Vol 9 Chapter 293 – Soul screaming in injustice

Name:The Dragon's Flower Author:chocolily

XH 293 - Soul screaming in injustice

It was Heise that first noticed there was something wrong from the demon's camp. The green soldiers were still fighting against them, but their aggressiveness seems to be a degree lesser.

As Heise was still shorter compared to the tall adults around him that blocked his sight, he jumped up and used one of the green soldiers as a stool after restraining its movement.

"What the bloody fuck?" Heise blurted when his sharp vision took in what happened.

As the hero of the novel and world, Liang Shan was gifted with impressive height, which allowed him to look past the green soldiers that were shorter than him.

Liang Shan's pupil trembled at the scene of Fu Chou wantonly killing the other demons. He momentarily thought that Liu Chu Chu had taken back her body, but the fact that her soul was already gone killed the thought. Along with Heise, they watched the madly laughing Fu Chou as she slaughtered the other green-eyed demons.

Without much resistance from the green soldiers, Qiang Laohu took the lead and destroyed a large number of green soldiers.

"Long Ming, what did you see?" Long Yuen asked as he cut down the green soldiers that tried to attack his distracted grandson.

"In fighting?" Heise guessed. "Fu Chou must have thought they are no longer useful and discard them in the worst possible way."

《Do you want to use my power to break past the green corpses?》The Azure Dragon asked.

"No. You must save your energy for the resealing," Heise rejected. That was why none of the vassals used the celestial beasts' power to fight.

On another side of the battle, the green soldiers were being pelted by palm sized night pearls, treating them like bowling targets to be knocked down.

Mingzhi Wugui was not much of a fighter, but his control of his night pearls using spiritual energy and using them as a weapon was deadly accurate.

His elder cousin acted as his bodyguard, wielding a long spear before him. Towards this female cousin, Mingzhi was not afraid like he usually does towards females. She was the only one among his female relatives that treated him normally and because of that, she was the only female he would be afraid of.

"They are questioning the demoness' slaughter towards her own comrade." Mingzhi's cousin glanced at the direction of Heise. She was a fifth rank cultivator and easily picked up Heise's conversation.

"No matter her reason, it still benefited us," Mingzhi Wugui said calmly as his pearls came back to his side and once again sent them out at another wave of green soldiers with the speed of a comet. With his spiritual energy, he could control his pearls to come back to his side once he has thrown it out.

The disaster star that belonged to Fu Chou has no other changes, which meant she had not killed the other demons to gain more power.

Waiting for Fu Chou to finish off the rest of the demons was an appealing decision, but who knows what she will do next?

And the sealing must not be postponed any longer, as the demonic energy had started to seep out of the gate. Anytime soon, the gate will be open wide enough for the demons to slip past.

Heise took out a green ball of the size of his palm, made of plant veins. It was an experiment done by Long Zhu using only Xiao Hua's tea to water the special plant for it to grow. This special plant was in his hand because he wanted to examine it, but to think it would be tested right now.

He hoped this plant would react the same way as what Long Zhu had described about this plant.

Using the green soldiers as his stepping stone, Heise hopped around before launching himself into the sky. He threw the green ball at the direction where only green soldiers were standing, where their army had yet to break through.

Heise's eyes kept track of the plant as his body started descending. He saw that the moment the green ball was about to hit an unsuspecting green soldier, it started to unravel from its right ball form.

The moment where it would be the most interesting sight was missed when Heise had to land onto the ground. He quickly used the green soldiers as his springboard again and saw a very alien-like tentacle stabbing past the green soldiers flesh as if they were blocks of tofu!

... Only Xiao Hua could make things become this weird! Long Zhu's description of the special plant was way off from the actual scene!

Long Yuen had also seen the chaos brought by the special plant. "Can it be stopped later?" It was good that it helped them solve the green soldiers, but what happens if it turned against them?

"... Anyone here with a green thumb?" Heise called out. He had never thought of restraining that strange plant before he unleashed it! "Third brother is taking too long!"

"It's your mistake, don't blame others!" Long Yuen scolded his grandson.

Unlike others that believe Fu Chou was up to no good even if her actions seemingly benefited them, that was not the case for Jing Ke. He managed to break past the horde of green soldiers and joined his wife in killing the demons, truly believing that she had come back to her senses and was helping them.

