Vol 9 Chapter 287 – Not difficult my ass!

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily

XH 287 - Not difficult my ass!

The moment Bai Chuan stepped onto the soil of the nameless village, his system let out a high pitch electronic beep that managed to sound excited.

"Host, we have new information! The four celestial beasts have gathered and recovered their strength and met a requirement's achievement! It's about the location of the gate!"

"... Don't you think that the information came too late?" Doctor Bai smiled sweetly but his anger radiated from his body like his background effect.

"It's useless information," Yu Zheng agreed. "We have more information than that in our hands. Bai Chuan, your system is getting useless… so let's get rid of it? I alone is enough by your side."

"Host! Don't forget our deep brotherhood relationship!" The rubik cube cried as it flashed red lights in panic. 

"I won't be able to return if you are destroyed, system," Doctor Bai appeased. "But should the higher ups not compensate for the useless information I receive?"

"I...I will ask?" The Rubik cube inquired.

"You do that," Doctor Bai said casually and then glanced over his shoulder at Jing Ke who was silently looking around with a worried Yang Ling that had already drawn out his bow beside him.

Advisor Yang had originally forbid his son from joining the fight with the demons, but Yang Ling insisted on going after knowing Jing Ke would be going too.

In the end, it was Heise that commanded Yang Ling to join the battle and assign him to be Jing Ke's assistant. Heise's reason was they were lacking strong fighters in the battlefield, so Yang Ling would be a good addition. 

The Fourth Prince, 20th Emperor and the Empress Dowager will stay behind at Guilin to guard the Kingdom. The 20th Emperor had finally woken up, but was still in bed rest, looking thin and weak. 

As the only person with the teleportation skill and had locked down the location of Gu Dan base, Heise ended up joining Xiao Hua's looting team. 

"I would have thought the reason you joined me is because you want to blow up something," Xiao Hua commented offhandedly as she speedily brewed more tea to be kept in her spatial storage. "If not because we need your teleportation skill..." 

But she was actually very happy that Heise will be coming along, because the bombing task will be given to him. He was the one that wanted to bomb the place, so let him do it!

"I will join the others after we are done with the enemy base. We need to be quick." To reseal the gate, Heise needed to be there as well. The other vessels went to the nameless village first to delay the demons while the monks finished ferrying the ancient monk's soul tied to the Gate.

"Hopefully it will go smoothly," Xiao Hua prayed. 

Heise scrowled. "If only we have more time, I can try to create some bombs with firework effects and guns. Then the bombing will be quick and easy."

Xiao Hua: What? (⊙_⊙)

"You know how to make guns?! And bombs?!"

"Not me, but a member of my martial arts club. He’s rich, crazy about guns, but lucky for him, his grandfather indulged him. He brought plenty of guns, even antique ones and the last time I met him, he showed me a blueprint of a very simple gun. It does not look difficult to make."

Xiao Hua: Not difficult my ass! (╬ Ò﹏Ó)

Le XiaoTing always doubted the female leads from the transmigrated novels that were able to create guns. Unless they had previously worked in a firearms production company or an firearm enthusiastic, how could they easily make guns from scratch? They were living in modern times where the female leads only need to purchase guns. 

Le XiaoTing from the peaceful time era only knew the method of putting mentos and coke together to create an explosion.

But right now, Heise just told her that he could make firearms in that casual, devil may care, tone!

Even though Xiao Hua wanted to see how Heise made them, it would be dangerous to create them. "I think these toys should be introduced by others in future times."

"I won't make it if we manage to kill off the demons this time," Heise said grimly. He, of course, knew how dangerous it was to reveal modern technology ahead of time, for it would bring an imbalance of power but letting the demons roam around longer would be even more dangerous. 

"Who will be joining us to go to Gu Dan country?" Xiao Hua asked.

"That space only allows less than ten adult people in it," Heise recalled.

If Heise was going, naturally Heng Xin, his eunuch and now bodyguard, will follow him. Following Xiao Hua was Da Bei, her contracted beast and Duan XiYing. Long Zhu had decided to bring Da Liu and An Jing along.

