Vol 8 Chapter 245 – Being taught by Xiao Hua

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily

XH 245 - Being taught by Xiao Hua

"Sir Da An, do you have an elder brother?"

"I have a younger brother, not older," Da An corrected a newbie guard. "Are you bored?"

"No! Never!" The newbie guard shakes his head so hard that it was only thanks to his intense training that his neck did not get internal injuries. "I just saw someone who looks very much like Sir Da An! Truly!"

For fear that Da An would throw even more duty at him, the newbie added more explanation. "He has the same face mask as yours, along with a similar uniform!"

"Where did you see him?"

The newbie was taken aback by his senior's intense gaze but honestly answered. "He had just taken in to meet our master."

"Continue your patrol!" Da An ordered before dashing away to their master's direction.

"Hmm? Maybe that is Sir Da An's relative?" The newbie pondered as he watched Da An's figure disappear quickly into the distance.

The newbie felt envious as he recalled the good looking masked man. Hiding his face does not stop others from finding him mysterious and attractive. The way he walked, steady and confident in his own pace told him that Sir Da An's relative was certainly on the right path of being a successful person in life!

Inside a room with plenty of illuminating pearls, Mingzhi Wugui, the black turtle celestial's vassal, silently laughed behind his wide sleeves.

Long Zhu's facade of calmness and nobility was completely gone as soon as he heard there was a letter from Xiao Hua, personally written by her own hands. He does not care that they were currently discussing important plans and received the letter.

Once Long Zhu unfolded the letter, he immediately recognized it was Xiao Hua's writing. The words were a bit crooked after months without writing. If she could write normally, it means her eyesight was cured!

After controlling his joy, he concentrated on the content, only to smell a strong stench of vinegar from it.

...Who is this Ming Yue?

Xiao Hua called this Ming Yue person as a fly that will be clinging onto him soon. She even complained that the fly's buzzing sound was its own interpretation of sounding pitiful, unknown that it was actually annoying and frustrating people to death. The fly will come over to beg him to let it stay in his house, shamelessly clinging despite others trying to smack it to death.

Long Zhu's heart let out a loud 'ba-dump' when his eyes lingered on a certain sentence on the letter, and reread it again a few times.

'Please remember you still have a fiancee that will throw you away if you gather beauties around you!'

Long Zhu finally raised his eyes from the letter to look at the tall teenager with a black mask standing at the corner of the room.

"How is she doing?"


Long Zhu was not angry at Da Bei for treating his words like a treasure. If Xiao Hua was not doing well, he would let him know. "Who is this fly?"

"A short fly that is the epitome of 'loli' that has the capability to make lesser men commit a crime on her."

"Loli?" Mingzhi Wugui could not resist asking about the strange word.

Da Bei's eyes went dazed momentarily, retrieving a memory, before answering the question like he was reciting from a text. "A loli is a person that is already old yet pretends to be a cute little girl."

Long Zhu: '...' That's definitely being taught by Xiao Hua.

Mingzhi Wugui's face twisted into disgust. "How foul." He, a cute boy that was well-liked by older ladies, has his own fair share of encountering plenty of 'loli'.

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua was not here to explain the meaning of 'loli' properly to Mingzhi Wugui. The younger boy had thought that those single and shameless older ladies that dressed in styles belonged to younger girls were 'loli'. Those older ladies dressed that way just to have a chance of getting married to him, who was at least five years younger than them!

"Ming Yue... is it that young lady that Teacher had rescued by chance years ago?" Long Zhu vaguely remembered a female temporarily staying at Bai land. "She should have already left long ago."

"A fly is hard to get rid of unless permanently squashing it."

Mingzhi Wugui discreetly inched himself away from Da Bei, a little wary of this violent youth that was far from his agreeable appearance. He may have seen and done some violence, but that does not mean he accepted it as a norm that could be uttered as if he was mentioning the method to cook.

"Da An, prepare to send my letter to my eighth brother once I've finished writing," Long Zhu ordered Da An, who was lingering outside the room.

Da An flinched for being caught but quickly replied. "Yes, master!"

Since Xiao Hua had expressed her stance on the matter of Ming Yue, as her fiance, Long Zhu will firmly support her choice. There would be no need to show some consideration towards the person without any ties to him that annoyed his fiancee.

Actually, Long Zhu was not in Guilin, but at Xuanwu, discussing matters with Mingzhi Wugui about Liu Chu Chu's whereabouts.

Liu Chu Chu, like a coward, chose to hide inside Gu Dan's circle of poisonous fog and did not step out even a foot since the first time she entered.

The 19th Emperor, Long Yuen, insisted on finding the gate to protect it, but Long Zhu planned to lure Liu Chu Chu out of Gu Dan and take that chance to kill her. Once she was dead, the chances of the gate being opened would not occur.

The four great celestial beasts had recovered most of their strength and could permanently seal the gate the moment they were able to.

Mingzhi Wugui was happy with Long Zhu's visits, but not so much about being forced to keep an eye on the disaster star which was sticking real close to Liu Chu Chu's star. Once the disastrous star covered Liu Chu Chu's star, it means she was completely taken over by the demon inside her.

There was news that Liu Chu Chu was asking around for precious items that would be beneficial to healing severe injury. The latest item she was finding was the phoenix's blood. Liu Chu Chu had been greatly injured by Xiao Hua's whip that was layered with her special tea that prevented her injury from healing well even after the tea was removed.

No matter how great a medicine was, they could not heal Liu Chu Chu. The World Spirit had boosted Xiao Hua's tea to the extent that it became the greatest kryptonite for Liu Chu Chu!

Long Zhu has a strong premonition that it was Xiao Hua's tea that severely weakened Liu Chu Chu, giving the demon a chance to rapidly take over the body. However, if the body originally belonged to Liu Chu Chu, the demon would have a harder time to take over the body.

Alas, she was not 'Liu Chu Chu'.

Heise stared down from his throne at the beauty that was staring up at him with pitiful yet hopeful eyes.

Then his eyes slowly turned to the Fourth Prince that had brought the beauty to the 21st Emperor, blissfully unaware of what kind of trouble he had invited into their home.

If it was not for the letter Long Zhu had sent it had reached his hands before the Fourth Prince introduced the beauty, Heise would likely be fooled as well.

Well, only momentarily fooled as Madam Heng had recognized the bell that the beauty had used to prove her identity as Long Zhu's true lover.

If Long Zhu had not written 'loli' in the letter, Heise would not suspect he had actually meant the beauty before him. He would then keep an eye on mid-twenties to thirties females that were wearing colorful and girly clothes!

Since the letter told him to treat the beautiful, little liar well, Heise will not hold back his generous hospitality!

Ming Yue could not resist trembling, uncertain whether it was out of joy or fear, as the 21st Emperor smiled down at her with a bright smile that was in contrast to his predatory gaze.

...Could it be the young Emperor took a liking towards her?

Her heart shook in delight and her smile became even softer, her gaze limpid as she innocently emitting a seductive vibe that was particularly effective on men with lower moral value.

Ming Yue had ignorantly walked straight to her demise.