Vol 8 Chapter 250 – A baby phoenix

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 250 - A baby phoenix

"King! We just passed Zhu Que's east border!" A Gu Dan soldier reported.

"Head straight to the location!" Gu Wenjing ordered. "Stay on guard!"

The reason their arrival had not set off any alarms was due to the high-grade illusionary array on their flying device. Anyone that spotted them will not suspect it as anything but a flying beast.

No one would be so free as to fight against a flying beast of that size, except for their personal motive.

"Danger!" A soldier yelled, his warning came too late for their right wing was immediately shot by a cannonball!

"Dodge them!" Gu Wenjing shouted as more cannonballs hurled towards their vehicle! The border guards between the West and North of Zhu Que Kingdom have sharp eyes and able to spot the flying beasts' irregularity!

"Go straight to the phoenix's location at full speed!" Liu Chu Chu injected. Their makeshift flying vehicle could not dodge all the cannonballs. They might as well go full speed and race ahead of the cannonballs!

"Full speed!" Gu Wenjing echoed, and the soldiers shouted in agreement. He hugged Liu Chu Chu in his embrace as their flying vehicle started to speed up, but the broken right wing caused the vehicle to tilt to aside.

It was a difficult ride. Hopefully, they could arrive at their destination before it completely breaks down. Luckily, the cannonballs could only launch at a certain distance and they were saved.

Thanks to one of the Gu Dan soldier's sharp eyesight, they quickly found the area of the location.

"Prepare enough array to soften our landing!" Gu Wenjing ordered and the flying device crash-landed at an area with softer ground that will work well with the arrays to cushion their fall.

They could have found the wrong cave, if not for Gu Wenjing being a cautious and detailed person. After all, his whole country was targeted by the Four Kingdoms. He would have long died if he was not careful.

"This is it."

They stopped before a large cave, the mountain rock as red as the autumn leaves. Liu Chu Chu resisted the urge to run into the cave, and let the soldiers go in first to survey the area.

It felt like hours before they returned. "We...We saw something we think is a phoenix! A baby phoenix!"

Disregarding her image, Liu Chu Chu quickly ran into the cave, and for the first time, was able to ignore the painful tug on her torso from her large movement.

"Chu Chu, don't force yourself to run. The phoenix will not get away." Gu Wenjing followed Liu Chu Chu closely behind with a concerned expression.

After knowing her cure was within reach, how could Liu Chu Chu remain calm? She wanted to get rid of the hideous and painful wound on her chest! Thankfully, the deep cut had stopped bleeding, but no matter how much high-grade medicine she ate, they could not heal the wound!

Liu Chu Chu forces herself to cultivate and break past the fourth rank, but it only helps her to withstand a certain degree of pain. There was no sign of the whip wound healing at all!

The constant pain and despair after testing different medicine nearly drove Liu Chu Chu insane. It was thanks to Gu Wenjing and Fu Chou that she remained sane, albeit more short-tempered than usual.

She lost count of how many times she cursed the tea girl to death!

They do not have to walk too deep into the cave to encounter the baby phoenix. Its bright red body trembled in fear as its eyes stared at the strangers like it was a weak prey facing the terrible hunters.

"What a cute beast," Liu Chu Chu praised with a bright smile, her voice soft and harmless. It was cute in her eyes because its blood will finally cure her of this exhausting pain. "Don't be afraid. Big sister only needs some of your blood. You won't be hurt if you are obedient."

The closer Liu Chu Chu stepped towards the baby phoenix, the fiercer it's trembling became.

《It's not a phoenix! Run!》

Liu Chu Chu was so immersed in her joy that she had reacted too slowly to Fu Chou's warning. If Gu Wenjing did not notice something wrong as well and quickly pulled them to safety, she would have died.

The whole cave shook fiercely as the great, red fiery fire spread all over the cave and triggered a big explosion!

"Tsk, why isn't she drop dead yet?" At a place safe from the explosion, Long Lian stared at the fleeing figure of the injured Liu Chu Chu in dissatisfaction.

A cute rabbit squeezed out of the fallen rocks with some tears in its eyes and quickly hopped over to Long Lian's hiding place, full of grievance. It easily jumped on Long Lian's shoulder in just one jump and perched on her shoulder. It was amazing to see it does not fall off with how much it trembled.

