Vol 7 Chapter 225 – Neglected teaching Long Zhu about psychology

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 225 - Neglected teaching Long Zhu about psychology

Tian Chi was the first to notice something was wrong. Waking up with bleary eyes, she stared at the clearing where Da Bei was inside the array.

It took a second for her mind to process what she had seen and her sleepiness scattered away just like frightened birds does when humans approached them. 

Urgently wanting to share what she had seen, she shook the sleeping girl beside her. "Tian Zi! Look!"

The duo had willingly volunteered to help out in keeping a close eye on Da Bei so that his parents could do their duties. However, Da An was thrown to be the Eighth Prince's bodyguard to keep him far away from his twin. Everyone knew that Da An would risk everything to stop his twin from suffering. 

The Eighth Prince was only told that Da Bei was training using a harsh method without revealing anything about Xiao Hua's condition. 

"What?" Tian Zi quickly sat up, her mind already alert. "He calmed down!"

"He looks sleepy...right?" Tian Chi asked hopefully, with traces of fear. She strongly hoped he was not dying!

The snow wolf inside the array had stopped his aggressive body slamming against the barrier. His black eyes looked drowsy, and his eyelids kept on flickering to close no matter how much he struggled to have them remain wide open. His legs staggered like a drunkard and his movement had him stepped closer to the barrier.

Tian Zi had expected him to fall on the barrier and to be thrown back, but he successfully passed by the barrier. The array disappeared just as the snow wolf turned into his human form in the blink of an eye. 

The man was wearing a familiar black uniform, but due to the man's size that was larger than the uniform, the clothing was torn like it was shredded. The multiple tears revealed what was hidden underneath, which was a fair colored skin, toned with powerful muscles that spoke of great strength customized in speed.

The man only managed to take one step before dropping to the ground and turned back into a snow wolf, only that it was larger than before. It was only then did the onlooking girls broke out from their trance.

They hurried to the unconscious snow wolf, their heart filled with worry. But they were still greatly distracted by what they had seen earlier that caused their heart galloping as if they had just finished an intense training. Only when they were assured that Da Bei was just sleeping did the girls finally look at each other with query in their eyes.

"Did you see what I've seen?" Tian Zi asked and Tian Chi nodded, almost eagerly. 

They recalled the good looking man that they could only see for a short moment, and their face blushed uncontrollably. Fortunately, his torn clothing had covered his private parts or else it would create even more chaos in the young girls' heart.

"Did Da Bei turn back to his human form?" A calm voice suddenly broke through their dreamy state, blowing onto them like a chilly wind, cooling down their fevered bodies. 

The two young girls flinched when they failed to realize that An Jing had appeared right behind them, examining her sleeping son that was still in his wolf form. However, the array was gone so it means that Da Bei did succeed in turning back to his human form. 

"Yes, yes!" Tian Zi said with a nod, but unable to say more when her mind was still in a jumble. It was a rare sight as she had mastered the art to know what to speak in most situations. 

Instead, it was Tian Chi that first regained her mental facility and answered. "It's not even enough time for us to eat a bowl of rice before he turns back."

"How is his human form?" An Jing expected some changes in his human form since the awakened beast lineage will make him stronger and have a higher resistance to cold. The worry over Da Bei's health could finally be put away.

It was only Da An that she would need to worry.  

"He-" Tian Chi gulped, unable to formulate proper description without betraying her real thoughts. 

"He looks healthier, unlike his scrawny figure from the past. I would have thought Da Bei to be the same age as Xiao Liu with his height," Tian Zi responded calmly, finishing what Tian Chi could not say.

She does not want to know how An Jing would react to their sudden crush on his nine year old son! It was wrong on many levels!

Even if Tian Zi understood that, she could not control her heart. Not even her crush on Xiao Liu worked as a stopper to this new, dangerous feeling. 

Perhaps this was how Xiao Hua felt whenever she saw a handsome man or woman and could not resist staring at them with appreciative eyes. Tian Zi's sole self comfort was that her immunity was higher than Xiao Hua's. 

Not long after Xiao Hua finally slept, Doctor Bai and the other man entered the room silently, not wanting to disturb Xiao Hua's sleep.

The sun was already up but no one urged Long Zhu to go back to help the 19th Emperor with the kingdom's affairs. 

