Vol 8 Chapter 253 – Lick the dirty walls

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 253 - Lick the dirty walls

Before Qiang Laohu and Feng Jiu separated from Long Zhu, they got three tea balloons from him. It was in case Gu Wenjing had any more dangerous poisons under his sleeves.

It was thanks to Xiao Hua's tea that they had an easier time bringing down the green soldiers, especially for Qiang Laohu with great strength. The tea could weaken the green soldiers until their skin lost their durability.

Qiang Laohu's attack and speed were truly terrifying, easily bringing down the weakened green soldiers like they were blocks of tofu. Feng Jiu used her fire to burn the fallen green soldiers, stopping them from arising again. They may be easier to destroy now, but it still took a toll on Feng Jiu's strength to turn them into dark coal corpses.

"I couldn't burn them to ashes," Feng Jiu complained, her eyes gazing down at the remains of the green soldiers as if demanding them to comply with her wish.

"Chu Chu! We need to leave!" Gu Wenjing called Liu Chu Chu quickly when he saw the number of green soldiers shrink rapidly.

"No, I can't leave! The phoenix's blood is here! Right here!" With a touch of irrationality and obsession, Liu Chu Chu stared at the stone walls decorated with dry phoenix's blood, unwilling to part.

"They are useless! We need to leave now! We can find another phoenix after that! A living phoenix! If we stay, we will die right here!"

"If you want to leave, you go alone!" Liu Chu Chu snapped, her shaky fingers caressed the dried blood, careful not to use strength.

《Lick it. I can make them turn liquid through that way.》

"Really?" Disregarding her image, now that she was pushed to the corner, she did not hesitate to kneel down. However, she still needed to compose herself, and only when the sound of fighting grew nearer did she finally move.

The moment Gu Wenjing's contracted beast, the poisonous bat, died, he could feel it. As it was a forced contract between them, Gu Wenjing suffered a severe backlash the moment their bond was cut off.

With his chest feeling pain and throat filled with fresh blood, Gu Wenjing covered his mouth with a palm, but unable to stop the blood from spilling out of his mouth. His green eyes instinctively shifted to Liu Chu Chu, as if seeking for comfort, but she had long disregarded him.

A pair of green eyes trembled when he took in the sight of Liu Chu Chu licking the wall. She dared to lick the dirty walls, just to get the phoenix's blood?

How important was the phoenix's blood to her? More important than her safety and pride? More important than him, Gu Wenjing?

The tiger man was quickly approaching and the number of green soldiers had fallen to the amount of less than three, yet Gu Wenjing no longer placed any importance on them. Gu Wenjing just wanted this woman before him to love him, just like she loved her husband. Even if he only gets one-third of it, he would already be satisfied.

When Qiang Laohu stepped into the cave, his eyes quickly adjusted to the dim cave. He was also close enough to see what Liu Chu Chu was doing. He snorted in disgust. "What, she went crazy?"

Even if she became a deranged person, Qiang Laohu could not let her live, for she was already connected to the disastrous star.

"She is obsessed." Entering right behind Qiang Laohu, Feng Jiu covered her mouth with her sleeves as her brow wrinkled in disgust at Liu Chu Chu's action.

Liu Chu Chu keeps on licking the dry phoenix blood, not noticing the danger incoming. Fu Chou keeps on telling her to continue licking, as Liu Chu Chu's body already started showing positive signs that this method was effective.

Qiang Laohu's next target was clearly Liu Chu Chu and Gu Wenjing could use this opportunity to escape by himself, just like he usually did towards his useless allies.

But why was his body not moving? Why was his heart heavy with reluctance, unwilling to let Death to touch her?

With an exaggerated wave of his arm, Gu Wenjing summoned a large green python, and it bared its sharp, poisonous fangs at Qiang Laohu.

Qiang Laohu grinned, his blood started to boil at the thought of fighting this huge snake. "I will kill you and make a coat using your skin!"

Offended at his words, the green python hisses sharply and attacked him!

As the python and Qiang Laohu started to battle, Fu Chou quickly urged Liu Chu Chu,《Eat the spirit beast bead!》

The beast spirit bead that Fu Chou mentioned was hidden in Liu Chu Chu's spatial bracelet even before her ownership, perhaps belonging to the previous owner. Fu Chou had told her that the bead was originally a demonic beast and would be useful to her in the future.

Was this the moment Fu Chou had meant?

《With the spirit beast bead and phoenix's blood, you will immediately recover and your cultivation rank will increase!》

Liu Chu Chu pulled out the demonic beast spirit bead from her bracelet and it felt icy cold in her grip. Fu Chou had never lied to her before and was extremely helpful to her. But why was she still hesitating? What was she afraid of?

《Quick! Gu Wenjing can't hold it anymore!》

Just as Fu Chou said that, a thick arm pierced through the python's thick body. At the same time, Gu Wenjing's torso was also pierced the same way as the python. The green python let out a piercing shriek that hurts others' eardrums before disappearing into thin air.

