial fidelity greatly. Then you gave her numerous shops, including that pawnshop that she changed into an underground information trading business. Next, you even agree in letting Gu Dan reach their hands into Guilin! This idea is Liu Chu Chu's, isn't it? Our heroic Second Prince would never think of such a poisonous method, even if you wish for a great power to support your endeavors."

Xiao Hua rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "As far as I can see, only Liu Chu Chu gained the most in this relationship. Long Shan, what did you gain from this relationship? If you say she's good in bed, you might as well think where she learned it all from! A lady like her, no matter how mistreated she was as a concubine born, would never have the chance to learn such skills that rivaled an experienced courtesan!"

Heise’s novel had written that the golden couple was like athletes in bed, able to go on for three days without much rest. Fortunately, Heise had not written their bed activities in great detail or else it would be difficult to maintain her composure when she faced them. But Heise did point out that Liu Chu Chu was highly experienced in bed and able to please the hero well.

Long Shan's face was as dark as black, thick oil, so angry that his whole face was like an island visited by dark clouds! The gaping Long Lian could no longer close her mouth as her whole face reddened like a ripe apple! It could be estimated that her jaw will be aching after this whole ordeal passed.

"Aiyah~ Xiao Hua, no husband would like knowing their wife did not keep themselves clean for their husbands~" Duan XiYing scolded half-heartedly, bluntly voicing out that Liu Chu Chu was a loose woman.

"Oh no, my apologies!" Xiao Hua covered her mouth, trying to look sorry, but her tone was far from apologetic.

Their mockery made Long Shan even angrier than before. This was his first time encountering such a shameless girl that endlessly mocked him with an indecent topic!

"What gave you the right to mock me?" Long Shan growled. "You are just a weak person that depended on someone stronger to be able to stand where you are right now!"

"You are right!" Xiao Hua laughed uncaringly. "I did count on Third Prince to be able to have an easy life. You should know it well since your wife did cling onto you just to obtain a high position, right?"

Long Shan's heart squeezed painfully in anger. "I never regret letting her use me. She's worth every dime I've invested in her."

Xiao Hua blinked, trying to portray innocence, but her dull gray eyes could not express her emotions. "You mean using her body is worth it? She must have pleased you well."


"Sadly, your generosity is not returned by her." Xiao Hua sighed pitifully. "If she truly cherishes you, she would plead the Gu Dan King to save you. But she chooses to run to my courtyard in the name of revenge! When she failed to do so, she shamelessly whined to that braided hair guy to bring her away."

"Three days have passed and Gu Dan troops only focused on retreating," Duan XiYing informed generously. “They never fail to bring on a trail of destruction as they make their way back to their hideout.”

Long Shan keeps silent, not wanting to blurt out like an idiot that his wife will come back to save him. He believes that she has no choice but to escape and regain strength before coming back to save him. The time for them to create destruction was to force their chasers to save the civilians instead of chasing them.

Yet he could not stop the tiny doubt started to grow like a seedling meeting the sunlight.

"You know, you are actually a good guy!" Xiao Hua suddenly changed her tune, and Long Shan became suspicious. "You are filial to your parents and fulfilled their wish to revenge against the scumbag Emperor. You are a brave man, willing to enter the frontlines and use your life to protect the Kingdom. Liu Chu Chu is too fortunate to have you, a loyal and dedicated man, to be her husband."

Long Lian’s expression turned funny to look at when Xiao Hua called her father as a scumbag. 

Duan XiYing decided that Xiao Hua’s aim had more or less been achieved and decided to end the meeting. "Xiao Hua has been standing for a long time now. Xiao Hua need a rest~"

Getting Duan XiYing's signal, Xiao Hua hummed in agreement. "Right! I'm hungry too. I will talk to you again next time, War God of Guilin!"

War God of Guilin, Long Shan.

Long Shan’s eyes trembled just as his heart shakes fiercely. It had been a while since Long Shan last heard of this embarrassing nickname given by the citizens.

Xiao Hua allowed Duan XiYing to guide her to the exit. Suddenly, she stopped walking. "By the way, I really envy you, Long Shan."

When he heard that question, the anger in him that threatened to burst out deflated. It was no use to hold onto that anger and harm his body when he could not release his anger on her anytime soon. 

Speechless at Xiao Hua’s two-faced nature, he decided to humor her. "You envy a prisoner that's about to die soon?"

"You know, this world really likes you, enough to forgive you for your dangerous ignorance for the third time. I'm not going to let you die in ignorance."

"... Pardon?" Long Shan wondered if he had heard what she said wrongly. Her words made no sense to him.

"You need to stay alive to keep the world safe, the people that love you safe, and stop Liu Chu Chu from destroying the world. Don't disappoint the world again, you, the favorite son of the world. Don't make heaven give up on you."

Long Shan did not notice they left the prison, too occupied with his sudden enlightenment. What Xiao Hua had said was like a sutra, keep on repeating non-stop in his heart, crumbling down the walls he had built using his parent’s expectation of him and the blind belief for his wife.

Whenever his parents talked about revenge and their desire to kill the Emperor and Empress, he never felt comfortable with it. Only after he hardened his heart did he stop feeling bad about it, wrapped in the skewed sense of justice forced by the environment he forced ro grow up in.

The only time he could just be himself was during the battlefield, where he would feel a great sense of accomplishment when he helped those in need and received their sincere gratitude for his help. He was the most comfortable then.

When had he forgotten his own morals and self-value? When had his bottom line disappeared just to please his parents? Why would he sacrifice the innocent's safety just to forcefully take the throne that his parents wanted?

He always viewed Gu Dan as the most dangerous enemy outside their Kingdom, and would never lower his guard towards them. He had faced them once and was fortunate to be exempted from the final battle in Gu Dan Country where there were almost no survivors. Yet, from a woman's coaxing, he breaks down his guard and let the enemy enter his home, believing in their fragile promise of not attacking them.

How could he stupidly believe them when they had announced their desire to conquer the Four Kingdoms four years ago that lead to a great war? He knew they had successfully regained their strongest weapon thanks to Liu Chu Chu, and it would not be surprising if they decided to revive their ambition again.

All these months, what made him change to someone he would look down on? Since when did he become so muddle-headed by a beauty?

The more he thinks about it, the more fearful he becomes. But his fear helped him to regain his will and steady his heart, the strange fog that had surrounded his heart for a long time dispersed. Even his confused mind became clearer and it showed in his bright eyes.

He closed his eyes and meditated silently in his prison cell.