Vol 8 Chapter 251 – Weaker than the male lead

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily

XH 251 - Weaker than the male lead

For the green soldiers to be brought out, it was certainly to allow Liu Chu Chu to overturn the result of the battle to her side. It would be even better if the perfected green soldiers were able to kill Long Lian and Feng Jiu!

The perfect green soldiers have tough skin that Long Lian's flame arrows could not pierce them. It was so tough that it was her arrows that broke instead. Feng Jiu's flame birds could do better, but the damages they dealt was not enough to bring down the painless green soldiers.

They were unlike the previously imperfect soldiers that could be handled by Duan XiYing and Doctor Bai!

"Let me try it!" A huge man with ripped muscles entered the battlefield and jumped onto one of the green soldiers. His tiger skin coat gave an illusion that it was his own skin as he fought, like a fierce tiger in a hunt along with his fierce aura.

"Don't be reckless, Qiang!" Feng Jiu cried out when the green soldiers swarmed around Qiang Laohu, blocking their view of him. She immediately formed a few firebirds to support him.

Gu Wenjing's brow knitted as he saw the blood on the man's fur clothing. He could smell familiar poison from the blood, which belonged to his clansmen. This tiger man must have fought with his clansmen!

He brought thirty of his clansmen, and it was impossible for them all to be dead! Gu Wenjing believed that some of them must have escaped.

Gu Wenjing watched as the tiger man used pure strength to break his green soldier's limps, only that his soldier did not feel pain. It took some time and energy for the tiger guy to deal with a green soldier until the corpse could no longer move.

Qiang Laohu may be strong, a sixth rank cultivator, but even he will have difficulty in dealing with numerous green soldiers. "Bloody shit! If only White Tiger was here!"

The fifth rank cultivator Feng Jiu smiled helplessly after hearing that. She had also hoped the Vermillion Bird was here to lend her some strength, but it was needed to protect the real baby phoenix in its lair. As for the White Tiger celestial beast, it refused to enter another celestial beast's territory, claiming that it was rude.

Qiang Laohu nearly went ballistic hearing that.

When the strongest fighter in the team started complaining, the weakest person in the team had already long started doing so! As a third rank cultivator, Long Lian had a hard time dealing with even one of the green soldiers! Her contracted beast may have the ability to shapeshift into a strong beast such as phoenix, but its strength was only one-tenth compared to the real beast!

"Feng Jiu, circle them to one spot. I will use my 《Tiger's roar》!" Qiang Laohu had to use his special technique when he got injured way too much than acceptable.

Gu Wenjing's sharp ears overheard their plan and a sense of panic filled his heart, even when he did not know what the tiger man would be doing. He does not know if their plan would work, but his instinct told him he should not stay to see!

"Chu Chu, we need to escape before the green soldiers could no longer hold on!"

Liu Chu Chu had more than fifty green soldiers inside her space and only thirty-five released out in the battle. She has no guilt in turning fifty living people into mindless soldiers, as they were either bandit, criminals, or slaves she had brought.

Her only regret was not making more green soldiers for this outing! She should also have tried to make bombs and guns even without basic knowledge, but it was rather late for regrets. Once she has gotten out of her alive, she will certainly create strong weapons!

She believes that as a 25th-century person without basic knowledge in weapon creation, she was certainly better than these backward thinking people!

Stomach full of anger yet unable to vent, Liu Chu Chu could only follow Gu Wenjing to escape. But they encountered a familiar, smiling man blocking their path.

"Long Zhu!" Liu Chu Chu gritted her teeth, her words were barely recognizable. Her eyes flashed with pure hatred with the desire to rip him into pieces.

"How regrettable that time does not treat you well." Long Zhu smiled charmingly, and Liu Chu Chu does not know if he was mocking her currently messy appearance or her being hunted!

Liu Chu Chu does not want to use the last of her green soldiers, so she chooses to fight. She had long dreamt of punching that beautiful face until his mother failed to recognize him!

With a big wave of her sleeve, numerous long and thick water needles formed in mid-air and flew in the speed of light towards Long Zhu!

Gu Wenjing supported her attack by sending grey poison smoke to blind Long Zhu and to interrupt his breathing!

Long Zhu retreated far away from the poison smoke and broke as much as water needles with his sword. Just as they used dangerous tools to harm him, he was the same too. Unknowingly when, a large flower with a terrifying row of teeth had grown behind Gu Wenjing.

Before the man-eating flower could take a bite of Gu Wenjing, he quickly dodged and used that moment to toss some weird powder at it, which immediately killed the man-eating flower. At the same time, a red seed was shot straight into Liu Chu Chu's left thigh like a bullet, eliciting a sharp gasp from her.

"Chu Chu!" Gu Wenjing carried Liu Chu Chu that dropped to the ground and hid somewhere far away before examining her wound.

"I... I feel something is growing in me." Liu Chu Chu clutched onto her painful wound that was not bleeding as much as she had expected. The awareness allowed her to guess it was smaller than the size of a bullet, but it should still make her bleed tons.

Gu Wenjing helped to remove her underpants and checked her injury. "It's the seed of 《Spider Lily》! We need to remove it before it sucks all your blood out!"

At a tall, barely with leaves tree, Liang Shan could see how Gu Wenjing touched Liu Chu Chu's bare leg with great concern, and how she did not shy away from his touch.

