Vol 8 Chapter 256 – Intruder alert!

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 256 - Intruder alert!

"The demon successfully possessed Liu Chu Chu's body and her whereabouts are unknown?" 

Heise's face was dark and Advisor Yang lowered his head even more, when he was not the one that angered him. Even if the young Emperor was only eleven years old, he does not dare to underestimate what the Emperor would do in anger.

The 21st Emperor hardly gets angry, and the most he would do when the officials offended him was throw more sarcastic words that jab at people's liver painfully and a huge load of work at them.

"She is powerful enough to escape and can corrode anything that her black mist touches?"

Heise stared at Yu Zheng who calmly returned his gaze, unfazed. "Zhu Que's army is currently the only one that has time to search around their Kingdom for that demon, if she is there. Qiang Laohu is heading back to his Kingdom to notify the government about the danger and discuss among themselves what they would do next. Wugui Mingzhi had already prepared his Kingdom for this disaster, and will help to search for the demon."

"Only Doctor Bai and Jing Ke returned here with you. What about Third brother and Fifth sister?"

"The princess is accompanying the Third Prince in the Zhu Que Kingdom. The Third Prince is currently in a coma after severely exhausting his spiritual energy. He will wake up after his spiritual energy recovers a bit. By estimate, two to three days."

Heise sighed in relief. He had thought there would be more casualties from that battle, but fortunately, everyone survived without lasting injuries. "Thank you, Lord Yu Zheng, for your help."

"Jing Ke is the one that scared the demon off."

Heise turned to look at Advisor Yang, and the other saluted. "It is important to find the demon quickly before it reaches the gate. We have to prevent the world disaster from happening." They do not have the capability to survive if the gate opened.

"We still do not know the exact location of the gate." Heise frowned in frustration. The 19th Emperor was still investigating the whereabouts of the gate and still does not have any good news. "Heng Xin, inform the Minister of Defense to meet me immediately."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Eunuch Heng quickly went to do as he was told.

"Advisor Yang, our men that are assigned to keep an eye on Gu Dan, are they still there?"

"Yes, they still are."

"Good. Have them continue watching them and report whatever is happening daily. If there are strange moves, have them immediately sent a word. Advisor Yang, I will have you in charge of the Gu Dan's matter."

Advisor Yang cupped his fists and bowed. "I will not fail you, Your Majesty."

"If you need more men, ask them from the Minister of Defense. I don't want to miss any important clues."

"I understand." Advisor Yang bowed and left the room.

"I shall return to Doctor Bai's side," Yu Zheng said with a brief nod.

Heise let out a loud 'tsk' as Yu Zheng did not even offer to help, but he had to let him leave. He does not have the strength or benefits to keep Yu Zheng here anyway.

"Your Majesty, Minister Tang is here!" Eunuch Heng announced with a wide smile.

"Hmm? That's hella fast," Heise commented and watched Yu Zheng leave just as Minister Tang entered.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." General Tang greeted Heise. "What do you wish for this subject to serve you?"

Heise ignored General Tang's cheesy speech and went straight to the point. "I want you to send enough soldiers to the Zhu Que Kingdom to help them, without sacrificing our Kingdom's defense. That small group will be helping out in finding Liu Chu Chu, who went missing. Be careful not to touch her black spiritual energy or their flesh will corrode. It's truly disgusting to hear that and I heard it will be very painful to chop limbs or slice a part of their flesh off. We have yet to have a solution to save the parts of the body that are corroded."

"...Yes, Your Majesty." General Tang managed to say when Heise stared at him as if waiting for his reply. He was shocked at how explicit the Emperor's words were when he had only heard of similar or more gruesome speech from his soldiers that had gone thru tough situations.

"That's all you need to do. And dispatch small groups to search around our Kingdom as well. We do not know how powerful a person that had used illegal and immoral technique to make herself stronger could be. She could be hiding inside our Kingdom and wait for a chance to attack us from inside."

"R-Right! I will have everyone look around and catch her!"

"Good. Dismiss."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" General Tang vigorously went to do as ordered. Since the day Heise had defeated three strong soldiers, General Tang slowly began to admire him and even more when Heise displayed more of his strength at his young age.

What traitorous Second Prince? What charming Third Prince? General Tang only has the Emperor in his heart and mind now!

Madam Ping Shui just let her husband be, as his new idolizing target was much better than Long Shan. The most important was that his idolizing does not reduce his amount of love towards her, even for a tiny bit.

After General Tang left, Heise collapsed on his desk and let out a loud, long sigh. "War? I don't know anything about war!" The corporate war was not as tense as this!

