Vol 8 Chapter 247 – Why are you so weak

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 247 - Why are you so weak

"What happened to Ming Yue then?"

"I let her choose one among the three choices to pick as her punishment."

During that meeting, Heise was being vague about what to do about her and how Ming Yue tries to sell her pitiful white lotus act. Finally, he told Ming Yue to return to the palace the next morning, at the time for morning court.

The ambitious Ming Yue had her imagination fly so far away that Heise did not bother enlightening her. It was her last day to enjoy her single dog life after all.

Sending the willing Ming Yue to stay a night at Prince Heng's residence was for the purpose of keeping an eye on her if she planned to escape. She had not sent any secret messages out, so this scheme was likely to be planned by herself or that she was confident of her success. The fox had not suspected anything, not even when Heise introduced her to the officials.

Ming Yue foolishly believed the young Emperor had believed her lies and planned to introduce her as the Third Prince's true love to everyone. Once the announcement was made, it would be hard for the Third Prince to explain the truth!

She inwardly ridiculed the naive Fourth Prince and the 21st Emperor, and even found it a waste for not targeting the Emperor if she had known how easy he was! The 21st Emperor was much younger than her taste, but his looks were not too bad, and his naivete would be easier for her to wrap him around her fingers.

Flashing a smile that every official learned to be wary of, Heise happily instructed everyone not to believe a word that came from Ming Yue's mouth. He even joyfully proceeds to introduce her as a liar that dared to dream big and targets the royal family with her malicious scheme. Everyone understood their young Emperor plans to use the young lady as a lesson to everyone that dared to dream big.

Ming Yue does not even have the chance to say anything!

Heise 'kindly' told her he will forgive her crimes and benevolently allow her to choose one of the three options for her punishment. If she does not choose any, Heise will help her choose.

The first choice was to enter the Bin household, either married to the Minister of Revenue, Minister Bin, or to his son-in-law.

The second choice was to enter the most famous brothel and serve the customers well with her talents.

The third choice was to enter the Qiao household, as the new wife of Official Qiao.

It could be said Ming Yue was truly knowledgeable on who was who in the Guilin Kingdom. She had naturally rejected the second and third choices.

The third choice, Official Qiao, was a sixty-year-old man, with plenty of deceased wives that do not have the fortune to bore him any children to full term. But he has plenty of mistresses he unleashed his own brand of torture on.

The only positive choice was the first, but Minister Bin was in his early fifties, with a powerful wife that disliked her husband's concubines the most! Ming Yue would obviously choose Minister Bin's son-in-law, Xu Ming, as her husband!

"Why those... choices?" Xiao Hua was bewildered. "Why not just blacklist her from the Kingdom?"

With a sly grin, Heise answered, "Minister Bin and Official Qiao had been kind to me, always offering me advice with endless patience. How can I not repay my beloved officials' kindness? And with that loli's medical knowledge, it would be too dangerous if she falls into our enemy's hand."

Like a certain Gu Dan country.

Facing Heise's sly grin, Xiao Hua was not afraid of it unlike the tortured beloved officials back in the court. But she was a bit unsettled by how easy it was for Heise to decide in ruining a young girl's future.

Perhaps Heise was aware of what Xiao Hua was thinking, for he unexpectedly opened his mouth to explain, "She should have expected an even worse outcome for trying to use public opinion and lies to get herself married to an unwilling prince. If none of us realize who this thing-" he pointed at the bell in Xiao Hua's hand, "-is supposed to be given, we would have believed that Long Zhu has a sincere heart towards her. And being a female doctor, most would want her to stay in their hands, but also to be easily controlled, hence marriage is a great solution where everyone will accept."

Xiao Hua begrudgingly understood. If Ming Yue successfully changed the minds of more than fifty percent of Guilin's population, Long Zhu might be forced to accept her as his wife.

After months of peacefully living in Bai Land, the darkness that had surrounded her slowly calmed down, allowing the old her to shine again. But Heise was the 21st Emperor that had to deal with tricky ministers that might send assassins to kill him or use his failures to discredit him.

He had to be alert and shrew to remain alive and control them all to survive.

