Vol 7 Chapter 232 – Get your ears clean, daddy

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 232 - Get your ears clean, daddy

The night had come and Long Zhu was still not back yet. When the dinner meal arrived, carried by Tian Zi and Tian Chi, Xiao Hua used this opportunity to ask them some questions.

"Do you know where XiYing is?"

Before a blind person, one tends to be less guarded in hiding their true emotions. Tian Zi and Tian Chi expressed panic on their face, before forcing themselves to be calm. 

Tian Zi spoke with a calm voice. "Lady Duan is not available currently, unable to serve Sister Xiao Hua. It may take a few days for Lady Duan to finish her duties."

"... XiYing got badly hurt?" Xiao Hua may have suffered a breakdown at that time, but she could mildly hear Duan XiYing was doing her best to save her. She had not confirmed it was real, but Tian Zi's reply confirmed it.

The Third Prince has punished Duan XiYing for letting Xiao Hua meet with the hero.

"Sister Xiao Hua, please do not think too much about this. Lady Duan will return to your side once she is able to."

Since Tian Zi did not wish to tell her, Xiao Hua could only let it go. Besides, she does not know if she truly wanted to hear Duan XiYing's punishment. 

Xiao Hua can only reassure herself that since Da Bei was fine, Duan XiYing will be too. 

Pulling out a bottle of medicine from her bracelet, she placed it on the table. "Is this the bottle of medicine I've gotten from Duke Heng? A white bottle with pretty green bamboo?"

Although she relied on imagination and memory to pull things out from the spatial storage, Xiao Hua was not confident if she had taken out the right item. 

"Yes, you've gotten the right one," Tian Zi confirmed and guessed that this bottle of medicine would be given to Duan XiYing.

Sure enough, Xiao Hua requested, "Sister Tian Zi, can you give this to XiYing?"

Duke Heng had said this medicine was high quality, able to boost the body's healing capacity, where even a stab wound could be cured. Xiao Hua had not tried this medicine before, and would have continued on forgetting about it's existence if not for worrying over the injured Duan XiYing.

"I will be sure to pass it to Lady Duan. She will be happy to know Sister Xiao Hua cares for her deeply," Tian Zi promised. She did not try to deny that Duan XiYing was injured anymore, as Xiao Hua already knew.

The atmosphere was depressing, and Tian Chi wanted to change it, hence her abrupt reveal. "Doctor Shen's funeral will be in two days. The family of the deceased had sent Sister Xiao Hua an invitation to pay respect."

Tian Zi stared in reproach at the girl she had treated like her real sister. She understood Tian Chi wanted to stop Xiao Hua from continuing on asking about Duan XiYing, but the new subject was as depressing as the one before!

As expected, Xiao Hua gave off a gloomy and depressed air. She has given her report on what happened during the fight with that green eyed man, including how Doctor Shen had met his demise. But she does not know what happened after she fainted from the burning in her eyes and was told it was thanks to the snow wolf that bitten off the green eyed man's neck.

Xiao Hua was glad she did not get to witness that bloody scene that would sure supply new ideas for her nightmare.

Doctor Bai had successfully removed the poison from destroying Doctor Shen's body even further. Along with Xiao Hua's report, the funeral was able to be arranged without a long delay.

Tian Zi dragged Tian Chi away, leaving the silent Xiao Hua and Doctor Bai to enjoy their dinner. Da Bei gets to eat a large piece of half cooked meat on a large plate placed on a chair, at the height comfortable for him to enjoy his dinner.

"Here, open your mouth."


Da Bei raised his head, his mouth chewing on the meat as he stared at Doctor Bai. His eyes showed the same confusion that Xiao Hua was currently feeling.

"I will feed you. Open your mouth wide and don't move. Ah, do you need a napkin around your neck?"

"No...No need!" Xiao Hua quickly raised her hands to stop any incoming food from reaching her mouth. "I can eat by myself!"

Doctor Bai laughed softly. "I know you can. I've heard you are practicing diligently everyday. But right now you are still recovering. You can practise again after you have recovered."

"You truly don't need to trouble yourself! I'm already feeling better! Eating is no trouble for me!" Xiao Hua waved her hands non stop, and continued doing so until Doctor Bai gave up on his offer.

"There are times when you should accept others' kindness. Your continuous declination will make that kind hearted person no longer offer his aid to you in future."

Xiao Hua grasped Doctor Bai's hand in one try, showing that when she was determined, she could do it! 

"Daddy, please continue showering me with your love!"

