Vol 8 Chapter 255 – Waiting for Jing Ke’s return

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 255 - Waiting for Jing Ke's return

Advisor Yang looked on as his one and only child walking back and forth before their manor's front gate. The gatekeepers stood with straighter backs than usual because their masters were right beside them.

"Elder brother, what's wrong with Yang Ling?" Advisor Yang's younger sister asked worriedly. "Is someone important about to visit this humble manor?"

Although she was a married woman, she often dropped by to visit her favorite nephew that always knew what to say to make her happy. Not even her sweet daughter could match Yang Ling's honey mouth. It was because of that, when Yang Ling looked troubled, she was sincerely concerned for him. It was even worrying when the teenager's head never failed to turn towards the direction of any sound he heard.

"He is waiting for Jing Ke's return."

"Jing Ke? Elder brother, does the reason why Jing Ke go missing relates to your earlier visit to the palace?"

An hour ago, Yang Ling had broken all etiquette by infiltrating into the Emperor's private study. It was truly the young Emperor's benevolence that spared Yang Ling from being slain by the Imperial guards for being mistaken as an assassin. Advisor Yang happened to be in the same room when this occurred, and proceed to give his son a severe scolding.

The 21st Emperor cut in the middle of Advisor Yang's tirade and questioned Yang Ling of his reason for barging in without permission. Yang Ling quickly passed on Doctor Bai's message and the Emperor hurriedly alerted the department of defense to keep a close eye on anything out of ordinary heading to their Kingdom.

It was the first time that Advisor Yang learned the existence of the special barrier made of spiritual energy to protect their Kingdom from danger. Moreover, only those with the royal bloodline could invoke it.

Unfortunately, the special barrier could only be activated for one time, as the energy needed to supply it was limited. That was why they need to confirm the danger first before the 21st Emperor will decide whether to activate the barrier or not.

Right after passing the word, Yang Ling was given permission to leave without punishment. He immediately headed back home, with his father following right behind him. Prince Heng and the previous Emperors will be able to advise the 21st Emperor wisely even without Advisor Yang.

Advisor Yang wanted to find out more about how his son was able to receive Doctor Bai's message and was only able to pry out some information after nagging him for a long while.

"Partially. That foolish son of mine places more importance on Jing Ke than the safety of the Kingdom!" Advisor Yang groused, but his younger sister knew his words were not heartfelt.

Perhaps Yang Ling was tired walking back and forth, or maybe he wanted to vent some frustration because he quickly closed the distance between him and his father.

"Of course Jing Ke is important! He's my good brother! And that guy disappeared somewhere without bringing me along! I told him that he needs to bring me if he wants to beat up someone!"

"You still want to beat someone up? Don't create more trouble!" Advisor Yang scolded his son. "Jing Ke is much stronger than you, why would he need your help? He will end up saving your life instead!"

"Father, your words are too cruel! Am I really your son that you are so proud of?"

At his son's shamelessness, Advisor Yang really wanted to grab his specially made thick cane to teach this arrogant teenager a lesson! "I will be proud of you if you manage to control your mouth! Yapping so much without any noble bearing, you only know how to bring embarrassment to our family!"

"Elder brother!" His younger sister could not help but interfere when she usually does not when he scolded his son. To her, his words were rather harsh this time.

Yang Ling might not look like it, but he was a sensitive child when it comes to his family.

Advisor Yang grumbled and eyed his son that was not offended by his words. For a thousand times, he wondered who his son got his chattering mouth from. His wife was the epitome of gentle and quiet beauty, treating her words as precious gems that were sparingly given out.

"Son, are you sure you really do not know what's the danger?"

At his father's doubt towards him, Yang Ling angrily retorted, "Father! You never fail to poke apart my lies every time like a divine shaman! You know that I'm telling the truth and that's why you did not scold me after I told everything to the Emperor, right?"

"Wrong, I only trust your words because of honorable Doctor Bai. Even our wise Emperor trusts Doctor Bai's great foresight! Fortunately, you remember Doctor Bai's words well and did not make your voice out your own assumption from his message that will create a big mess!"

