Vol 7 Chapter 243 – Please let me reassuringly fall on you

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily

XH 243 - Please let me reassuringly fall on you

With how busy the Third Prince was, Xiao Hua thought that she would only get to see him tomorrow to see them off. 

But Xiao Hua's assumption was wrong.

It was during night time, when everyone was preparing to sleep, that a rogue openly entered her bedroom and took her away in his strong arms. 

It was fortunate that she had not gone to bed early and had been thinking if there was anything she had forgotten to pack at the last minute. Or else she will face the night wind in her thin, one layer pajamas!

"W-Where are we going!" Xiao Hua screamed right to his ears due to their position. 

"Rooftops is where we can admire the moon peacefully."

Xiao Hua: '...' Rooftop?

With air movement techniques, the Third Prince jumped up onto a rooftop easily. His movement was just like those master in jianghu in the chinese dramas that Le XiaoTing had watched, but the currently blind her could not enjoy the graceful movement. 

As a blind person that was distorted from his unusual movement, she could only wrap her arms around his neck tightly, praying for whatever he was doing to end quickly!

She was very aware they were moving fast when the chilly breeze assaulted her body fiercely! Her heart was overworking thanks to fear!

Once they safely landed on the rooftop, Long Zhu placed Xiao Hua on his lap, with her back resting on his chest. His arms were around her waist, securely holding her in place like a seat belt.

"The moon is as beautiful as always." Long Zhu sighed in admiration, but Xiao Hua was sitting stiffly on his lap, afraid to move or she might risk falling to her death.

Xiao Hua was pretty sure that lovers having a rendezvous in a bedroom during the middle of the night was still a hot trend. There was no need to follow a lesser popular one!

"The moon is as white as the night pearl, just like the one that Long Lian had given you. It's as round as a gold coin in your treasure box and the moon is the brightest high up in the night sky. Seeing it is very relaxing and peaceful, with all worries forgotten momentarily, mesmerized by the beautiful night scenery."


"Is my description insufficient?"

"Huh? Not at all." But Xiao Hua does not understand why he would suddenly describe the moon?

Aware of Xiao Hua's confusion despite being unable to see her expression, Long Zhu explained his actions. "Xiao Hua could not see, so I thought to describe it using the items you have seen and remembered."

"It's alright. I've seen the moon many times before! It's always the same," Xiao Hua assured Long Zhu, but it also sounded as if she was rejecting his considerate action.

Not wanting to hurt his feelings, she hastily continued on. "We could have talked in a room. Rooftop is quite dangerous." Xiao Hua laughed awkwardly.

"Will you stop avoiding me if we are in a room?"

"Of course not! When have I ever avoided you?"

"You avoided me for the last two days."

Xiao Hua opened her mouth to protest, only for her memory to drop down heavily on her conscience. She had indeed tried to avoid Long Zhu out of embarrassment for being clingy. Even the memory of it caused her to have the strong urge to bury herself underground!

What embarrassed her was her demand for him to visit her during the two years in Bai land!

Le XiaoTing was the type to run the other way when she saw her crush, what do you expect when she had greatly embarrassed herself before her boyfriend?

Her female fatale persona during the spicy moment in Long Zhu's study was nowhere to be seen!

Her slight blush and lowered head to hide herself earned a soft smile from Long Zhu. Sadly, only the moon gets to witness his affectionate gaze.

He pulled her closer to him, ignoring her stiffness and dropped a lingering kiss on the top of her head.

"I will wait for your return." He would faithfully wait for her, anticipating the date that marked two years. Once that day comes, he will lawfully have her as his wife. 

Even if Yu Zheng failed to treat her eyes, he will never abandon this girl he had poured all his heart to. There would be no one else that was able to get his heart.

"So please…" The grip around Xiao Hua tightened, but his strength was controlled, careful not to hurt her. "Don't think that I no longer love you."

Xiao Hua clenched her fists on her lap tightly, feeling numbness from them as she interrupted the blood flow. Yet she did not ease her grip, her mind buzzed from how sudden she was unexpectedly being freed of the heavy uncertainty. Her heart does not fare well from sudden release of pressure. 

