Vol 7 Chapter 227 – Even thank you for it

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 227 - Even thank you for it

At first, Xiao Hua's dependence on Long Zhu might be an act of imprint towards the first person that accepted her true identity in this world. Added with his familiar face, it allowed her to place her trust in him easier. 

He had more power over her than he ever realized.

Yu Zheng has no intention in telling Long Zhu about this, or else he might abuse this knowledge, or get face slapped if he does when Xiao Hua does not necessarily need to rely on him anymore. 

This should be something for him to discover by himself slowly when their relationship became much closer. 

But there was something strange with Long Zhu's change of reaction that puzzled Yu Zheng. He had expected his behaviour to soften, but not to the extent of not having even a hint of refuting towards Xiao Hua, especially when he should still insist on killing the favorite son of this world.

"What do you think about revenge?"

Long Zhu does not know if he should be afraid of this spiritual ginseng that knew way too much than he should. He was curious if his teacher's method in growing this ginseng was truly the main cause of awakening such an all-knowing spirit.

"Revenge should be done moderately," Long Zhu answered vaguely, still not believing that the ginseng would know the truth about his time travel. 

"What did you do for your revenge against Long Shan?"

Smiling wryly, Long Zhu answered, "I've placed him in a prison and prying information from him using torture."

Yu Zheng arched an eyebrow, unimpressed. "That's all?"

After Yu Zheng said that, Long Zhu suddenly agreed that it was indeed too light of a revenge. But he feared to let Long Shan stay alive for too long and gave him the chance to retaliate. The death of his eldest brother gave him an important lesson in not playing with your enemy for too long, or else another important person beside him would die. 

"You will kill him after his usefulness is gone?"

Long Zhu hesitated. "That's the original plan."

"What's the new plan?"

Before, Long Zhu was too occupied by his pain and anger, only wishing for Long Shan to die and suffer for murdering his whole family in his previous life. 

But did Long Shan do the same thing in this round?

After his anger cooled down by Xiao Hua's sudden break down, he started to think more about the difference between his two lives. 

Why would Long Shan's desire to kill the Long siblings was not as deep as during his first life?

The only thing Long Zhu could think of was Concubine He and General Su. He remembered that in his first life, it was a coincidence that he and Long Lian found out that Concubine He had a secret relationship with her eunuch, not knowing he was actually General Su. As dutiful children that do not wish for their father to wear a green hat, they told the Emperor what they saw. The next day, they heard the news of Concubine He and the eunuch’s death.

Since then, Long Shan hated the Emperor and never hid it. Not long after that, the Emperor became sick and Long Shan took that opportunity to rebel. 

In Long Zhu's second life, he did not tell his Father Emperor about it, choosing to use it as a weapon to target Long Shan. 

When Long Zhu died in his first life, he always believed that he and his siblings' death happened because they shared the same blood as the Emperor. But what drove Long Shan to kill the siblings could be due to Long Zhu and Long Lian that gave the Emperor the reason to kill his parents.

Perhaps, if Long Zhu and Long Lian had not seen Concubine He's illicit affairs, Long Shan would spare their lives? Long Qian was the Crown Prince and someone that would not give up the throne, so it was a little understandable why Long Shan would not let him go. As for Long Yu, the Fourth Prince had died in a war at the South Guilin Village where Long Zhu at that time was not there to help out. 

But it was too late to know the truth and even if they were spared, they would still hate Long Shan for killing their parents. They would aim to kill Long Shan to avenge for their family's death. 

As for why the rebellion plan started years too early, it may be because of Doctor Bai's momentarily absence that had Liu Chu Chu decided to take action. In Long Zhu's first life, Doctor Bai never appeared, hence no one could make Liu Chu Chu feel threatened and allowed them ample time to slowly plan their rebellion.

“I will let him live.” This decision was mainly due to Xiao Hua, as well as the 'World Spirit' that wanted Xiao Hua to stop Long Shan from being killed. That great entity might be related to the reason why Xiao Hua and Heise’s soul traveled into this world as well, which Xiao Hua can only explain once she woke up and in a better state of mind. 

“You had yet to decide what to do after letting him live.” Yu Zheng easily noticed it. “Is it worth it to let him go just like that?”

Of course not. 

But Long Zhu does not know what else to do. He had yet to digest the idea of letting Long Shan remain alive, not to mention how to make sure he will not create trouble again in the future. Long Lian’s idea to destroy Long Shan’s center of energy was indeed good, but it will bring forth resentment directed towards them which will only bring trouble.

Long Zhu had yet to completely lure out those that helped Long Shan from their hiding place. 

“You are still young,” Yu Zheng excused him, in a manner fitting a ruler giving his subject another chance to prove his worth. “You should make him regret what he had done and promise not to do it again. That is how you will make sure he will not easily forget his lesson and afraid to plan something again.”

“How do I make him regret?” Long Zhu does not have the desire to have a heart to heart talk with his first life's family murderer. He had spoken whatever was in his heart when he tortured Long Shan, but it was unknown if he had heard him with all the pain he was feeling. If he does not, Long Zhu does not even want to repeat himself, especially if Long Shan did hear him but does not repent!

“Only you would know what will make him regret. What would I, an outsider, know?” Yu Zheng mercilessly declined. But since this boy might be his future son-in-law, he decided to speak more. “Once you make him regret, make him work as hard as a slave for you. Not only that, he has to willingly work for you and even thank you for it.”

Long Zhu’s eye twitched at how impossible it sounded. If this method was to be targeted at a person in the dire state that begged for help, it might work. But the target they were trying to brainwash was Long Shan! Which kind of underhanded method had Long Shan not seen or used before? 

“As long as you grasp his thinking and weakness, how difficult can it be?” Yu Zheng was not worried at all since he had used the same method on his enemies and turned them to his loyal servants. 

“It is a very difficult task for me that is not as experienced as you, who have more than a thousand years of knowledge. Would you help me, spiritual ginseng?” Long Zhu requested humbly. It was not an insincere request or one filled with mockery.

Because this part of Long Zhu had reminded him of the helpless Bai Chuan that needed his help and willing to admit his own inexperience, Yu Zheng decided to help this young boy out this time.