Vol 9 Chapter 288 – Chop their brain off

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 288 - Chop their brain off

"Da Bei, remember what I've taught you," An Jing reminded.

Since Da Bei returned to Guilin capital, An Jing had forced Da Bei to train under her whenever they got the time. She only trained Da Bei because of his manifestation of the snow wolf bloodline. Because of it, she imposed her high expectation on Da Bei, who was no longer the weak cub with worrying health.

As for Da An that had not awakened his bloodline, he was trained by Da Liu as usual. Da An had grumbled in jealousy about his twin having a different teacher and lessons, until he visited Da Bei's class. 

Da An started to believe that his father was perhaps the nicer and more understanding parent. 

Before the Gu bug's eggs touched the ground, a strong, cold wind with hints of snowflakes swept the eggs away. 

Unlike how Da An had created icy wind from his blowing thru mouth, Da Bei created a stronger version of it with just a gesture of his hands with intense concentration. As for An Jing, she just needed to gaze with strong intent and the wind followed her orders obediently. 

The chilly wind dropped the eggs at Tian Liang and Long Lian's direction to allow them to only concentrate on attacking. The speed of the eggs descending was severely slowed down to make sure the attacks got them all. 

"I will start first." Tian Liang stepped forward and stretched out his palms at the direction of the falling eggs. 

The King of Munzhu started testing which degree of fire would be the most suitable to burn the Gu bugs' egg into crisp. He had heard about the notorious green soldiers and how hard it was for Long Zhu and the other strong people to deal with it and assumed the eggs would be pretty similar.

"Huh… this is pretty easy," Tian Liang commented after trying, turning around his stiff neck. "Ah Lian, follow my lead. It might be a bit challenging for you, but this will help to train your stamina."

Long Lian was courageous, but still, at the sight of the raining eggs, she feared that she might make a mistake and allowed one escape from her attack.

"Don't think too much. Remember that I will cover your back," Tian Liang reassured. He was not looking at Long Lian, but he still knew that she was not confident. "Come on, I need some help!"

Long Lian scoffed as her emotions grounded again and joined in blasting fire at the eggs, turning them into black ashes.

Standing at a safe distance, Xiao Hua stared at the BBQ feast ongoing and asked Long Zhu who was beside her. "Won't it be easier for me to hurl my tea at the eggs?"

Long Zhu smiled gently and helped to arrange her bangs that were swaying gently from the chilly wind. "Tian Liang and Long Lian can handle it."

Xiao Hua: So, you are actually encouraging me to be lazy? Then why do I still need to come here?

Da Liu stood on guard a foot behind Long Zhu and did not participate in the massacre. His skills were not suitable in helping them. 

Xiao Hua does not know what Heise and Heng Xin were doing at a corner, discussing and assembling something in their hands.

Xiao Hua: '...' Bomb? (⊙_⊙)

Although she was very curious about what they were making, she forced herself not to approach them, for fear that Heise would push the task of bombing onto her again. Xiao Hua does not understand what Heise had seen in her that makes him believe she has the capability of exploding things!

"How many eggs are there…?" Xiao Hua wondered as the eggs were endless tossed out from the spring pool. 

She started to think she might as well not bother to come. This place was not even a good place to sight see or to hunt for treasure.

"Incoming!" Heise suddenly yelled.

Heise and Heng Xin had not noticed their arrival until Heise felt a sharp spike of danger when he was being attacked. Heng Xin quickly defended and protected Heise.

Xiao Hua gasped in revulsion and quickly pulled out her whip. "What are they?"

There was a group of green eyed men, if they could be called men with their current state. Their gender could not even be identified easily, as everyone has similar long hair, without any hair accessories to hold them up. Some were crawling, their limbs at weird angles or with additional limbs that average humans should not have. 

Their green eyes held no rationality and their mouth could not be closed, drooling endlessly. But they uniformingly move to attack the intruders of their abode and Xiao Hua does not want to see whether they intend to kill or to eat them.

"We will deal with them." Long Zhu stopped those that were working to clean up the pool from moving.

