Vol 9 Chapter 292 – Flame of hatred

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily
XH 292 - Flame of hatred

"The gate is open!" Someone shouted and no one knew whether it was from the demons or the soldiers.

But that was the signal for the next event!

The humans that turned into demons were very excited at the prospect of having real demons stepping into their realm and unleash terror to the world. They have no shred of pity for the rest of the humans that were about to suffer hellish days ahead.

As the monks had finally finished ferrying the soul of the ancient monk to the circle of reincarnation, the armies of the Four Kingdom waste no time to launch their attack.

"Kill them all!" Qiang Laohu roared like a fierce tiger and led his men to charge at the demons.

Triggered by the sudden attack, Gu Ming Tian summoned all the green soldiers to battle with the incoming enemies.

The number of green soldiers that they managed to accumulate was not something to laugh about. Their number may be smaller than the five thousand soldiers of the Four Kingdom, but their manpower was enough to fight the large army on par.

"We no longer need to pour our energy onto the gate. Save and recover your energy! Everyone, it's finally the time for us to shine and lead the world to the new era! We will show them who is the true ruler of this land!" Gu Ming Tian's speech aroused the slightly tired demons' enthusiasm.

Every Gu Dan clansmen welcomed the destruction of the world that treated them unfairly, and bring Death onto people that scorned them for being different from them.

Their eyes were green and their blood flowing with poison made people fear them. Gu Dan clansmen were quickly being labeled as a demon and were outcast by the society.

The Gu Dan clansmen were fortunate to have a strong mentality and they managed to strive by building their own home, safe from other's inability to understand or accept them for who they were. It was not long before their ideals were the same as other large countries, which was to expand their territory.

Wars were not unusual with the leaders being territorial and greedy, not caring about the commoners' cruel fate from their decision.

But why was it that only Gu Dan the only country that got attacked by all Four Kingdoms together when they announced their desire to join the fight over territory?

Why do they even actively seek to kill them all, including the weak elderly and innocent children?

Just because they were afraid of their green eyes and high affinity with poison, they want to completely remove them from earth? Who gave them the right to decide that?

Because of the so-called normal and widely accepted people, Gu Dan had to watch many of their family members die, unable to save them.

They had waited for four years, all just to avenge for their family's death. Even if only thirty of them were left, they will still see the end of their revenge in order to meet their deceased family in the afterlife with honor and pride.

Without their family and a society that accepted their nature, Gu Dan found no desire to live in such a rotten and judgemental world.

"Bloody shit! We will be dead tired when we finally reach the final boss!" Heise relentlessly chopped down the green soldiers that were blocking his way with full strength.

Their soldiers took too long to defeat green soldiers with their low cultivation.

Long Yuen does not have spare energy to reprimand his grandson's foul mouth when the green soldiers demand his full attention. "Maybe they will stop once the demons that control them die!"

Long Yuen was glad that Yu Zheng would be following them here, but he was only willing to follow Bai Chuan around. However, the kind hearted Bai Chuan insisted on sending the villagers to a safe place before taking part in the war. Asking Yu Zheng the method of killing demons was the same as not asking in the first place. It was Yu Zheng's fortune to find a great sword that could eliminate demons from the world.

As it was improper for Long Yuen to ask Yu Zheng to loan him that special sword, he could only hope the evacuation process would finish quickly so that the ginseng spirit could help them out earlier!

Liang Shan and the monks were fighting their way past the green soldiers as well, and was remorseful that the demons had killed many innocent people just to use their body as their personal army.

Fighting alongside Liang Shan was the remaining of his four great weapons, the whip, the shield and the spear. His shield took in every attack directed towards Liang Shan and the other two weapons attacked the green soldiers on his behalf.

When he had agreed to be a monk, Liang Shan had relieved them from their duties, giving them freedom, but they still chose to follow him.

Even Yao Ling, Liu Chu Chu's servant, joined the fight alongside Liang Shan. She hated that Gu Wenjing kidnapped her mistress and locked her inside the poisonous fog. She also hated Guilin royalty for forcing her master to be a monk, ruining her mistress' marriage life.

But the person she hated the most was the demon that possessed her mistress' body. Master Long Shan said she was no longer in the world and it took a long time for Yao Ling to accept that fact. She joined this fight not for Guilin, but for her poor mistress whose body was misused by the demoness!

Yao Ling swears she will kill the demon and free her mistress!

Watching the frenzied battle where the enemies were struggling to get past his green soldiers, Gu Ming Tian was very happy that his plans were going well. It would not be long before their grand plan will be fulfilled!

That was his last thought before a large black shadow swallowed him up completely, corroding him so quickly that he did not even feel pain. It was unknown if he even knows how he had died either.

"K-King M-Ming Tian?" Gu Er, the leader of the small group that attacked Guilin, was the first to notice their King met his demise. He was also the first to gather his scattered mind and attacked Fu Chou with an angry cry while others were still shocked that their King died so suddenly.

After seeing Gu Er was doing his best to avenge Gu Ming Tian's death, the others were convinced that they were not imagining things. It was their benefactor that killed their king. Their family was more important than their benefactor and in no time, everyone joined Gu Er to attack the back stabbing Fu Chou.

"How could she be so much more powerful than us?!" One of them yelled in disbelief and fear when none of them successfully broke past her guard. Many of them were either wounded badly or died under her ferocious attack!

Her strength was way beyond them! Could it be... she had hidden her cards just for today?

Fu Chou had indeed hidden what demons could really do from them. She merely taught them the basic attacks and kept the higher skills to herself. It leads the Gu Dan demons to think their attacks were strong against others but weak towards their own kind.

They did not know that the higher attacks skills could easily kill weak demons like them.

Fu Chou's strength was indeed able to kill them, but unable to destroy their soul, which will continue to roam around the world unless they possess another person's body. Even those demons that stepped into the human realm would need to enter a physical body to be able to do anything. Their spirit form was even worse than ghost, unable to touch anything.

But it does not matter to her.

"You are all the same in my eyes."

Gu Dan desires for everyone's recognition of their power and strength. They choose to use fear to achieve it, even going as far as to become a demon to possess power beyond humans' limits.

The Four Kingdom killed people in the name of goodness and decided on things that they have no right to do so. They used their large number to bully weaker people to accept their view and authority.

Both were selfish for their own desires and did not even attempt to seek for a decision that benefit both parties.

"I'm not a good person either." Because she was willing to destroy this world to have it accompany her daughter in the afterlife.

Everyone would say Shen Ruyi was a cruel person for dragging in innocent people that were not involved with the death of her daughter. However, she could not forget those people that looked away when she cried out and begged for their help.

They choose to watch and ignore the mother and daughter's plight.

They were good neighbours and citizens in Shen Ruyi's eyes, but only to have the ideal ripped to shreds when they were in difficulty.

No one. There was no one that stepped forward to help them.

They were the ones that poured oil onto her flame of hatred.


Today, I will recommend 'I've transmigrated into this Movie before'

I think... this is more of a mystery genre novel? 

It feels that way to me. The translator is on 100 plus chapters, and I'm willing to wait for the translation instead of MTL it. Why? Because this novel needs the translator to help fully convey the true meaning of the text, or else I will miss important clues :)

*slap a part of my brain that itch to google for the raws*