It spoke of familiarity.

There were hints of demonic aura clinging onto Liu Chu Chu's center of energy that Liang Shan could see with his eyes. He does not know if it belonged to Gu Wenjing, who was a demonic cultivator or if Liu Chu Chu had fallen to the demonic path of cultivation.

Even if Liu Chu Chu had truly changed her path of cultivation, Gu Wenjing would never stop her or coax her to do otherwise. With Liu Chu Chu being a demonic cultivator, there will be a lesser chance for her to reunite with her husband without a fight.

Liu Chu Chu will be much closer to Gu Wenjing then.

Liang Shan continued watching as the man lowered his head and used his mouth to suck the seed out of her thigh. If it was not for Liu Chu Chu's pale face filled with pain, one would think they were doing immoral things in broad daylight where one could accidentally see as they passed by.

The 'passing by' Long Zhu truly wishes to cleanse his eyes from what he had seen. As thanks for letting him watch such a nauseous sight, Long Zhu flicked a few more 《Spider Lily》 seeds towards them.

But the seeds failed to hit the immoral couple and crash onto something invisible instead.

Gu Wenjing successfully sucked the growing seed from Liu Chu Chu and crushed it under his teeth as if it was a sunflower seed!

"Gulu Gulu, kill them all for this king!" Gu Wenjing ordered. The invisible thing that blocked the seeds turned visible, displaying its green skin and four mouths.

It was a green giant bat!

The bat opened all its mouth and different types of lethal poisons sprayed out, quickly covering the area. Using this opportunity, Gu Wenjing carried Liu Chu Chu in his arms and dashed away.

"It's your turn," Long Zhu said and Liang Shan disappeared from the tree soundlessly.

Gu Wenjing does not know the way in this area and had to blindly run around. He would be satisfied if they were at least far away from their chasers. They could find the way out of here after that.

"Amitabha. It's not too late to surrender and return to the right path."

Gu Wenjing had to stop as there was someone right in front of them, blocking their advance. "Get lost!"

Liu Chu Chu's heart soared as she raised her head, and saw a monk with a familiar, handsome face. "Long Shan?"

"This one goes by Liang Shan now. Long Shan is no longer in this world."

It was a familiar voice to Liu Chu Chu, except for the unfamiliar tone. The voice she remembered was one filled with doting towards her but maintained a polite distance towards others. Right now, Liang Shan had directed the polite but distant tone towards her.

Gu Wenjing's green eyes filled with hostility as his grip around Liu Chu Chu tightened. To think Liu Chu Chu's husband would be here, what was he trying to do?

It was unknown what thought was processed in Liu Chu Chu's mind, but she quickly came to a conclusion. "You are here not to help me, aren't you?"

He does not look mistreated or wounded. His clothing was clean and neat. His eyes were not his usual indifference, or the warm affection when they met her eyes. They were strangely peaceful and accepting, like those old monks she had met before, merciful and patient.

He no longer loves her.

Liang Shan shook his head. "This one is here to help you to return to the right path."

With a furious scoff, Liu Chu Chu spat out, "Trying to sound righteous when you choose to betray me?"

First, she was betrayed by her good friend and was transmigrated to this world. Then her husband betrayed her! She will not trust anyone again!

《In this world, only the strong will be the victor. Find the phoenix's blood and no one will dare to betray you again》 Fu Chou's voice rang in her head.

Liang Shan's brow knitted at Liu Chu Chu's turbulent emotions that feed the dark spiritual energy inside her. Knowing words will not work on people that were currently strongly driven by negative emotions, he sat down cross-legged on the ground and started reading out sutras.

A pair of green eyes trembled as he felt changes on his body when Liang Shan started reading his sutras. Newly joined monks could never reach this level, yet Liang Shan did in just a year!

Gu Wenjing may be the new supporting male lead chosen to replace the freed original supporting male leads, but his halo was still much weaker than the original male lead!


Author's Recommendation Corner!

Today, I will introduce two manhwas!

1. Seduce the Villian's Father

The MC is a pink-haired cutie, adorbs that the ML can't help but love her! He may form lots of thick walls, but I know he loves her! He just can't resist her for long bwahahaha!

We have a smart ML!

*coughs* I nearly forgot to mention what the story is about...

The MC is transmigrated to the novel before the timeline starts. The novel focuses on the 'children' generation. Hence the title! MC is a princess, a hostage kidnapped by the ML because of her idiot(?) father's decision. so until the idiot (?) father changes his mind, his daughter will be in ML's hand.

And MC's body can't stand magic, and touching ML (he got strong holy power) cures those symptoms. *wink wink* She wanna seduce him cause she don't want him to die... *stops because its spoiler*

Actually, the pink hair MC and Silver (white?) hair reminds me of sakura and Kakashi... *coughs*

2. The Twin sibling's new life

Another great story! Previous lives twins, transmigrated into twins too! And yay, this time the male twin won't be thrown aside while the female twin gets all the love from their family! (That's what happen in Chinese novels?).

story: Erm, the twins are the illegitimate child of the king and stayed with their abusive mother (and yes, she's dead. This is a spoiler, but I'm happy to drop this spoiler in case some got offended and wonder if this Chara sticks around). Well, I will avoid more spoiler, but later their father the king starts to pay attention to them, along with the legitimate elder brothers.