Vol 8 Chapter 246 – Treasure it well!

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily

XH 246 - Treasure it well!

It was the thirteenth month when the Bai Land received a surprising yet uninvited guest.

"Could an Emperor easily leave the Kingdom without informing us first... and without guards?"

Heise had arrived with the 19th Emperor and Eunuch Heng in tow. But there was no group of army to escort them here!

Are they that confident with their strength?!

Long Yuen waved away Xiao Hua's concern. "It's alright for Long Ming to take a short vacation. There's enough of helping hands to deal with Kingdom's affair for a few days."

The Fourth Prince, 20th Emperor, and Prime Minister Heng can handle the Kingdoms affair for several days without trouble.

"What, not happy to see me?" Heise arched an eyebrow in a haughty manner.

"I never said that!" Xiao Hua quickly denied it. She had not stopped smiling since she saw Heise.

"Congrats on recovering your eyes," Heise said sincerely.

"...Thanks." Xiao Hua smiled. She has no plans to reveal her colorblind until it was necessary. As she does not need to buy her own clothes or driving a car, being colorblind would not hinder her daily life much. Usually, it was Duan XiYing that prepared her clothes without needing her to pick it. In Bai land, it was either Da Bei or Yu Zheng that picked her attire.

As for the food? She trusts Doctor Bai not to prank her using food.

After thirteen months of not seeing each other, Heise had grown taller, but still a head shorter than Xiao Hua. If an eleven-year-old boy grew taller than a fifteen-year-old girl, it would be embarrassing.

But they knew it would not be long before Heise outgrows Xiao Hua.

"You are slowly becoming a good 'shou' material!" Xiao Hua cheered, which made Heise unsure if she was mocking him or not.

Aside from Heise getting taller, he does not have many changes. His cheeks were looking as pinchable as ever with his skin as white as always.

"I'm the 'gong'! A handsome 'gong'!" Heise corrected, pissed.

Fortunately, Doctor Bai had brought the 19th Emperor away to pick some rare herbs and missed their OOC conversation. Eunuch Heng and Da Bei waited outside, giving them privacy. 

Unlike the usual occurrence, a certain system did not stick beside its host, and instead choosing to hang out with the team transmigrated. Their conversation will doom to be interesting, according to its analysis.

And it's starting.

A silk belt with a bell hanging at the end was thrown to Xiao Hua's head. It hit her forehead with a 'cling' sound before falling to her lap. "How could you easily lose your stuff?"

"Ow!" Annoyed, Xiao Hua grabbed some strawberries from a bowl and threw them hard at Heise in retaliation. No one knows if the strawberries were fragile or Xiao Hua's strength was huge, but they smashed once getting in contact with his face.

It would not end badly... if the strawberries had not splat out juices, staining his nose and eyes.



A fight would have started if Eunuch Heng had not immediately entered the room due to Heise's cries and efficiently cleaned the strawberry juices from his eyes.

"You lunatic!" Heise cursed with red, teary eyes after sending Eunuch Heng and Da Bei out of the room again.

No one cared about the floating system in the room that gleefully recorded their childish antics.

"You started the throwing first!" Xiao Hua accused, not backing down despite feeling bad for his eyes.

"I'm just giving back your stuff! I've even personally delivered it back to you and that's how you thank me?"

"Thank you, but I also know you are taking this opportunity to have a break from running the Kingdom!" Xiao Hua broke apart Heise's excuse and examined the belt properly, feeling it in her hands. "Oh, I remember this is given by Long Zhu?"

"It's in the hand of that loli rival! How can you be careless of the present given by Third Prince for your 15th birthday?"

"I've put it away in a safe place!" Xiao Hua protested. She had not noticed Ming Yue sneaked into her room and took her things!

What else had she took... or seen?

"If it wasn't for uncle Heng's wife that found your bell to be familiar, everyone will believe that loli to be the Third Prince's new lover!" Heise scolded.

"Eh? Duke Heng got married?" Xiao Hua exclaimed. "Who is it? Is she beautiful?"

"You and your face con, so what if she's an intelligent person with average looks?"

"I'm just curious. Don't wrongly judge me!"

