Vol 8 Chapter 252 – You can’t eat them, Red Bean

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 252 - You can't eat them, Red Bean

With rough breathing and a heaving chest, Liu Chu Chu managed to escape from Liang Shan's sutra when Gu Wenjing released a strong poison. 

Gu Wenjing himself was not fairing well either. 

Both of their strengths were drastically reduced, their dark spiritual energy were strongly cleansed by Liang Shan. Even if Liu Chu Chu was not a demonic cultivator, she was still someone that was about to become one. 

Her body may be feeling weak like she had not been resting for days, but her hate towards Long Shan grew leaps and bounds like oil pouring into fire! 

What romance? There was no romance compared to self love! Liu Chu Chu swore to make Long Shan pay for his betrayal the next time she met him!

Gu Wenjing and Liu Chu Chu have ran away, but the large green bat stayed behind. It continues to spray out poison, separating the enemies from its master. 

"Let's handle those green guys first." Without confirmation from others, Qiang Laohu was already moving. In his opinion, the green soldiers would be easier to handle than this green bat. His body may be strong, but he was still weak against drugs.

That was why he hated fighting with Long Zhu.

Luckily, the poison had yet to encircle the green soldiers, giving them some work area to deal with them. 

"Qiang!" Feng Jiu scolded helplessly, but still moved to support Qiang Laohu.

Qiang Laohu's 《Tiger's Roar》 worked well to flatten the green soldiers to the ground, with Feng Jiu creating a blazing flame circle around the green soldiers. 

But the flame of the circle was not threatening to the green soldiers at all. They dared to cross the flame and charged towards them.

Before the green soldiers could get far, thick vines grew out of the ground and tangled around them. The vines were vicious as they tightened around their prey until they became mincemeat. 

"Third brother!" Long Lian eased her grip on her bow in relief.

Long Zhu landed not far away from his vines and controlled them to bury the green soldiers' remains into the ground as fertilizers.

"...I hope whatever was inside those corpses would not harm the land." Feng Jiu covered her mouth with her sleeve.

The mosaic censored worthy scene disgusted Long Lian so much that she flinched sharply and quickly looked away. Grabbing the small, trembling body of the Saint Rabbit, she used it to cover her eyes from the sight as well as to stop remembering it. 

The amount of spiritual energy needed to do all those stuff had brought Long Zhu down to his knees, his face pale with sweat. His hands pressed down on his trembling legs, trying to stop them as much as he could. 

Long Zhu silently snickered to himself when he recalled how helpless Xiao Hua was whenever she got a 'stage fright' and just laid down until the trembling stopped by itself.

"Third brother!" Long Lian rushed to his side, truly worried when her brother suddenly fell to his knees.

"I'm alright. Just tired." At his answer, Long Lian quickly handed him a pill. Recognizing what it was, he swallowed it. 

Long Zhu's guard had momentarily lowered, which allowed Liang Shan to get closer to him without notice. Long Zhu only realized his presence when a hand touched his legs, with a chilling spiritual energy entering his nerve to smooth them over.

His whole body tensed, but Long Zhu forced himself to calm down when Liang Shan was helping him. "Liu Chu Chu?"

"Escaped by poison fog. They won't be able to get far away with their current state." 

Keenly sensitive to her third brother's downward mood, Long Lian pushed her trembling rabbit into Liang Shan's hands. "Can you calm it down again?"

Liang Shan rubbed the tiny Saint Rabbit from its head to the butt, which helped to relax the fearful rabbit. He did not mind calming down this little beast, knowing that Long Lian was using it as an excuse every time to check up on him ever since he joined the monastery.

"It's time to bloody kill that bat." Qiang Laohu cracked his fists. 

"We will need to attack from a distance." Long Zhu stood up, and could feel that Liang Shan's cooling spiritual energy had soothed his body's tiredness. 

"Hey, Long Zhu. I've left your servants to deal with the other Gu Dan-"

Long Zhu waved, stopping Qiang Laohu's attempt to apologize. "They will be fine, and you are needed to deal with the green soldiers."

The servants that helped Qiang Laohu were An Jing and Da Liu. They had successfully defeated the Gu Dan clansmen they found, their corpses all over the ground. 

Xiao Liu had joined them, as per their master's order to find the couple. Alongside him was Red Bean, one of his favourite horses. 

