Vol 7 Chapter 242 – You are a clone?

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily

XH 242 - You are a clone?

Before asking Doctor Bai, it would be best to do some scouting first.

And so Xiao Hua turned to Long Zhu to ask if he knew about Doctor Bai's method on how to leave Bai land for a long time.

Sadly, Long Zhu does not know.

"At that time... I'm learning from Teacher without needing to step out of his land unless he assigned me some task to be completed alone in nearby towns. I have never seen Teacher step out before."

Even when his Teacher had asked him a favor to plant the thousand year old ginseng in South Guilin Village, he went there with his Imperial grandfather instead. As for how many days the journey will take, or how his Teacher was going to plant the ginseng, Long Zhu was not interested at that time.

With no other choice, Xiao Hua bites the bullet and directly asks Doctor Bai.

She should have expected it when he refused to tell her, not at all open for any negotiation. It was a hunch that told her his cheat was given by the rubik cube!

With the help of Da Bei, Xiao Hua managed to grab onto Doctor Bai who had fled from her anytime she wanted to ask about his cheat. She has no worries in harassing Doctor Bai for he no longer needs to heal anyone, other than pushing the 19th Emperor to quickly release the bounty on Liu Chu Chu.

Doctor Bai was indeed right to worry about Liu Chu Chu being possessed by the demoness, as the rubik cube had calculated the possibility of the demon invasion occuring had increased to fifty one percent!

What the heck is Liu Chu Chu doing?!

"You want to know about why I'm not punished by the Bai ancestors?"

"Yes! Can you tell me?"

"Give up. I will not tell you," Doctor Bai gave her the same answer.

"Why not? What's the harm of visiting Guilin once in a while?" Xiao Hua questioned.

"Please focus on your training as well as dedicating your energy in healing your eyes," Doctor Bai mercilessly reprimanded his adopted daughter.

Doctor Bai's words were enough to silence Xiao Hua. But there was still Long Zhu. "Teacher..."

"Restrain yourself for two years."

Long Zhu chuckled helplessly, as he had already expected his Teacher's refusal. "I give you my word that I will not let Xiao Hua use that method."

"What?" Xiao Hua exclaimed in shock, just as surprised as Doctor Bai.

"Lord Yu Zheng told me he can only start healing Xiao Hua in Bai land, safe from any interruption." More specifically, it will take a long time and both the patient and doctor will be exposed to danger if their concentration was focused elsewhere even for a second.

Long Zhu would only endlessly worry the longer Xiao Hua remained blind, utterly defenceless, so he hoped Xiao Hua could be cured quickly.

The earlier the better.

"He won't be healing me all the time..."

"But your visitation would interrupt the treatment," Long Zhu cut off Xiao Hua firmly. This time, he had to put away his own self interest for her own good. "I will not be visiting but I would write letters for Duan XiYing to read for you."

"What..." Xiao Hua gaped in disbelief, a flash of pain crossed her face before she hid it away. "I...I will anticipate your letters."

Long Zhu's firm expression softened, but he did not take back his words. He could only promise and swear to heaven that he would treat her like his precious little goddess after the two years had passed. Nothing will stop him from having her as his wife then.

"Technically, I'm still on Bai's land." Doctor Bai revealed, successfully grabbing the young lovers' attention.

Xiao Hua felt complicated. "...You are a clone?"

"Don't be ridiculous. How can it be so easy to create a clone?"

Xiao Hua: '...' But that's what the main characters in those wuxia novels could do!

"Teacher, I sensed soil... on your shoes?" Long Zhu eyed his Teacher's clean, white shoes in confusion. He had spread out his Qi to test out Doctor Bai, and was allowed by his Teacher, only to discover something unexpected.

"I am stepping on Bai's soil inside my shoes." With socks protecting his feet, of course. He had thought of this idea and hastily tested it, for fear of being driven insane after being stuck in the land and seeing the same things for decades!

"That... that worked?!" Xiao Hua gaped as stupidly as the idea.

"The ancestors accepted my view after hearing my reason," Doctor Bai explained humbly, which was far from how aggressive he was when he convinced the spirits to accept his far fetched logic!

"Oh, so they could be reasonable at times," Xiao Hua praised, a little relieved.

Doctor Bai's smile held a hint of mystery. "They are."

The next day, the Emperor, Empress, and Long Lian started their journey to one of their holiday houses with a beautifully built hot spring.

Long Lian left with a regretful look that was only slightly appeased after Xiao Hua promised to exchange letters with her.

"Only Da Bei is allowed to help you with the letters!" Long Lian strongly suggested. Da Bei was the only one she trusted not to gossip around with what she wrote in the letters!

"I will try." Xiao Hua relented, even if her mind told her it would most likely be Duan XiYing that will be helping her. She could not be choosy on who can help her, right?

"You are not angry at your son for leaving you behind to help out the 21st Emperor?" Doctor Bai asked as he looked on at the younger girls' interaction not far away.

"Why would I be angry at that useless son of mine? If I leave him to teach Long Ming, who knows what my grandson will turn out to be!"

Besides, they will return before the release of the Imperial examination's final result.

Bai Chuan laughed lightly. "You've worked hard, my friend. Remember to rest or your body will collapse from exhaustion. Don't drink too much cold tea and go to bed earlier."

"Hmph! As long as my grandsons remain filial and continue helping me, these old bones of mine will not be exhausted!"

These days, Long Yuen's workload has decreased. He does not know what possessed his favourite grandson to willingly help him out, but he did a great job. It was a waste of Long Zhu's talent to not be the Emperor.

But Long Yuen understood that his Eighth grandson was the Emperor they needed, to bring the Guilin Kingdom to a better direction for the future generations.

Perhaps Long Zhu worked hard to stop himself from feeling sad as the day of his little fiancee's departure grew nearer?

No matter how much one wished for time to slow down, they could not stop the inevitable.

"Would Duan XiYing be enough to accompany you?" Heise asked.

It was a day before Xiao Hua set out to Bai Land and Heise managed to sneak out to meet her with the 19th Emperor as his shield to fend off his scary tutors.

It was only twelve days left before the imperial examination and Heise had been cramming as much knowledge as he could. He was strictly supervised by the unsympathetic Prince Heng and Grand tutor Ping Pong duo.

His cute cheeks were missing some meat from his hard work!

"Duan XiYing is not allowed to follow along," Doctor Bai interrupted with a smile that somehow contained a layer of ice in the 19th Emperor's eyes.

Xiao Hua already knew that Duan XiYing was not going to come with her after she bid farewell to Long Lian, so she was not surprised.

Doctor Bai kindly explained, "There are some family secrets that I'm not comfortable having a stranger knowing. Only Da Bei, my daughter's contracted beast, could follow along."

With a straight face in place, no one knows that the 19th Emperor was actually laughing inside at how grudgeful his long time friend was.

Poor little thieving snake. Bai Chuan does not wish to see her.

Everyone has their own ideas on why Doctor Bai refused anyone to follow, but no one would have guessed the truth.

Using Xiao Hua as an excuse, they could use this great opportunity to use some modern device!

"Xiao Hua needs a female servant to help her with her necessity," Heise pointed out.

He does not know if Doctor Bai had hired any servants or not, but Doctor Bai, Yu Zheng and Da Bei were all males!

"There will be a female to help her if needed in my home," Doctor Bai promised.

"There's other people in Bai land?" Xiao Hua thought it would only be Doctor Bai there, silent and lonely.

"She's an injured refuge that will leave once she has recovered her injuries."

Long Yuen raised an eyebrow at Bai Chuan knowingly.