"I will perform an autopsy on the Crown Prince's body. Yu Zheng, you stay and help keep an eye on my daughter." 

Doctor Bai knew what happened when he was gone from his system but he was not in the mood to pretend to ignorantly ask around. He managed to escape this 'out of character' punishment from the system since no one will know if he did ask around or not.

He was lucky that only the Crown Prince died this time and his mission did not fail.

"She will be my daughter too."

Doctor Bai gave Yu Zheng a warning look, which the other did not take seriously. "She can be your daughter if she accepts you."

Long Zhu does not understand their exchange, but was not bothered by it. "Teacher, thank you for saving Xiao Hua. I have committed a great crime in disappointing you and Xiao Hua."

To choose Doctor Bai as Xiao Hua's adoptive father was one thing that Long Zhu never regretted doing. His teacher had proven that he was a good father by how well he treated Xiao Hua just from knowing her for a short time. 

Long Zhu could still remember Xiao Hua's longing expression when she spoke about her birth father that she could not remember. She was too young to remember. Letting Xiao Hua be adopted was also to let her experience how it would be to have a father that cares for her. 

As a gentle and sympathetic 'Doctor Bai', how could he still hold on to his anger? So he let out a long sigh before giving his disciple a forgiving smile. 

"You have your own reasons, but you should never use them to indirectly murder a person." It was sharp and direct enough to bring out the guilt from Long Zhu.

Doctor Bai softened his tone after letting venting out. "Yu Zheng, you can explain to him about Xiao Hua's mental state. I had neglected teaching Long Zhu about psychology."

With a meaningful smile, Yu Zheng agreed. "Leave it to me."

Doctor Bai stepped out, with his system following behind him, leaving Yu Zheng and a depressed prince with the sleeping Xiao Hua in a room.

Long Zhu was still in the dark about Yu Zheng, but he could see that they have a close relationship, and his cultivation was not low either with how easy he removed his teacher's rampage Qi in his body. Rather surprisingly, he could also sense Doctor Bai's Qi in Yu Zheng.

"I would have kicked you far away from my daughter if she did not cling onto you so much."

Long Zhu: '...' What's with him forcibly claiming Xiao Hua as his daughter?

"I thank you for your kindness towards my fiance. I will obey Teacher's decision, but I hope he will let me amend my mistakes to Xiao Hua and give me another chance."

Even if Long Zhu did not outright say it, he was pointing out that Yu Zheng was crossing the line when he was not even Xiao Hua's relative. 

Did she even know he existed in the first place? 

"He will give you a chance if Xiao Hua gives you a chance." Yu Zheng smirked, amused at Long Zhu's reply. "A normal girl will never give a man that locked her up in a room another chance. Who would know if you will do it again when another argument arises?"

There was no need for Yu Zheng to say it, when Long Zhu was worried about it as well. Once Xiao Hua wakes up with a clearer mind, she might loathe him and wish to cut the ties off with him. 

"Do you want to know why she became like this?" Yu Zheng asked casually, not really bothered what Long Zhu will answer.

Long Zhu does not understand why Xiao Hua's mental state would be reduced to this degree. These days, she was determined to learn to do things without eyesight and there was no signs of her giving up. He would have thought that she was faking it, trying to bring out his sympathy, but he knew the truth when he saw it.

Xiao Hua had really broken down, just like how he had originally expected she would the moment she discovered she was blind.

With a tone filled with humble and politeness, Long Zhu courteously said, "Please, tell me."



Fortunately I remember I need to upload a chapter today... *wipes sweat*

At first, I've wrongly assume its a BL novel thanks to the translator thats well known in translating BL novel... *coughs*. Even after reading the novel halfway (current reading status: Chapter 200 plus) I still thought its BL and strongly hopes for romance between the two MLs... only to read a spoiler that its not BL! There are at least three fujoshis characters that support them, why author-nim?!

Ah, it's a korean novel. In my personal opinion, I love this better than 'Solo Leveling'.... like many times more. Hence my shameless recommendation ahahaha.

Here's the summary:

[Only I know the end of this world.

One day our MC finds himself stuck in the world of his favorite webnovel. What does he do to survive? It is a world struck by catastrophe and danger all around.

His edge? He knows the plot of the story to end. Because he was the sole reader that stuck with it. Read his story to see how he survives!]

Not much details, but thats for us readers, and potential readers, to read the novel to find out!