Hearing that Xiao Hua would be infiltrating the enemy's base, Long Lian immediately urged to join. Coming with her was Tian Liang, who refused to let Long Lian alone into danger.

Adding them all, it was just the right number of ten. 

Heise clapped his hand and stood up. "Right! Now that everything is decided, let's go!"

"Okay, I'm done too. I will call them." 

After getting everyone to gather around, Heise teleported them back to the dark space with everyone holding onto each other's hands.

Xiao Hua ended up squeezing between Long Zhu and Duan XiYing, with barely any space between them. 

Everyone quickly and silently rearranged their position to have breathable space between each other, freeing others from being squashed. 

Xiao Hua did not speak, acting like a lackey like she used to do even as Le XiaoTing. But she did wonder how they were going to step out of this hiding hole. 

Someone among them stepped up and pressed a hand onto the wall. Treating it just like a normal door, An Jing pushed with bare hand and the rock crumbled apart with a thunderous sound.

Xiao Hua: Oh My God! Σ(°ロ°)

Suddenly remembering the mindless nickname Xiao Hua had given An Jing in her mind, the muscular beauty, it actually suits her very well! 

Xiao Hua managed to stop her head from turning to Da Liu's direction. In her heart, she had long praised Da Liu for being an accepting and confident husband. He was truly talented to be able to maintain his masculinity with such a strong and beautiful wife.

"Da Liu, have you known about your wife's strength before your marriage?"

Xiao Hua: Σ(O_O)

Xiao Hua nearly choked on air at Heise's blunt question.

Now that she had the reason to turn to Da Liu's direction, she did not restrain herself and examined his expression. 

"Your Majesty, I have known who she truly is the first time we met," Da Liu answered seriously, just as serious as he had always been. There was no hint of other emotion from his serious expression. 

However, only Duan XiYing let out a soft snicker, a great telling that she knew how the married couple first met, and it was far from an usual first, uneventful meeting.

"Aren't we in a hurry?" Long Zhu reminded.

Tian Liang did not even bother saying anything and was the first one to step out of their hiding place. "No one's around."

The demons must have all gone to the nameless village for the big war.

"Quick, remove those eggs from the pool," Heise urged once he was reminded he should be somewhere right after this expenditure.

"Destroy the eggs!" Long Lian urged.

"They need to get out of the pool first." Heise does not want the pool to be contaminated. 

"XiYing will toss them out~"

At a lightning speed, Duan XiYing's figure disappeared and was replaced with a giant snake, similar to a eastern dragon's size. The large purple snake flew into the spring pool and the splash from the impact that Xiao Hua expected did not occur.

Duan XiYing's jump barely caused any ripple, which would impress the pool diving judges! 

"What a big snake…" Xiao Hua murmured dazedly. 

"Spiritual beasts could control their size at will once they reached adulthood," Long Zhu explained. 

Xiao Hua automatically turned to Da Bei, who was in his human form for today's expenditure.

"Da Bei is still a child," An Jing replied for her son. Da Bei reluctantly nodded in agreement to his mother's words. 

"Right…" Xiao Hua's tone was filled with slight doubt since Da Bei's both forms were far from a child's, except for his true age. She quickly snapped back into attention when she was reminded of something. "XiYing just threw herself into the pool! She- she had drank my tea before!"

"Don't worry, she had covered herself with a layer of spiritual energy. She will be unharm," Long Zhu reassured. 

"How will we destroy the eggs?" Long Lian asked, her eyes dancing with excitement. After experiencing her first group fight with her third brother, she became even more eager for battle, especially when her cultivation rank had increased from that battle experience.  

"Their eggs are too small, even smaller than chicken eggs," Tian Liang grumbled. "Is that snake going to swallow those eggs?"

"King of Munzhu, please work with the Princess to burn the eggs into ashes once Duan XiYing starts tossing the eggs out," An Jing said. 

Right after the sentence was completed, a large ripple formed on the surface of the pool, before it started shooting out eggs that trembled like flexible jelly.

Xiao Hua's skin crawled in disgust, especially after she imagined how it would splat on the ground!

… Wait, isn't the eggs… heading towards their direction?! \(º □ º l|l)/