Advisor Yang's younger sister sighed as Yang Ling's mouth trembled in anger. How can a father choose not to trust his own son more than an outsider!

"Master, there's a visitor!" The gatekeeper announced and did a great deed today by preventing a big fight about to erupt.

"Jing Ke!" Yang Ling was like a baby bird seeking his mother bird as he sped towards the carriage that stopped before their gate.

Xiao Liu jumped down from the front carriage and quickly opened the carriage door to let Da Liu carry Jing Ke out. After that, Doctor Bai stepped out, followed by Yu Zheng.

"Please pardon our sudden intrusion to your residence. Jing Ke needs a secure place to be treated and his current dwelling would be a good place to help his recovery," Doctor Bai greeted Advisor Yang with an apologetic smile.

"It's no bother. Jing Ke is like my own son and this place is his home." Advisor Yang was all smiling and respectful towards Doctor Bai before turning to his son and scolded, "Yang Ling, don't be an unwanted boulder! Step aside quickly and let them in!"

Yang Ling silently stepped aside, his eyes glued to Jing Ke's unmoving figure in Da Liu's arms. If not for his lightly moving chest, Yang Ling would have thought he was a corpse.

"Greetings, Advisor Yang. I'm Yu Zheng, Doctor Bai's partner. While Doctor Bai attends to Jing Ke, would you be gracious to guide me to the palace so that I can speak to the Emperor about the Third Prince's latest expedition?"

"Partner? You must be a formidable doctor as well! It's a great pleasure to meet Doctor Yu!" Advisor Yang completely missed the hidden meaning behind the 'partner' word. "I will be honored to accompany Doctor Yu to His Majesty."

Yu Zheng laughed and did not clarify his identity. Calling him as a doctor was not wrong either. He could have helped Bai Chuan treat Jing Ke, but 'Doctor Bai' needed to play his role in this world.

"Elder brother, I will inform the elder sister-in-law after she finishes with her prayers. Please enter the palace with an easy heart."

Advisor Yang nodded at his reliable younger sister. "I will count on you."

"What happened to Jing Ke?" Yang Ling finally opened his mouth to ask. Although Jing Ke's body was unwell, Yang Ling had never seen him this sick before.

"He had moved too much, surpassing his minimum limit and his body became overheated. We need to cool him down," Doctor Bai explained. "Where is Jing Ke's room?"

"Follow me!" Yang Ling dashed to Jing Ke's room and opened the door for them. Inside the room was chilly, just like the early winter.

"Place him on the bed," Doctor Bai ordered and Da Liu carefully placed Jing Ke on the ice bed specially made for Jing Ke.

"Will he be fine? He has to, right?" Yang Ling worriedly stared at unconscious Jing Ke.

Doctor Bai gave Yang Ling a tender smile filled with assurance. "He will get well soon." Since Jing Ke did not exceed his limit and literally set himself up on fire, he will be fine.

Yang Ling watched on as Doctor Bai took out a cloth filled with long, acupuncture needles and poke them into Jing Ke's body with confidence.

With zero knowledge in the medical field, Yang Ling does not know what Doctor Bai was doing with those scary needles, but it seems to relax Jing Ke's stiff body.

"He will need a long rest and should not move if possible." Doctor Bai did not remove the needles and stepped away from the porcupine Jing Ke. "I don't know when he will wake up, but please have someone watch over him while I brew medicine for him."

"I- I will watch over him!" Yang Ling quickly volunteered. "He needs a familiar face to look at when he's awake. We don't want him to have a heart attack and think he's been kidnapped by an enemy, right?"

Doctor Bai: '...' If Jing Ke thinks he was kidnapped and unable to recognize his own bedroom, that's just terrible.

With a bright smile, Doctor Bai nodded as if he was touched by Yang Ling's kindness. "Please call me immediately once he's awake. Do remember not to remove the needles."

Yang Ling patted his chest. "You can count on me, Doctor Bai!"