Fu Chou noticed what her husband did but made no move to stop him. Like an overbearing tyrant, Fu Chou slaughtered the rest of the demons, leaving none behind. There was no compassion towards them at all.

Fortunately, the green soldiers were still upright and fighting even without being commanded. She naturally saw the weird green thing making holes on the green soldiers, but made no move to destroy it.

She no longer needs to care about anything other than reuniting with her daughter after killing these demons that were previously humans.

Since long ago, Shen Ruyi already understood that her daughter would not be in the demon realm, for a human soul would be torn apart by the demonic energy the moment they were exposed to it, unable to survive long. She chose to open the gate to the demon realm just to destroy the world that had cruelly thrown her innocent daughter away.

With the gate now wide enough for a human to pass, Shen Ruyi headed towards it with a peaceful face and light heart. She was ready to reunite with her daughter in the afterlife.

A demon that was not born in the Demon realm will need to be tested for his or her worth before they could join them in the Demon realm. Shen Ruyi planned to fail it and meet her destruction, for that was the only way to kill her now as a demon.

"Ruyi," Jing Ke called out softly after they finished eliminating the demon, his gaze filled with complicated affection.

"Fool," Was Shen Ruyi's last word to him before sending a large wave of black mist at Jing Ke. Towards this husband of hers that failed to protect her and their daughter, she had long despised him for his uselessness.

What was the use of working hard to brush up his talent in weapon crafting to earn more money when he could not even protect his wife and daughter? It was his own family that he was reluctant to separate from that killed their daughter!

The naive Jing Ke that hoped for his wife's return was completely unguarded and took the attack face on. He would have immediately died if Yang Ling had not followed him and saved him.

Feng Jiu quickly followed up by creating a strong fire to push the black mist as far as it could from Jing Ke and Yang Ling. Qiang Laohu saw that Feng Jiu was struggling with the fearsome black mist and used more than half of his strength remaining to direct the black mist to an empty area.

Fu Chou had not cared about them after launching that attack, already expecting Jing Ke to die from it. All of her focus was on the wide gap on the Gate as she approached it with the intention to cross over it.

Liang Shan saw Fu Chou crossing the gate and her body started withering away, along with her soul separating from the body. To his astonishment, he saw a smaller and very transparent soul coming out from Liu Chu Chu's body. This weaker soul was dressed in weird clothing that held no similarity to Liu Chu Chu and Fu Chou's appearance, its form was very translucent, flickering unstably.

Yet something told him that this soul was the Liu Chu Chu that he knew.

Yao Ling only saw that Liu Chu Chu's body was dying and mindlessly charged ahead. "Miss!"

"Yao Ling, don't!" Lu Bian called out and made use of her whip's length to throw off the green soldiers from Yao Ling that were getting further away from her.

But Yao Ling continued moving forward recklessly, and very quickly, she disappeared from view, covered by the green soldiers that were charging forward. Lu Bian tried to find her, but quickly gave up on her when doing so would require her to get separated from her master.

"...Chu Chu."

As if the weak soul could hear Liang Shan's voice, she turned to look right at his direction with eyes filled with thick grievances that could bring forward calamity.

'Why? Why me! What have I done that I deserve this! I'm not supposed to die! You damn world! Why do you treat me this way? Why do I have to suffer this much!'

The feeble looking soul screamed in injustice over her fate. Even now that she was dead, her soul will soon be destroyed by demonic energy, cutting off her path to reincarnation.

In living, she has no peace. In death, there was also no peace. Her soul was screaming at the world, asking what had she done wrong to be treated so unfairly?

Liang Shan's soul shook fiercely, resonating with Liu Chu Chu's soul as she continued screaming. He found himself to pity her fate and wished to help her. Even if it was work of an unknown power that forced him to be attracted to her, now that he was freed from it, he was clear of how his heart actually felt towards her.

Liu Chu Chu was the first person that his heart had moved for, even for a tiny little bit.

Even if he wanted to rush forward to save her, he knew that he would arrive too late and he does not even know of a way to save her.

At this moment, something in him cracked under his helplessness and broke into million pieces, with a huge wave of power and memories surged from the deepest part in him that he never knew existed.