Xiao Hua changed the topic, agreed not to pry open the can filled with big, long worms. "What about the son-in-law? He offended you as well?"

"Hmm, he didn't. But since he was unhappy with his wife, I thought having a new beauty to look at will make him feel better. I got tired of looking at his frowning face."

"...Are you an Emperor or a matchmaker?" To even know so well about other people's marriage life!

Heise shrugged. "I just kept an eye on Bin because they used to side with the female lead."

Minister Bin may have plans for his son-in-law to inherit Bin's family name and the Minister of Revenue's post, but Heise would not allow the latter to happen. Xu Ming can only be a small official for the rest of his life if his mind and heart still wallow in darkness.

Xu Ming had started off as an upright scholar, a good official with a bright future, but after being forced to marry Bin's eldest daughter, his character drastically changed.

Haish, what a scary woman he had married, but there were plenty of men that had been schemed the same way. Yet they still able to live normally, not allowing the unpleasant experience to take over their life.

Heise was not afraid of what scheme Xu Ming could cook with Ming Yue as his concubine. Ming Yue may have some medical knowledge, but could she even be compared to experienced doctors that learned properly instead of stealing knowledge? The only value she had was her gender and beauty!

"Oh," Xiao Hua was enlightened. "I heard the wife is the one that bullied Long Lian?"

"That's the one."

"Keep up the good work!" Xiao Hua cheered. Whoever bullied Long Lian should taste their own medicine. "Where did Long Zhu go?"

The Third Prince had sent her a letter to tell her that Ming Yue was no longer a problem so she let the problem go. But she had not thought he would not be in the Guilin Kingdom, because if he did, things would not get to this degree!

"He said he went to see a friend at the Xuanwu Kingdom. Something about sightseeing stars. What's there to enjoy?"

Xiao Hua immediately knew who the friend was. "Stars could represent our fate."

"You believe that?" Heise rolled his eyes. "Right, I heard you are learning sword arts? Have a spar with me."

As Heise dragged her out to the spacious field, Xiao Hua's protest entered one of Heise's ears and quickly left from the other one! Very soon, Heise realized he should listen to her protest after defeating Xiao Hua at the third swing of his sword!

"Why are you so weak...?"

"Weak my ass! You barbaric! Why would you compare a second rank cultivator with a higher realm of the third rank such as you, the walking cheat!"

Xiao Hua's stomach rolled at the injustice!

The ruckus they made had others come over to see what happened.

"Long Ming! What are you doing!" The 19th Emperor scolded fiercely.

"She's just too weak!" Heise quickly defended himself. "I had not even used half of my strength!"

Xiao Hua: Oh, my heart...

"The children are just sparing. Don't be anxious," Doctor Bai rationally explained, but his sharp gaze on Heise was a different story!

It certainly does not help in proving Long Ming's innocence when Xiao Hua's face was red in irritation, her eyes teary from the pain coming from her palms due to the swords clashing.

This was the first time she spar using a sword! It also does not help when Heise does not hold back much of his strength!

"Xiao Hua had just begun to learn sword arts," Yu Zheng informed slowly. In fact, she was currently at the stage where she had just got used to the weight of the sword and diligently practiced swinging with steady posture.

"Are you planning to have her stay with you longer?" Long Yuen asked Bai Chuan as he thoughtfully rubbed his chin with a neat short beard.

Bai Chuan shook his head. "I would be happy to let her stay as long as she wishes, but I doubt a certain young dragon will be willing to part with his treasure any longer than the promised date."

Of course, Bai Chuan would only let Xiao Hua go if Long Zhu stepped onto his land personally to bring Xiao Hua away!

"There won't be much time for Xiao Hua to master sword arts," Long Yuen noted. As a skilled swordmaster, he could easily see that Xiao Hua was not gifted in swords. Surely his old friend could see that too.

Able to hear their conversation, Heise gazed at Xiao Hua in disbelief that was mixed with cockiness. "You've learned nothing all during all this time?"

No one stopped her when the angry Xiao Hua pulled out her whip from her spatial bracelet and chased Heise around the practice field.