Vol 8 Chapter 248 – Stop plagiarizing without shame!

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily

XH 248 - Stop plagiarizing without shame!

Xiao Hua does not think Heise would be that obsessive with her sword skills! She had assumed Heise would let things be, since he no longer mentions her trashy sword skills for the rest of the day, only to find she was mistaken the next day!

The next day, right after breakfast, Heise dragged Xiao Hua to the practice field with their swords.

"Let me digest my breakfast first!" Xiao Hua scolded but made no other move to protest. She was rather weak against such an enthusiastic person. Punching and kicking him were only done when she was angry at him.

"I will give you an hour! You just need to observe me first!"

"You need to digest too!" Xiao Hua raised her voice but Heise had already walked towards the center of the spacious clearing.

Unable to persuade the enthusiastic Heise, Xiao Hua brought Da Bei in his snow wolf form to sit on a chilly large rock from last night's breezy wind. Eunuch Heng hovers around Heise, looking eager to help.

"Are you going to teach me some sword techniques? Yu Zheng might be offended if you do so without asking him," Xiao Hua voiced out her concern.

"He's also at a loss as in what to teach you in a short time." Heise started doing some brief stretching.

"...I can stay here longer," Xiao Hua offered. Now that she was getting used to living here, she felt a slight reluctance to part with her new nest.

"Huuuuuh? No longer eager to reunite with your boyfriend?" Heise teased. "Where did the Xiao Hua that cried and said she does not want to leave him, had went to?"

"Shut up." Xiao Hua rolled her eyes, trying to look unresponsive, but her slight blush betrayed her. "I'm here to learn. It's normal for things to end up different than planned. There's no need to rush things."

"Whatever you say. Anyway, didn't that bendable ruler teach you anything? Did he slack off and pass everything to Yu Zheng to handle?" Heise frowned, like a parent questioning a teacher's teaching capability.

The 'bendable ruler' that Heise mentioned was Doctor Bai, who had claimed to be a straight ruler sometime back. Once Heise found out his relationship with Yu Zheng, he quickly shouted that Doctor Bai was a liar! Much to Heise's annoyance, Doctor Bai pointed out that he was not admitting to being straight, even if he was one before meeting Yu Zheng, but was actually speaking about general things at that time.

Even so, he was not annoyed being called as a bendable rule, much to Heise's frustration.

That was how the nickname stuck on him, but no one dared to use it except for Heise. However, there were many questions being asked about the meaning of a bendable ruler whenever someone heard Heise calling Doctor Bai by that term.

Luckily, only their own people had heard about the nickname as Heise was not crazy enough to spread it publically.

"Doctor Bai teaches me medical knowledge. Don't simply accuse people, ah." Besides, Xiao Hua would rather he spend more time in regaining his cultivation! It was fortunate that Bai land had vast and pure energy for him to leech off.

"Okay, okay, my bad." Heise's apology could truly make one annoyed at his insincerity.

"What can you teach me that Papa ginseng could not in a short time? He's a very experienced teacher and cultivator!" Xiao Hua's tone clearly expressed she was looking down on Heise.

"Hah! I will look forward to your praise!" Heise raised his chin high like a showoff kid.

Xiao Hua mimicked him, raised her own chin up, and gave him an exaggerated eye roll. "So?"

"I'm going to teach you numbers and alphabets! Since you are English educated, you will learn English letters!"

A pair of bright eyes blinked at Heise blankly. "...What?"

Heise ignored Xiao Hua's stare that questioned his sanity. "You should be able to pick this up quickly. Just treat your sword as a giant brush!"

"She will understand better if you demonstrate how to do it," Yu Zheng's voice inserted into the conversation.

During their conversation, the legendary BL couple silently joined them and sat by the side, watching the fun. There was even a table prepared, with breakfast laid on it, matching with comfortable chairs for them to sit.

The only one absent was the 19th Emperor that was still sleeping deeply, his age unable to keep up with the long traveling without enough breaks in between.

"Okay, watch carefully!"

Heise shook his sleeve and gripped onto his sword tightly. He started waving it around with a serious expression, each move packed with power and tenacity. After slashing in the air three times, he turned to Xiao Hua with an expectant gaze.