"Soul manifestation!" Feng Jiu recognized. Gu Wenjing had formed a part of his soul into a python to fight on his behalf. Whatever injury the python received will be passed back to Gu Wenjing.

"No wonder it's so bloody tough." Qiang Laohu spat out two broken teeth with blood. His body was severely injured by the fight and there were multiple car-like tracks made by the python's hard scales from its attempt to squeeze Qiang Laohu into a pancake.

More flesh blood coughed out from Gu Wenjing's mouth and he collapsed to the ground. His green eyes were filled with grievance, that Qiang Laohu could defeat his strongest technique without sacrificing his life to do so.

Gu Wenjing's blood had sprayed everywhere and the dazed Liu Chu Chu got some of it.

The warm blood on her face was like the reality slapping her. Her eyes shook fiercely at the sight of Gu Wenjing dying and her hand moved before her mind caught up. Her throat was unpredictably able to swallow a ping pong sized spirit beast bead.

Feng Jiu had kept an eye on Liu Chu Chu while gathering her strength to create a large firebird. She saw Liu Chu Chu had swallowed something dangerous and choose to stop supplying more spiritual energy to the firebird before launching it at Liu Chu Chu.

However, Feng Jiu knew that her attack would not be strong enough to harm Liu Chu Chu after she swallowed a spirit beast bead.

Qiang Laohu saw that Liu Chu Chu was still standing up straight after receiving Feng Jiu's attack that could destroy a town and quickly ran towards her.

Liu Chu Chu laughed with uncontained joy when she felt the deep cut across her chest started to heal properly. Even her spiritual energy was replenished and surpassed her previous limit, helping her breakthrough to the early stage of the fifth rank!

Despite Qiang Laohu was still a rank stronger than Liu Chu Chu, his attacks could not suppress her much. She could not return the attacks, but she could still block most of his attacks.

"I had not wrongly trusted you, Fu Chou. Only you... only you!" Liu Chu Chu met Qiang Laohu's fist with her own, and the strong collision had thrown them a distance away from each other.

Knowing that the situation was becoming dire, Feng Jiu stopped reserving her strength and used them all to create firebirds to attack Liu Chu Chu.

"Annoying!" Liu Chu Chu created a water barrier to block the firebirds from reaching her.

But the firebirds were strong, turning the water barrier into mist, leaving behind large holes on the barrier. Even so, Liu Chu Chu could rebuild the water barrier again every time it was ruined. She felt her energy was limitless!

Feng Jiu frowned as sweat dripped down her forehead and soaking her back, as she did not stop her attacks even when none of her flame birds could bypass the water barrier protecting Liu Chu Chu.

It was now a battle on how quickly Feng Jiu could create new firebirds against how fast Liu Chu Chu could fix her water barrier.

Looking at how powerful she became, Liu Chu Chu's red eyes trembled, full of grievance at her own unfortunate luck in the past and gratitude that there was still someone she could rely on in this world! "I swear upon my life, Fu Chou, I will help you escape from your prison!"

Fu Chou's patience to explain everything she does not know and helping her whenever she stumbled into the wall, Liu Chu Chu will remember it all and repay this debt!

Liu Chu Chu could hear Fu Chou's laugh that was filled with joy, which also boosted her own happiness.

《It is truly a strong demonic beast's spirit, the last method for a comeback to fight against the four celestial beasts.》

Liu Chu Chu started to counterattack even more fiercely and did not pay much attention to Fu Chou's words. She thought Fu Chou was only explaining about the beast spirit bead she had eaten, which was not important anyway.

《But it's also useful to me. Extremely helpful.》

Qiang Laohu and Feng Jiu thought they would need to use up the remaining of their strength and risk killing Liu Chu Chu, but she herself suddenly stopped her own attack. Liu Chu Chu was clearly moving forward, but it was as if something had seized her, stopping her from moving no matter how much she struggled.

Then, strange choking sounds came from Liu Chu Chu's throat, like a dying person that has no strength to scream for help. Her eyes were wide in an unnatural manner, filled with betrayal and unwillingness to accept her fate.

"...Fu...Chou..." That was the last words Liu Chu Chu could utter before she collapsed with her head drooping down, but her body was still upright, like a puppet forced to stand up with strings.

"What's going on?" Qiang Laohu frowned. "Is this because of the bloody thing she ate?"

"Spirit beast bead... but the records had not written this effect." Feng Jiu was confused as well. But this was clearly the right time to restrain her.

But before they could do it, Liu Chu Chu suddenly raised her head abruptly, the bones in her neck creaked harshly and met their eyes.

Feng Jiu's inhaled sharply as black shadows emitted from Liu Chu Chu's body, giving off ominous feeling. "Demon!"

Liu Chu Chu's previously stiff, unmovable body was able to move now, like a puppet freed from the puppeteer's control and given a new life. Even the way she carried herself was totally different from before.

Her blind arrogance was no more, but deep confidence of her own strength replaced it. Red, striking lips parted to allow her tongue darted out to lick her lips, the action of one that had just finished eating a satisfying meal.

With a low, happy giggle, Liu Chu Chu's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "One should never trust a demon, especially a trapped demon inside your body."