Da Liu pulled out a familiar looking long blade, almost identical to his sons', except that his was heavier and with a slight curve at the edge of its blade. It was also worn out from constant usage but it was carefully taken care of to retain its deadly sharpness.

Heise and Heng Xin were already chopping down the Gu Dan creatures that mindlessly attacked them. But those creatures would grow double limbs whenever one of them was chopped off!

Controlling her whip coated with inner energy, Xiao Hua approached one and slashed off its head cleanly into two. Blood and brain matter leaked out, but fortunately the body dropped to the ground, no longer moving or duplicating. 

"Hey, chop their brain off!" Xiao Hua happily reported and happened to meet Heise's revolting gaze.

In Long Zhu's eyes, his wife's movement was beautifully savage. But in Heise's eyes, it was savage and revolting!

"You are disgusting!" But Heise still did as she showed, with good results earned. 

It was not that Xiao Hua was not disgusted with it, but her colorless sight reduced nearly half of the gore and fear. But her sharp nose still caught the unpleasant smell of blood. 

"You did good, Xiao Hua," Long Zhu praised as he used a surprisingly long and thick plant's stem and treated it similarly as one would towards a whip, lethally cutting down the incoming creatures. 

That boosted her spirit and she continued helping and cutting down the enemies. It was going well until she faced a creature that was obviously a child. She trembled in shock and suddenly hesitated in dealing the final blow. 

What had Gu Dan done to these innocent people? They were their own people, sharing the same blood!

Before the child could attack Xiao Hua, Da Liu's blade already pierced the child's head, putting him to rest. "Madam, please leave them to me."

"...Sorry." Xiao Hua shook her head, clearing her disturbed mind. "I will help."

She will help put these people to rest, regardless if they were innocent or a sinner. No one deserves to become such a creature.

The current King of Gu Dan, Gu Ming Tian, could sense it when the half-demon clansmen back at their homebase became violent.

"There were intruders back at home."

"Ignore them," Fu Chou said dismissively. The Gu bugs and the spiritual spring pool were no longer useful to her. 

Her one and only desire was right in front of her. 

The gate to the demon realm.

Gu Dan country might be the Gu Dan's home, but once the demons arrived, the whole world would be theirs. Gu Ming Tian knew it too, but the remaining Gu Dan clansmen still have sentimental feelings towards their home where they had grown up.

Even if they wanted to rush back to their home, they could not do that now. They have something important they need to do.

Feeling urgency, the speed of feeding demonic demonic energy to the gate quicken. This method was the only way to hasten the seal's crumbling rate. 

Fu Chou and Gu Ming Tian were the only one not contributing their demonic energy to the gate solely because of the numerous peeping eyes.

Right at a safe distance from the gate were the Four Kingdom troops. They were willing to wait and watch the demons removing the seal because it fit their purpose. 

Before they could re-seal the gate, they had to remove the seal first. It was also a request from the high monk, who wished to let their ancestral monk's soul tied to the seal to be freed and given the opportunity to head to the wheel of reincarnation. 

The ancestral monk had done a great, holy deed and should not have his soul destroyed, vanished into the world. 

"Little Ming should be here by now!" Qiang Laohu grumbled as he saw the seal was deteriorating at a quick speed. 

"It will not be easy to destroy the enemy's base. There will be strong guards and tricky traps. It's understandable that it would take a long time to deal with them," Feng Jiu reasoned. 

"We don't have too much time left," Mingzhi Wugui said, eying the stars hidden by the bright sky above. 

"I will bring him now!" 

Feng Jiu failed to stop the impatient and aggigated Qiang Laohu.

It was a surprise when Qiang Laohu appeared beside Heise, who was excitedly swinging his long spear, and kidnapped him.

"Long Zhu, I will leave here to you!" Was Qiang Laohu's explanation before disappearing with the Azure Dragon's vassal.

The long, green stem in Long Zhu's grip twisted into a pitiful form, unable to resist like a feeble tissue, under his forceful pressure.

Heng Xin stared at the place where Heise had disappeared like a lost child.

Da Liu had to move even faster to cover up for the abruptly missing and dazed helpers. 

As for Xiao Hua, she only has one concern. "Who will do the bombing job now?"