Vol 7 Chapter 226 – Thousand Year Old Ginseng

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 226 - Thousand Year Old Ginseng

"Human minds are very fascinating. Everyone has a different level of tolerance towards pain and tragedies. 'Xiao Hua' previously could be said to have a sheltered life and does not have the chance to experience many tragedies."

Long Zhu stiffened, his mind racing as he stared at Yu Zheng in an increasingly guarded manner. Yu Zheng slowly smiled and Long Zhu felt a great sense of danger. 

"I know a lot about Xiao Hua, and about her soul transmigration. I have no intention to harm her, so you can call off your little green friends."

Not believing him, Long Zhu did not command the plants breaking into the room through the windows to ease down, preparing for any danger. "Who are you?" 

How did his teacher know this man? How did he know about Xiao Hua?

"I am the ginseng your teacher had carefully taken care of," Yu Zheng's tone held a hint of pride at the fact. 

Long Zhu's eyes widened. "You are-! Teacher had done the impossible..." 

There were legends about ginseng that were able to cultivate and gain a human form with an intelligent mind. But no one was able to witness whether it was true or not.

… No wonder his teacher was so protective of the thousand-year-old ginseng!

Doctor Bai had sheltered the ginseng from harsh rain, fierce sunlight and brutal wind. He even pulled out any weeds that tried to leech nutrients from it, even going as far as using precious cultivated water to water it daily!

Long Zhu controlled the plants to return back to their soil, no longer having the intention to harm the ginseng, unless provoked. It would be terrible if anything happens to it because then Long Zhu will suffer his teacher's wrath.

Now that he paid attention to it, he did find it strange that he would smell the light scent of ginseng in the room.

Yu Zheng's act of pouring tea was as graceful as Doctor Bai's, but it held more strength behind the movement. He had actually looked forward to drinking Xiao Hua's tea that was supposedly able to boost one's vitality. 

When Yu Zheng first found out that Bai Chuan had adopted a daughter in this world, Yu Zheng did not display any jealousy towards the unknown girl but readily accepted her as a family. Anyone that Bai Chuan showed kindness to, Yu Zheng will do the same.

Yu Zheng had even prepped himself in how to introduce himself to Xiao Hua and his usually steady heart surprisingly felt a tiny sense of nervousness. But his plan had to be adjusted when Xiao Hua was not in the state to welcome anyone. 

The one that ruined his well thought plans was this potential son-in-law and if it was not his beloved Bai Chuan that asked him to enlighten this feminine boy, he would not even care about him. Bai Chuan was restricted by his character setting, so it was only Yu Zheng that could boldly speak of sensitive matters. 

Hijacking the Rubik cube system and learning everything about this world was an easy thing to do. The system was not omniscient and knew everything, but the information it had about Xiao Hua was enough for Yu Zheng to form the full picture. 

Long Zhu could not remain patient anymore when Yu Zheng focused on drinking his tea and paused his explanation. In this aspect, Yu Zheng was the same as Doctor Bai. "Please, tell me what happens to Xiao Hua, Spiritual ginseng."

Placing down the cup on the table silently and in a crisp movement, Yu Zheng finally continued. "The first tragedy she experienced in this world, is the fact that she transmigrated."

Long Zhu nodded. "She is very afraid." In this world that was so different from her own world and with unknown people around her, she would naturally be afraid. 

Yu Zheng slightly smiled. "The second tragedy is upon knowing the similarities of this world with the book she had read. I believe she understands that she will die if she remains by your side."

Long Zhu's stomach rolled uncomfortably. "She is strong enough to wish to stay beside me and fight."

"Isn't that because she has no choice but to stay?"

Long Zhu gritted his teeth at Yu Zheng's brutally honest words. He could not refute it when he does not know for sure about Xiao Hua's real reason on why she decided to stay with him. Her caring actions and the love she confessed to him was real, but before that feelings were developed, who knows if she had entertained the idea to run away? 

Was the joke of her 'eloping' with his Eighth brother was not a joke after all?

"She did live comfortably thanks to you. But that did not stop her from experiencing the third tragedy. Her blindness."

This time, Long Zhu's heart churned. He could not even speak in his defense without reopening the old wound. 

Yu Zheng did not wait for any words from Long Zhu. "And then the fourth tragedy. Your distrust towards her."

All the while, from the start of their conversation, Long Zhu had never stopped holding onto Xiao Hua's hand. He would have continued on hugging her if Doctor Bai did not stare at him, warning him off. The more Yu Zheng listed out the tragedies, the tighter his grip was on Xiao Hua's hand.

"I'm not here to point out your flaws, or hers. You want to help Xiao Hua, don't you? Then put your irrelevant feelings away till later. Right now, focus on understanding why Xiao Hua broke down."

Taking a deep breath, Long Zhu slowly released it, at the same time easing the deadly grip on Xiao Hua's hand. Her smaller hand had already turned white from his pressure. 

"You are telling me she has mental trauma and it accumulated through time?" 

Yu Zheng was quite impressed. "So you know about mental trauma. It will save me some time to explain."

"No, I could not say I understand it clearly." Long Zhu had briefly heard of it when Xiao Hua and Heise talked about his eighth brother's problem. 

"Tell me what kind of trauma Xiao Hua had experienced based on what you know."

Long Zhu hesitated. He does not know what was the meaning behind the question that Yu Zheng asked, so he could not understand what kind of answer he should have. 

Long Zhu decided to copy Xiao Hua's bullshitting talent. "Xiao Hua is doing her best to see every positive thing from the bad things she experienced. That was how she assured herself on how fortunate she is for not encountering an even worse situation."

"That's not a bad mindset. Did you do anything to support her?"

"I stayed beside her as much as I can, so that she won't be afraid of being alone. There are also XiYing and Da Bei by her side." In fact, the first time she was ever alone since being blinded was the time she was locked up in this room.

Since Long Zhu clearly understands till this part, with his eyes shone with enlightenment, and one step away from realization, Yu Zheng moved on. 

"In this world, who is the one she trusts the most?"

"That would most likely be my eighth brother. They understood each other very well."

"Yes, they are from the same world. But they are still strangers. Would you not be the one she trusts the most? You are her soon to be husband after all."

Long Zhu slowly nodded. "She depends on me as I provide her with food and shelter, and then her trust in me grows when our relationship deepens." They did exchange their feelings of love for each other and promised to marry in future. 

"So to say, you are her rock and pillar of support?"


"Whenever she faces trouble, she will need your help?"

"Mostly." His servants usually deal with them on his behalf.

"Who is the one you trust the most in this world?" Yu Zheng suddenly steered the question to focus on Long Zhu, taking him back.

If he was still a child, his answer would be his mother, who had cared for him since the moment he was born. But in his second chance of life, he met Doctor Bai who became his mentor and advisor. 

But if he was to say who was the one he could bared his soul to without getting criticism but understanding, it was Xiao Hua. Whenever he feels depressed, she could lift his mood up with her sweet smile or her caring words. Her effort to solve his depression was funny even if it does not solve the problem. 

"... Xiao Hua."

"How would you feel if she suddenly hates you and disappears?"

Long Zhu trembled fiercely and his face showed his fear. His hand returned to grab Xiao Hua's hand.

"If you are in her place, distrusted by the one you trust the most, will you be in the same state as her? I understand that you have a stronger mind than her and won't break down easily, but do you think you can understand why she broke down when she has a weaker mentality?"

"...Yes." The remaining negative emotion he has towards Xiao Hua disappeared as if they had been cleansed.