Vol 8 Chapter 244 – My firewall is top notch!

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 244 - My firewall is top notch!

The first day Xiao Hua stepped into Bai land, she was quickly introduced to Ming Yue, the lady that was staying at Bai land until she fully recovered from her injury. 

Xiao Hua greeted the other lady politely and thought they would be friends, until the rubik cube opened its mouth.

"That's your love rival! What are you doing, being so friendly with her!"


The rubik cube rolled its black digital eyes at how slow she was. "Why do you think she would quickly come out to welcome you? It's to see who her rival is, ah!"

"... She's obligated to greet the owner of the land when he returns." For a guest to stay secluded and ignore the owner of the land she was freeloading in, that was just plain rude. "Did you get infected by some virus?"

"As if I, this big brother, would easily be infected by a virus! My firewall is top notch!"

"Indeed. Only those at my level could hack into your system," Yu Zheng agreed. 

"Why are you here?" The rubik cube glared at Yu Zheng hatefully. Even if Yu Zheng was now it's host's lover, the system could not forget the trauma he gave it during that period of cat and mouse game!

"Where do you think I should be when today is my daughter's first day at home?" It would naturally be in her room, and see if she was doing well or not.

"That's my host's job, not yours, intruder!" The rubik cube flashed red lights with matching red digital eyes.

Yu Zheng just smirked at the system and turned to Xiao Hua. "However, our family's system had said correctly about that Ming Yue girl."

"...She likes Long Zhu?" 

Xiao Hua was only worried about not having Duan XiYing to help her to adjust in her new home. She did expect to meet a love rival one day, but she had never expected the love rival would be in Bai land of all places. 

What the heck? Why would the love rival hole herself here instead of sticking beside Long Zhu?

"Is she hoping to stay here to get the chance to bond with Long Zhu because he has a student teacher relationship with Doctor Bai?" Xiao Hua questioned with a deep frown.

"Bingo!" The Rubik cube flashed rainbow color lights, making Xiao Hua's room have a disco feel, not that the new owner can enjoy the colorful sight.

"Long Zhu is not interested in her in the slightest," Yu Zheng assured, but the frown between her eyebrows did not loosen even a bit. 

"How serious is her injury?" 

"It was serious at the start, but it's completely healed now! That shameless hussy keeps on whining and fake crocodile tears to stay here! If not for my host being afraid to get the OOC penalty, he would have gotten rid of her years ago!" The Rubik cube grumped grouchily.

"Years…? How long has she stayed here?" Xiao Hua asked dreadfully.

"Nearly five years now. That shameless person, I don't know where she got that information, found out that the Third Prince is my host's disciple!" The rubik cube complained. 

No one knows if she purposely got herself injured severely just to enter the Bai land and used that moment to create a close bond with Long Zhu. Even if she did not and it was a fortunate coincidence, Ming Yue will still take this golden opportunity to get close to the beautiful Third Prince of Guilin. It would be even better if Doctor Bai viewed her favourably and encouraged his disciple to marry her!

But if she had planned it all, she was truly a scary twelve year old!

"Fortunately for you, Long Zhu hardly visits this teacher of his and has not much impression of Ming Yue." Doctor Bai stepped into the room and smoothly inserted himself in the conversation.

"Doctor Bai," Xiao Hua greeted as her head turned to the direction of his voice.

"Looks like you aren't that bad at recognizing voices."

Xiao Hua: '...' I'm forced to listen to your speech about human anatomy during the whole ride to Bai land! I can't even forget about your voice!

"It's time for dinner. I've brought your meal."

Yu Zheng stared at the plate with food enough for everyone that Doctor Bai had placed on the table with interest. "Spaghetti? It's rare for you to cook such a simple dish."

"I thought to start simple for Xiao Hua to sharpen her tongue."

Xiao Hua was immediately distracted by the word 'spaghetti' and already started to drool from the smell, not knowing her difficult days were starting.  

After a month, Xiao Hua found out that Doctor Bai had planned to let Ming Yue marry Long Zhu to help him bypass the evil known as Xiao Hua. But Long Zhu hardly visited Doctor Bai at all, giving them no chance to lay the beauty trap on him.

Doctor Bai coaxed the furious Xiao Hua by admitting he was glad the matchmaking failed, and that Ming Yue was not suitable for Long Zhu at all.

Xiao Hua only let go of her anger after Doctor Bai agreed to stop the tasting lesson for a week to appease her.

When the second month difficulty passed, Xiao Hua had a mild trauma upon hearing the word 'meal time'. No matter how delicious Doctor Bai's homecooking was, a person has a limit in eating the same dish in a large portion for a number of times until she gets all the ingredients right!