The baby phoenix inside the cave was actually this trembling rabbit, Long Lian's contracted beast. Everyone assumed that it was a Saint Rabbit when the Fourth Prince had given it to her as her birthday present. But it was actually a shape-shifting beast, who had transformed into a baby Saint Rabbit to hide itself so that it could safely recover its injury.

Sadly, the cowardly little beast was kidnapped by the hunters and got sold to the Fourth Prince. Afterward, it was given to Long Lian as a gift and contracted as her beast! But it was thanks to the little shapeshifter that Long Lian can be helpful in the plan to trap Liu Chu Chu!

Feng Jiu laughed lightly and controlled the fire from spreading from the exploded cave. Long Lian was also a fire element, and they work well together.

"Your third brother said not to kill her, and only weaken her." Liang Shan will be the one to end her life. "But we can clean up the Gu Dan men."

The explosion had separated Liu Chu Chu and Gu Wenjing from their troops. Feng Jiu would not let them help out their leader.

Long Lian spread open her palm and her bow appeared. She preferred using a sword to fight, but it was not ideal to fight in close range with poison cultivators. This was the first time she felt that the archery lessons she underwent were useful in a real fight.

"They purposely set up a trap for me?" Liu Chu Chu scorned as she hid behind a large rock with Gu Wenjing. To think she was that important!

All year round, Zhu Que Kingdom was summer, and trees were hard to grow. It resulted in plenty of rocks and sand architecture.

"Wenjing, drink it." Liu Chu Chu passed a bottle with her spring water filled in it to Gu Wenjing. "You are injured because of me."

Gu Wenjing took it gratefully. "You know I will not let you die."

Under her warm smile, Liu Chu Chu's heart ached in jealousy as she watched him drinking the spring water in gusto and his small injuries healed quickly. Thanks to the deep cut on her torso, the spring water acted like poison whenever she drank them.

A small vermillion bird made of flames flew silently towards them, before starting to circle above them.

"We need to leave," Liu Chu Chu urged when she saw it. It must be looking for them and sending back news.

The flame bird landed on the large rock they were using to hide and it suddenly exploded. The rock that the flame bird touched cracked into pieces and flew everywhere!

Liu Chu Chu cursed and threw herself far away, using her arms to protect her vital areas. Just as the falling rocks calmed down, arrows lit with fire started raining down on them!

It gave Long Lian a great sense of satisfaction to mess with Liu Chu Chu, even hoping that one of her arrows would accidentally kill her off. No one would blame her badly for an accident.

"Princess Long Lian, please be careful not to use up all your spiritual energy," Feng Jiu kindly reminded beside Long Lian, when she saw the younger girl had not properly controlled the amount of spiritual energy she released.

Long Lian that wanted to cause accidental murder could only obey the stronger and higher authority Feng Jiu and lower down the number of attacks.

"Hah! Do they think we dared to come here without preparations?" Under her water barrier that she used as a shield, Liu Chu Chu waved her arm, revealing her red jade bracelet. It shone in red and green light and her empty surrounding quickly filled with uncountable men with green skin.

It was a pleasant surprise when she discovered that her spatial bracelet could keep people other than her in it!

Feng Jiu's eyes narrowed upon seeing the green-skinned men. "They are the rumored Gu Dan's special soldiers?"

Hidden from view, perched on top of a tall, skinny tree was the Third Prince of Guilin, Long Zhu. Beside him were Wugui Mingzhi and Liang Shan, the young, handsome monk.

Long Zhu eyed the melancholy monk that had finally seen his wife in the flesh for the first time since she escaped with Gu Wenjing.

Able to sense his gaze, Liang Shan bowed. "This monk has a sense of propriety."

Towards Liu Chu Chu, he was able to remain clear-headed thanks to Miss Bai Hua. He will not indulge in a flight of fancy and disregard the safety of the innocent people in this world. He would sacrifice one person for the safety of millions.


Author's Note:  ⌒(=✪ x ✪=)⌒

Hey everyone! I have a reader blubblubblob making a 'The Dragon's Flower' WIKI page! 

Link: https://the-dragons-flower.fandom.com/wiki/The_Dragon%27s_Flower_Wiki

You can help her out with this ongoing site if you like to~

(I won't be helping because I don't know how @[email protected] and since this is a fan page, it's more plausible for readers to add info according to their viewpoint?? But I will check and amend the hard facts~) 

I really like blubblubblob's interpretation of this novel's characters!

You can speak to her if you are interested in helping! blubblubblob

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