Xiao Hua: '...' What?

"Is that 'A'?" Yu Zheng immediately recognized the alphabet Heise had 'written' in the air.

"Bingo!" Heise snapped his fingers with a grin.

Xiao Hua: '...' What??

"Did you think this up by yourself?" Yu Zheng questioned with a smile.

"Ahaha, I thought it would look impressive and strong." Heise scratched his head shyly, but his eyes were asking for praise.

Xiao Hua: '...' What???

"You are using this method to fight all this while?"

Heise nodded brightly. "Yeah! It works well as offense and defense! Especially the English letters, no one could guess it!"

There was one time Long Zhu had managed to figure out his technique when Heise spared with him using Chinese letters and he always lose since then.

Xiao Hua: '...' It does?!

"Do you mind if I use them while sparing with you?"

"No problem!" Heise immediately agreed to Yu Zheng's request, itching to spread how great his technique was!

Doctor Bai was speechless from the start to end, observing his lover using the simple technique and won against Heise! It was to be expected as Yu Zheng was still the more experienced martial artist. The reason for him being dumbstruck was because, no matter how absurd it was, it still worked!

Attacking or defending, it works!

"I prefer using a spear and letter 'O' together!" Heise switched his sword with a long spear and demonstrated the 'O' technique. With minimal movement, Heise could twirl his spear continuously at a rapid speed and powerful strength, with audible swooshing background sound.

Yu Zheng nodded. "It's a simple technique, but could bring forth great destruction if used correctly."

Following the great 'O' movement, Yu Zheng spun his sword in a smaller 'O', and a small horizontal whirlwind appeared from the tip of the sword and swept away the leaves from the ground. The whirlwind grew in length and pierced into a tree, like a bullet!

"Woah! That's bloody cool! Hurry, teach me!" Heise cheered like a fanboy.

"It depends on how good your spiritual energy manipulation is." Yu Zheng once again spun his sword, this time in a large 'O'. Xiao Hua could only feel the aftermath wind, as her eyes could not follow the speed of the wind. It was like a huge destructive force had run past the tree, destroying it into pieces!

Heise gawked at the remains of the tree, before letting out a loud, excited scream. "Teach me, Master!"

"Before that, let it be known that for each tree you destroyed, you will plant a new one." Doctor Bai's gentle smile was obviously fake! Then he added, "And clean up the mess."

"Fuck," Heise cursed with feeling.

"This servant will do it! Please do not worry and learn to your heart's content, Your Majesty!" Eunuch Heng quickly spoke up.

"Wait! Don't touch anything!" Heise quickly raised his arm to stop Eunuch Heng from approaching. "It's all done by Yu Zheng. He can clean them up himself!"

Xiao Hua: '...'

Doctor Bai: '...'

Yu Zheng: You don't want to learn anymore? (°◡°)

Finally, Heise remembers Xiao Hua again. "You already know the letters and alphabets, so it's easy for you, a beginner, to take your opponent down with the unpredictability! It's a cheat just for us! Let's name it as 'Heise's family technique!'"

Xiao Hua: 'Family technique' your head! Stop plagiarizing without shame!

The day was not even half gone when Xiao Hua already felt her mind and heart drained.

Inside a warm cave, there were two identical young phoenixes, with one of them staring at the other curiously. The phoenix that was being stared trembled fearfully, but able to stood its ground and did not step backward.

"Long Lian, how is your little partner?" Feng Jiu, dressed in an exotic red outfit that would blend well with the phoenixes, stepped into the warm, brightly lit cave.

"Elder sister Feng Jiu." Long Lian stood up from a warm, large rock and greeted the beautiful lady warmly. "Xiao Dou is doing well."

Seeing it's favorite human here, the young phoenix was no longer interested in the trembling, fellow phoenix. With a happy chirp, the young phoenix flew towards Feng Jiu.

The trembling phoenix looked relieved and turned to Long Lian with pitiful eyes.

With the happy phoenix in her arms, Feng Jiu turned to Long Lian that was rubbing her contracted beast's head.

"Liu Chu Chu will be arriving anytime. We need to be ready."

"Yes, we will be ready." Long Lian nodded grimly.