"You can't eat them, Red Bean. They are poisonous. You can't even eat those green soldiers. They have dirty bugs in them." Xiao Liu patted his beautiful horse that was staring at the corpses with hungry eyes. "I will feed you some nice meat when we get back, okay?"

Da Liu: '...' What should I do to tame my younger brother?  

"Use the special liquid to clean up the corpses," An Jing said. 

As they had requested Her Highness Feng Jiu to loan a part of her homeland to trap Liu Chu Chu, they should not cross the line of what guests should not do. It would be rude not to clean up the mess they had made in their host's land.

Xiao Liu saluted. "Okay!" 

Back to Long Zhu & Co., they were eying the thick fog of green poison that blocked their way. The poison will not stop spreading if the bat was not removed.

"I will try to see if I can burn it to ashes," Feng Jiu suggested.

"This monk will try to restrain the bat," Liang Shan offered. As the bat cultivates in a demonic path, his buddhism techniques will be more effective against it. 

"Feng Jiu, Qiang Laohu, it would be better for both of you to track down Liu Chu Chu. Leave the bat to us," Long Zhu suggested.

Qiang Laohu have sharp, animal-like senses, which would be useful in tracking. On the other hand, Feng Jiu knew the geography of this place very well.

Liang Shan stepped forward and started chanting sutras, just as blue glowing words flew out of his mouth and towards the giant bat. It screeched, recognizing the danger and wanted to escape, but the words were faster than it.

Everyone was shocked when Liang Shan's manifestation of buddhism techniques clearly belonged to a more experienced monk. It was just more than a year since he started that path, yet he was able to use this level of technique.

Qiang Laohu was the first to get over his surprise and questioned, "The bat is defeatable, but what of the poison? We can't track them without passing by the poison fog."

"Going around the area will take some time," Feng Jiu noted, watching the glowing blue words act as chains to tie up the suffering giant bat. "Long Zhu, do you have anything that could neutralize them?"

When Long Zhu pulled out a round object, everyone thought it was a mandarin orange, and immediately felt offended that he still had the mood to enjoy some fruit!

Only when he tossed the 'orange' into the poisonous fog and snapped his fingers, did they realize they had misunderstood. The 'orange' popped from his finger snapping and the liquid in it exploded into every direction. 

"The poison dissipated!" With a happy cheer, Long Lian stared fixatedly as the liquid cleared the smoke it touched! "Third brother, could it be Xiao Hua's tea?"

There was a brief pause from Liang Shan when he heard Xiao Hua's name, before he smoothly continued on chanting the sutras to bind the large dark green bat. 

"Yes." Long Zhu had asked his little flower to prepare a large amount of tea for today's expedition.

"Good!" Qiang Laohu cheered. "How many of those did you have?"


"Then open a path for me!"

Liu Chu Chu was certainly the heroine with great luck, for she coincidentally led them into a higher ground cave to hide, which used to be a family of phoenix's lair.

They would not have known the truth, if Fu Chou had not told Liu Chu Chu about it. 《I could sense phoenix's blood in here》

After being led into a trap, Liu Chu Chu doubted that it would be so coincidental. But Fu Chou had never lied to her, and had only been secretive about her own past. The dry blood on the cave walls and floor must really be phoenix's blood!

"They are phoenix's blood?" Gu Wenjing stared at the dried dark blood on the walls. "I do not sense any living being here other than us."

"They must be hiding somewhere." Liu Chu Chu touched the dried blood, irked at the disappointing search. 

"Someone is nearby!" Gu Wenjing had set a trap nearby the entrance, and someone just set it off! He had thought his bat would be able to buy them enough time, but this was too quick!

Did Gulu Gulu get defeated?

It was Qiang Laohu and Feng Jiu that successfully followed their tracks to where they were currently at. 

"This is the old hideout of the deceased pair of phoenix!" Feng Jiu immediately recognized the location. 

The parents of the baby phoenix had died from another strong beasts' attack, leaving only the baby phoenix as its sole survivor in the family. Fear that the old lair would cause the youngling to be depressed, it was brought over to stay at Vermillion bird's lair. 

"Send your bird to Long Zhu. We will wait for them here." 

However, their arrival was already discovered, which Liu Chu Chu greeted them by releasing the rest of the green soldiers to deal with them.