Vol 7 Chapter 231 – Do you think I can ride on Da Bei?

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 231 - Do you think I can ride on Da Bei?

Bai Chuan revealed that there was no 'gong' or 'shou' in their relationship. They were both 'switch'.

That answer opened a new outlook in Xiao Hua's mind. 

Le XiaoTing the reader had always mindlessly accepted the position of 'gong' and 'shou' that the author dictated. She had always assumed that the 'shou' will forever be the 'shou' while the 'gong' will forever be the 'gong'.

There were some novels where a 'gong' will end up being topped by a 'gong' and then become the 'shou' in their relationship. But Le XiaoTing had already labelled him as the 'shou' from the first chapter thanks to the hint from the author. 

Not a single BL novel she had read would have the couple change their position during their relationship. The 'gong' will never let the 'shou' top him, and even if he agreed, the gong will trick the 'shou' to remain a 'shou' till the end. 

But if one thinks of it in a different perspective, the 'gong' that would never let the 'shou' top him… was that not actually selfish? To force a 'shou' to receive a d*ck in his ass when the 'gong' does not want it too, where was it loving?

Xiao Hua: F**k, there's a genuine passionate gay couple that would sacrifice their discomfort and pride for their partner right in front of her!

A father always feels happy when their daughter admires them. But knowing what led Xiao Hua to admire him made Bai Chuan feel self conscious. 

"How does Papa Ginseng look like?" Xiao Hua asked, intrigued. 

She indeed was curious about how Yu Zheng looked. Her rotten mind tried to imagine a man that could be 'gong' and 'shou' at the same time. Authors always portrayed 'gong' to be taller and manlier while 'shou' will be the less manlier of the couple, with pretty skin and face, and always shorter than the 'gong'. 

But she had also asked this question to tease Doctor Bai into praising his lover.  

"You will get to see him once he completely recovers your eyesight." Doctor Bai refused to play along with her.

"... Got it." Xiao Hua compliantly took the hint. But that does not mean she gave up on digging information! "How did you get together? Love at first sight?" 

"Love at first sight is not realistic. It's lust at first sight," Doctor Bai scorned.

Xiao Hua gasped, her cheeks dyed pink. "So it starts from one night stand?"

How bold!

"When I'm correcting the phrase, did I admit I experience it?"

"...No." Xiao Hua swallowed her enthusiasm when Doctor Bai admonished her. Even when he did not raise his voice, he managed to let her know his displeasure!

But Doctor Bai still loosen his mouth a little towards his adopted daughter. It was normal that a person would be curious about how their parents get together. 

"...We got together by chance and our relationship deepened as time flew by. It's just like any other romantic relationship."

Xiao Hua: '...' What's the difference with you answering and not answering?!

Bai Chuan was actually a straight man, or else why would he get married to his ex wife and have a child? Even the bodies he possessed to fulfill his task have straight orientation, with girlfriends or wives.

It was until his rubik cube system accidentally transferred his soul into a world that was not under his department to deal with. But since they have accepted the task, he can only leave until the task is completed. 

Bai Chuan was not worried as the mission looked easy to accomplish. At that time, his worriedless self had yet to understand what that world was.

It was a world where males have two genders. And Bai Chuan happened to occupy the body of a male that could get pregnant and also happened to be married to another man! Yu Zheng in that world was a fox spirit, hiding his true nature after disguising himself as a rich man's son. He was also coincidentally Bai Chuan's husband!

The unfortunate Bai Chuan had occupied the body which was already pregnant with a handsome husband that was actually a fox spirit in hiding. His task was to hide the fox's identity from the family and give birth to the baby fox safely.

It was the worst experience Bai Chuan ever had the misfortune to encounter! The system had dulled most of his pain during the childbirth, but his pride as a man took a huge blow! Right after he finished getting the baby out of his womb, he immediately left the world without a goodbye!

Perhaps his luck turned 180 degrees, as the next world and so on were all BL worlds! His system said the world were rightfully under it's department management and the problem  was just Bai Chuan's misfortune! In every world, there would be a persistent, filthy rich and powerful admirer that clings to Bai Chuan like a lovesick fool. 

Only after a few lives passed did Bai Chuan and his system figured out that those persistent top notch admirers were actually all Yu Zheng, who had followed Bai Chuan using the Rubik Cube as a GPS!

And the rest is history...

"You have a dog?" Doctor Bai heard a pitiful puppy like whine coming from outside the door. 

He stood up and opened the door, giving the large sized snow wolf a chance to quickly run into the room towards Xiao Hua. He circled around Xiao Hua and it was fortunate that she was sitting down or she would have tripped over the very happy wolf.

"Da Bei? Is that you?" Xiao Hua's hand touched the familiar fluffy but chilly fur, but the size was completely wrong!

She remembered that Da Bei's height when he was on his feet reached the height of her knees. But this snow wolf that was rubbing his head at her hands had reached the height of her waist once she stood up!

Da Bei purred, the sound loud and deep coming from his throat. He grabbed her hand with his jaw and moved his head up and down like a handshake.


Doctor Bai eyed the large snow wolf with black eyes but without much of human's intelligence reflected in them. "He has completely awakened his bloodline now."

"He's considered an adult now?" Xiao Hua was confused. "He's only eight years old… oh, sorry, nine now. Is he aging according to animal's standard?"

"His case is special. Due to the circumstances, his growth had accelerated with the help of external force and is now an adult. His human form will be an adult too."


"He should have been able to maintain his human form now." But Da Bei chose to remain in his wolf form with reason only known to himself.

"... Ah."

"He has a strong bond with you, so whatever strong feelings you are feeling will be known by him. It's especially useful if you are in danger and need him to rescue you if seperated."

"... Wow."

"His human mind is still in the passenger seat and it is his instinct that's driving him. Perhaps that may be the reason why he is still in his wolf form."

Da Bei may have been strongly affected by Xiao Hua's distress when she was locked up. His beast side was still in protective mode and will need time to calm down his ruffled furs.

"Once your bond deepens, you can communicate through mind." Doctor Bai sighed. "Are you listening to me?"


Doctor Bai: '...' No matter how one looked at different angles, Xiao Hua was clearly not listening to him!

Once she confirmed that this large snow wolf was Da Bei, she did not waste time sprawling on him, enjoying the chilly, soft fur. Da Bei sat down and let Xiao Hua sprawl out on his back comfortably. 

"Do you think I can ride on Da Bei?" Xiao Hua gushed in excitement, her mind strayed down to the improper path. Da Bei's current size was like a young horse, and might be able to carry her weight!

Someone knocked on the door, saving Xiao Hua from being scolded by Doctor Bai. 

"Host! It's Long Yuen looking for you!" The Rubik Cube called out from outside the room. It had flew out when Da Bei entered, still traumatized at how Da Bei had crushed it's beautiful body. 

The one that knocked the door was Tian Zi. "Doctor Bai, the 19th Emperor insists on speaking with you." 

Tian Zi had not allowed the 19th Emperor from stepping close to Xiao Hua's room. Their master had told them not to let anyone in to disturb Xiao Hua's rest, but since the 19th Emperor only wishes to speak to Doctor Bai, she will pass on the word.

"Tell him that until Long Zhu finishes dealing with Long Shan, I will not step away from my daughter. The Emperor is not dying and can wait for a bit longer," Doctor Bai said in a righteous tone. 

He knew that Long Yuen was here likely to ask him to wake up his son just to return the reins of the Kingdom affairs back to him.

Xiao Hua: '...' Can Doctor Bai do that?

Reality told her that he could be this willful when the 19th Emperor agreed to wait until the hero finished his rehab session.