Heise rolled his eyes, not believing her in the slightest. "Anyway, you won't know her anyway. Her name is Wan Ting and they got married two weeks ago."

"Wan Ting... why does that name sound familiar?" Xiao Hua rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

"How can you not remember?" The Rubik Cube scolded. "She's your lookalike ah!"

"Oh, her!" Xiao Hua snapped her fingers.

"Lookalike? Don't tell me... she has the same face as your original body?!"

"Ah, yeah-"

"No wonder Long Zhu told me to keep an eye on her and help her out if she's in trouble!"

"Eh? Long Zhu-"

"Why don't you tell me?" Heise demanded fiercely, leaning closer to her as if it could pressure her.

Xiao Hua sighed. "First, I forget to tell you, and then... I forgot again? But you should already know that there are people in this world with the same face as the people in our world, right? Like Eunuch Heng and Long Zhu."

"Bullshit!" Heise roared. "It's completely different if it's our face!!!"

Xiao Hua let out an embarrassed cough and attempted to switch the topic. "So, how did you meet Ming Yue? It should be hard for her to be able to even catch a glimpse of the Emperor!"

"Did you see my lookalike then?" Heise demanded, not willing to let the topic go.

"I don't even know how you look like!"

Heise: "..." Oh, yeah.

Xiao Hua: "..."

System: "Hehehe."

This time, it was Heise that was embarrassed. "...She's capable, alright. She went to the Fourth Prince's residence and beg for an audience until he agreed. The Fourth Prince recognized your belt and immediately believed her to be Third Prince's secret lover!"

"Hold on, I'm confused." Xiao Hua lifted the belt and the bell moved, releasing a beautiful sound that calmed their mood slightly. "Why would the Fourth Prince recognize this? And why would he easily believe her by just seeing this bell?"

Actually, it was not that the Fourth Prince did not find Ming Yue suspicious. But once she said she had stayed in Bai land, described the Bai doctor accurately, and admitted she had traveled to Guilin was to meet up with the Third Prince, the Fourth Prince started to have his belief wavered.

Long Yu: Had his third elder brother been cheating behind Miss Bai Hua right in her residence?!

For the Fourth Prince to easily believe his third brother to cheat on Xiao Hua was because Ming Yue was a beauty, even prettier than Xiao Hua!

Despite being the same age as the Third Prince, Ming Yue has a small face, tiny hands, and a cute smile that would have the majority of the male have the desire to hug and protect her from all the harsh wind. Not only that, but she was also clearly an educated lady and born from a good family. She was certainly way better than Xiao Hua in every aspect!

Of course, Heise does not dare to tell Xiao Hua any of this, but he had severely punished his fourth brother on her behalf!

The Fourth Prince's rude presumption does have his own truths if he had not seen this Xiao Hua after a year passed.

Xiao Hua had also grown taller, even taller than Ming Yue. Unlike Ming Yue's loli charm, Xiao Hua was more towards a hidden beauty that only blooms when she smiled, resembling a blooming flower.

Unlike Ming Yue that was a pro in capturing young male hearts, Xiao Hua's charm would capture males that seek a permanent, steady relationship.

Long Zhu was an adult and have no time to be interested in a troublesome and flighty beauty like Ming Yue!

"...It's not only him that recognized it. Even Duke Heng, Madam Heng, and the rest of the royal family did. You don't know what your boyfriend did to get a hold of that bell for you!" Heise snorted and ate a strawberry.

"This bell is a great treasure?" Xiao Hua asked warily. It was the first time she could look at the present Long Zhu had given her with her newly cured eyes.

She had not worn it, no matter how much she liked the sound as the bell moved because it would announce to everyone she was coming like a certain cow that Heise had given to her!

"You forgot you had complained to him that you have trouble sleeping if you are not tired? And that you have occasional headaches after a healing session with Yu Zheng?"

"...Eh? ...Eh!! This bell could solve them all?!"

"Treasure it well!" Heise scolded Xiao Hua, who was grinning foolishly as she caressed the bell fondly.


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Its drawings resemble solo leveling, which is good!!! the quality!

the artist might be the same person XD