The smile on Doctor Bai's face was as gentle as ever, but under his sleeves, his arms were covered with goosebumps. Fortunately Xiao Hua did not go overboard, like rubbing her face on his hand, or else he would kick her far away!

Doctor Bai lifted his hand that was still in her hands and poked her forehead. "While you are eating, you will list out the ingredients of the food you've tasted."

Xiao Hua released her grip. "Eh?"

"A doctor should have a sharp sense of taste and smell."

"I'm not going to be a doctor!" Xiao Hua fiercely refuted. She knew it was a golden opportunity to learn from the best doctor in the world, but she knows very well of her own limit when it comes to learning.

Don't even mention studies, even this lady's guts shrunk from imagining the possible dead end I could face!

Le XiaoTing was an average office worker that does not even dare to sign important documents to act as a witness! How would she even dare to hold responsibility for a person's life? If she counted on her luck for the patients treated by her to get well and not die on her, she would have used up her entire life's luck in a short span of time!

"I will respect your decision if you truly wish so."

"Thank you!"

"But could you listen to my advice before you make your final decision?"


"I will not force my view on you. You can decide on your own."


"This will be the last time I will persuade you on this matter, I promise."

"...You are my honorable father. Your humble daughter must not decline in listening to your advice you have personally gained through your vast experience."

Doctor Bai laughed in amusement. Xiao Hua attempted to be a prim and proper noble lady by straightening her back and pressing her legs neatly together. Her hands even placed on top of each other on her lap, just like an educated noble lady. 

But what made him laugh was her earnest expression that was completely in contrast with her sarcastic words. She did not hide her rude tone, yet she dared to seek forgiveness with her innocent look. 

It would work better if her eyes could return to their usual black color. She looked more innocent that way.

"Then, I hope my lovely daughter can patiently listen to your father's long winded words."

"Hit me with it!"

Doctor Bai: "..." Your face tells me it will be a great ordeal to go though.

"You do not want to remain a useless person, yes? That's why you agreed to come to the Bai land with me, isn't it?"

You really hit me! Xiao Hua expressed her feelings of being betrayed. "That's to learn martial arts!"

"I will teach you that too, but don't tell me you want to be a muscular barbie?"

Xiao Hua: '...' What muscular barbie?!

"In every world, there's no free food. Without usefulness, who would treat you well? Other than your father here, no one will help you willingly without asking for return. Even if you become a muscular barbie, I doubt you want to be a bodyguard for Long Zhu?"

"I don't want to be a muscular barbie. Period," Xiao Hua cut in sharply, no longer wanting to hear that word. That word evoked a strong image difficult to be swallowed.

"And I get what you mean about no free food in the world. Everything I have now came from Long Zhu. XiYing, Da Bei, and everyone only treats me well because of Long Zhu."

Da Bei whined, no longer interested in his meal, approached Xiao Hua and rubbed his furry head at her side. If he was at his smaller size, the place he rubbed would be her legs, but his bigger size had his head reaching her upper arm when she was sitting down. 

"I know, I know. I love Da Bei lots too!" Xiao Hua glomped the chilly snow wolf and rubbed her face on his soft fur. 

"It would be good to know more than knowing less." Doctor Bai smiled at the two children, with a closer bond than before. 

Xiao Hua rubbed her face on the fur while sprawling her boneless body on Da Bei. "I know, but do you know what my major is? Accounting! I have a high school level of basic science and only know the very basic organs inside a body."

"Teaching you from the basics is my pleasure. I did not expect you to learn all my medicinal knowledge, just up to where you are able to learn. Even if you are only able to learn the basics, I don't mind it. In this world, female doctors are rare and considered to be a novelty."

That was exactly why Liu Chu Chu was well received by everyone, because she was a female doctor, and not a fake, as far as everyone believed. 

With a heavy sigh, Xiao Hua asked solemnly, "How do you feel when you failed to save your patient?"

"...Horrible." Just as Xiao Hua guessed, Doctor Bai had patients die under his treatment before. "But I will still try to save them even knowing the chance of failure is high. A good doctor always worries about whether he can save the patient or not."

"Just to let you know, I'm worrying about this because I'm a coward, don't want to invite trouble and I'm blind."

"It's a matter of time before your eyes would be healed by Yu Zheng." Doctor Bai smiled knowingly. "But half of your heart already starts to accept learning to be a doctor." 

Or else, Xiao Hua will be more stubborn in listening to him.

"To be afraid of failure yet wanting to do your best, isn't that a good doctor?"

"...Get your ears clean, daddy. Get rid of your rose tinted glasses too." Her harsh words were at odds with the small smile spotted on her half hidden face buried on the white fur.