She pressed her trembling lips tightly and drilled herself deeper into his arms, able to feel his warmth through their multiple layers of clothes. 

"I am afraid," Xiao Hua confessed softly. "When the World Spirit told me that the effect of the tea I've brew does not represent your affection for me, I feel scared."

Xiao Hua laughed at herself. "At first, knowing that my tea could identify your affection towards me is scary. Everytime I brew a pot of tea, I would be afraid. 'What if the effects weaken?' 'Will he still love me as much as yesterday?' 'What can I do to make him continue to love me?' I can't stop myself from thinking those things."

"I'm sorry." Long Zhu's whisper travelled into her ears like the gentle night wind. He knew she would feel anxious about it, just like he does, but both unable to do anything about it.

That was why he was relieved when Xiao Hua told him the truth behind her special tea, which had nothing to do with him. 

"But… I miss it," Xiao Hua admitted guiltily. "I don't know when it started, but I prefer the tea I've brewed will depend on your affection. At least this way, I can know confidently about how you feel towards me."

Xiao Hua raised her face upward and enjoyed the cold wind on her heated face. "Without this cheat that gauges your heart, I'm just like everyone, heading down the path of love blindly."

As blind as she was physically now. 

And it was extremely terrifying. 

"I will not let you fall," Long Zhu promised.

So don't be afraid.

Xiao Hua's smile was bittersweet as she grasped his warm hands that quickly wrapped her smaller hands in his. "Then… please let me reassuringly fall on you."

She had already long decided during that moment when she accepted him as her boyfriend, that she will enjoy the present instead of worrying for the future until her hair turned white. 

Enjoy what you have now and treasure it to make it last long. 

The young couple enjoyed their last, private moment before parting, not even willing to sleep, choosing to enjoy the sight of the sky lightening up and the sun rising. 

Fortunately Doctor Bai will be travelling in a carriage, allowing Xiao Hua to sleep during the ride. Yu Zheng will be handling the horses and Da Bei chose to run alongside the carriage, still in his beast form.

Da Bei feels that he needs to familiarize with his new form even better.

Tang Mei stared at the letter her princess had just given to her with a troubled gaze. Xiao Hua's name was written on it in a beautiful, bold font, just like the owner. 

"Princess, this servant does not know where Doctor Bai's home is at."

The bright smile on Long Lian's face slipped. She does not know either!

Long Shan kneeled down before the huge statue of Buddha, his palms pressed together. His eyes were calm, not even flinching when a senior monk shaved off his hair carefully.

His 'spear' and 'shield' wanted to stop their master, yet they had to obey his word. They could only shadow their master and protect him from afar secretly.

Liu Chu Chu angrily throws a piece of paper with her portrait drawn into the fire. To think the Four Kingdoms would place a bounty on her head!

Gu Wenjing, the King of Gu Dan, smiled charmingly. "No need to be so angry at the ants struggling to kill the tiger."

Hearing that, Liu Chu Chu calmed down. "Did you manage to find the things I've asked you?"

Gu Wenjing's mouth curved. "Such a rare thing, it will need more time. But I have a good feeling about it."

"Good." That thing was something Fu Chou told her, which will help her get stronger and cure the whip wound. 

With that, she will save her husband and pay back her debts to her enemies!



Its about a girl from historical time, transmigrated to modern times. To pay back the debts for the body's father, she start 'boardcasting' to sell her expensive shoes for cheaper price. Then her other talents or knowledge helped her to get more famous. (Calligraphy, playing Guqin) Yes, this novel also focus on pets! And the ML is a vet with deeeeeep pocket.

The ML is like a peeeeerfect boyfriend. Nice treatment towards his girlfriend. I would like one too XD

I also like that the author flesh out the side characters, and Im busy matching the side characters with each other ahaha.

So far, I did not notice any plotholes, but then, Im reading it using google translate. The english translation is only at 12th chapter. But the google translation is easy to read, thanks to the modern setting.