"You are doing very well, Your Majesty " Eunuch Heng went beside him with a proud smile and patted his back.

Heise grumbled and hugged Eunuch Heng's waist, acting spoiled. "I want a reward."

"What do you wish for a reward? I will do my best to give it to you."

"A kiss!" Heise grinned and enjoyed watching Heng Xin's face quickly become as red as a tomato. "No one is here and we won't get caught. It's just a kiss! I promise!"

Normally, Heng Xin does not agree to PDA and would bring out plenty of excuses to reject Heise's public indecent advances. But today, he behaved unusually and easily agreed to Heise's chosen reward.

With Heise still seated on his chair, the standing Eunuch Heng easily pressed him down with a deep kiss, mouth to mouth, with wet sounds that would make even the adults blush.

Much to Heise's disappointment, Heng Xin pulled away before he could enjoy the kiss properly. Using his thumb to wipe the wet lips, Heng Xin smiled as he watched Heise parted his lips in response to his touch.

"You are hungry aren't you, Your Majesty?"

"...Yeah." Heise's eyes were in a darker shade than usual.

Eunuch Heng smiled dotingly and stepped away. "I will go to the kitchen to get your meal."

Heise got the cue and restrained his adult desire. His body was still eleven years old after all, and Heng Xin was not comfortable doing anything with his age. It took Heise a lot of effort and patience to get Heng Xin to agree to kiss him mouth to mouth!

He should be satisfied that Heng Xin no longer rejected his kissing demands!

"Get yours too. We shall eat together!"

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

The smile on Heise's face disappeared after the door closed behind Heng Xin. He tapped his fingers on the table as he wondered where the demon had gone to hide at.

Fu Chou does not know where she landed, her surrounding was a wide empty field with nothing nearby. The grass was tall, reaching past her knees, which would be a great place to hide when she sat or lie down.

There was no living being around and it was a good place to recover her strength.

Despite the beast spirit bead had helped Fu Chou to win the fight for ownership of this body, she had yet to completely swallow Liu Chu Chu's soul. If this soul was the original owner of this body, Fu Chou will have a harder time to take over the body.

The original soul has weak resentment towards her life, too worn out by comparing herself to others and has no strong desires, which allowed the new Liu Chu Chu to easily possess her body after the original died. It was also because the World Spirit helped with the body takeover that the process went smoothly without any hitch.

But the fake Liu Chu Chu has a strong resentment and that was what stopped Fu Chou from completely consuming her soul. The core of the resentment was towards the girl named Bai Hua, the one that gave her the wound that failed to heal properly and the one with the dangerous tea.

Fu Chou has no hatred towards Bai Hua, as her tea did shorten the time to break Liu Chu Chu's connection with the spatial jade bracelet and replaced it with hers. However, to fully take over this body and regain all her powers again, she has to kill that girl and ease the lingering resentment.

Actually, it amused Fu Chou that Liu Chu Chu would place more importance in killing Bai Hua than to do anything with her husband that chose to sacrifice her for his survival.

Funny, that it appeared that Liu Chu Chu does not love her husband as she had claimed.

Bathing was one of Xiao Hua's favorite times, as the warm water soothes her body and makes her feel clean, refreshed, and smelling nice.

But her peaceful bathing time was interrupted when she saw a large, black spiral appear in midair at the other end of her bathtub. Her eyes widened and she inched to the furthest end of the bathtub as the black spiral grew larger like a sinister black hole!

When a pale hand suddenly emerged from the portal, as a person that was afraid of ghosts, Xiao Hua could not stop herself from screaming loudly. She broke apart the bathtub instead of wasting time climbing out, before racing to grab her clothes and by chance did not slip from the water on the floor.

Die with clothes on was better than die naked!

A large snow wolf barged into the room after sensing the sudden spike of fear from Xiao Hua as well as her scream. He growled at the portal, with the white Rubik cube flying right behind him.

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" The Rubik cube beeped like an alarm, its digital eyes flashing red lights.

Xiao Hua quickly donned her inner robe and pulled out her whip, ready to face the strange thing that stood between her and the exit. "Do something, cube!"

"I'm trying! But that person is stronger than me!" The Rubik Cube felt stressed and tried its very best to close the portal, but that person at the other end kept on fighting against it.

"Who is this person?!" Xiao Hua bellowed but knowing that the hand belonged to a living being and not a spirit, her fear reduced a tiny bit.

"That demon that possesses Liu Chu Chu!"

"The demon that possess- what the f*ck? So Liu Chu Chu is dead?" However, the most important question she wanted an answer was, "Why is the dark beauty coming here?!"