But that fear helped her to improve leaps and bounds.

Lately, her clothes felt tight… sideways!

Ah! I've gotten fat!

The darkness Xiao Hua always seen finally lightened up at the sixth month of her stay. Papa Ginseng had worked hard!

Not only that, her taste buds had worked extra hard too! It reached the point where she could identify every ingredient with just one taste! Doctor Bai had also not let go of her nose, training her to be as sharp as a police dog's nose. 

Her sharp nose was rather helpful when it came to avoiding the smell of roses perfume that signaled Ming Yue's arrival. 

It was not that Ming Yue had harmed her or anything. It was just that Xiao Hua would feel uncomfortable not being able to read Ming Yue's expression when facing her love rival.

The Rubik Cube had told her that Ming Yue hated her. She does not know if its words were reliable, but it was prudent to stay away from Ming Yue, lest she invite trouble! 

In the seventh month, Xiao Hua could finally sigh in relief.

She no longer needed to sing love songs when she needed to awaken the full effects of the plucked herbs!

She had also graduated from basic knowledge, but Doctor Bai does not give her a break and continues on with his stringent lectures.

In the eighth month, Xiao Hua could see vague light and shadows, much to her joy.

As Yu Zheng no longer needs to spend most of his time doing intense healing on her eyes, he now has time to train her physically.

Yu Zheng decided to improve her stamina and basic form first. 

Since then, every morning will be a healing session, afternoon will be a training session, and when night comes it will be a healing session again. 

It was the eleventh month when Xiao Hua finally reached the upper realm of second rank, only to discover that was her limit.

Her body could not break the limit.

It was thanks to Long Zhu's constant feeding her nutrient pills that she could cultivate till this far. As for the boosts leftover by the World Spirit, it just increased a little of her speed and strength, as well as teaching her how to use the whip attack using spiritual energy.

As that was her body's fate, Yu Zheng can only start teaching her some sword skills.

"When you use your whip to attack, you need to use your spiritual energy to boost your strength until you can draw blood. But that will exhaust you quickly and you will be in danger if your enemy could still fight. Swords are lethal, both to your enemy and yourself. It's sharp and requires not much effort to cut people open."

Xiao Hua: '...' Okay, I will learn!

Twelve months was equivalent to one year.

It had been one year and her eyes finally completely healed!

However, aside from the expected miraculous 20/20 vision and her still grey eyes, Xiao Hua was shocked that she became colorblind.

Yu Zheng could not do anything about her colorblind state, but Xiao Hua was happy enough to be able to see!

Everyone was happy for her, all except Ming Yue. 

It was thanks to the Rubik Cube that detected a dangerous drug mixed well in the basin of water she was about to use to wash her face. 

Once the system listed out what the drug could do, Xiao Hua does not want to imagine how her eyes would fare once the drug got into her eyes, nose, or mouth!

That crazy bitch!

Doctor Bai finally has a strong reason to kick Ming Yue out righteously and tells her to not come back.

But Ming Yue refused to leave and acted out a pitiful scene. However, Doctor Bai refused to be moved by the beauty with pearl like tears, as she tried to harm his 'precious' daughter. 

If it was not Da Bei that went through Ming Yue's stuff before she gave up and left, Xiao Hua would not know she was such a stubborn and ambitious person!

Ming Yue was going to the Guilin capital to find Long Zhu!

"If Da Bei had a prominent background, she would have clung on to marry him," Yu Zheng suddenly dropped a bomb.

Although Da Bei mostly stayed in his beast form, there were still a few times he turned into his human form to use his hands to help Xiao Hua out. 

Xiao Hua finally understood why Tian Zi would so easily throw Xiao Liu aside and set her girl crush heavily on Da Bei.

He was deadly handsome with an unfriendly expression, yet his pure eyes made one assume him to be 'hard outside but soft inside' type!

"Why doesn't she cling onto you or Doctor Bai?" Xiao Hua asked in disbelief. Speaking of appearance, Yu Zheng and Doctor Bai belonged to heavenly gorgeous types! 

"She knew we are gay." Ming Yue was extremely nauseated once she found out, after Yu Zheng had boldly declared his ownership on Doctor Bai using affectionate, eye stinging, gestures.

Xiao Hua released a deep breath, feeling frustrated. She had no plans to harm Ming Yue just because of her great ambitions, but that does not mean she would let her fiancee be leered by another!

"Da Bei!" Xiao Hua turned to the snow white wolf beside her. "Can you help me send a letter to Long Zhu?"