Role: Zhao Yi

Age: 13

Identity: external disciple of Zhao nationality

Accomplishments: Martial Arts duet

Skills: basic boxing, basic footwork, Yanlong Boxing (inferior martial arts)

Silver: 2

Prestige: 5

"The integration of eternal God's eyes has brought me blood strengthening, and the effect is extraordinary!"

"Just for a long time, I broke through the duality of martial arts!"

Chu Feng's mouth sparked a smile.

Apart from others, the eternal God's eyes are the Tiantong of the martial arts world!

Compared with other super pupils, eternal God eyes are certainly the most suitable for the world of martial arts!

"By the way, I remember that among the Zhao people, if the external disciples break through the double, they can get some rewards..."

The Wudao aristocratic family never treats the outstanding disciples of the family badly.

If you can be promoted, you can get a very rich asset.

Chu Feng immediately went to Wanlu hall.

In charge of the hall was a scholar in cloth. He looked up and glanced at Chu Feng. His eyes were a little surprised: "have you been promoted to the second level of martial arts?"


Chu Feng nodded.

"OK! According to the rules of the Zhao family, you can receive 50 liang of silver."

The scholar's hands and feet were quick. He quickly prepared 50 liang of silver and handed it to Chu Feng.

Those who can be promoted to the second level of martial arts and Taoism before the age of 14 have certain potential.

The scholar is well versed in human feelings and worldly wisdom. Naturally, he will not neglect Chu Feng.

After receiving the silver, Chu Feng found that his panel had changed——

Silver: 52

Reputation: 25

"Originally, improving cultivation will also improve reputation..."

Chu Feng touched his chin thoughtfully.

He looked at the scholar and asked, "is my silver enough to exchange for some pills for auxiliary cultivation?"

The scholar patiently pointed out, "you go out of the Zhao family and go two miles east. There is a Xuandan pavilion where all kinds of pills are sold. The price is fairly good."

Chu Feng nodded and immediately went to Xuandan Pavilion according to what the scholar said.

The guards and reception women of Xuandan pavilion are not ordinary people. They are all martial artists from the martial arts family.

When Chu Feng first entered Xuandan Pavilion, they noticed that the young man's cultivation reached the dual level of martial arts.

A woman immediately came forward to greet: "what kind of pill do you need to buy, childe?"

"I have 52 Liang silver. What is the best pill I can buy?"

Chu Feng asked directly.

The receptionist immediately understood what Chu Feng meant, opened a cabinet and took out a delicate jade porcelain vase from the cabinet.

"This is the best pill suitable for the double breakthrough to triple breakthrough of martial arts. It is called quench body pill."

"The price is just fifty-two Liang silver."

Chu Feng immediately took out all the silver flowers without frowning.

After the transaction, he returned to the Zhao family as quickly as possible, sat for a moment, adjusted his mind to the best state, and opened the jade porcelain vase.

"Everyone's initial silver should be two Liang."

"If you are promoted to Wudao Erzhong, you can get 50 liang of silver."

"The best auxiliary pill to break through triple is 52 Liang silver."

"This should be deliberately arranged."

"Fortunately, I didn't buy things casually with those two liang silver, otherwise I wouldn't have enough money to buy pills!"

Thinking of this, Chu Fengdang was about to take the quenched body pill.

Now that you have been promoted to martial arts duet, you can buy the best pill through the rewards in the rules.

Then take it immediately, and the effect must be the best.

He came to complete the task, not to practice. How to improve his cultivation to the highest in the shortest time is the topic of this task.

As for such a continuous breakthrough, will it be greedy for speed? Where do you need to care?

After taking the pill, a gentle force quickly spread in Chu Feng's body.

Without hesitation, he immediately stood up and began to fight Yanlong boxing.

Promoted to the duet of martial arts, the power of Yanlong fist has been able to exert one or two!

While waving, the powerful air wave roared out with the fist wind. At the end, there was a trace of inflammation, and the gorgeous flame "crackled" in the air.

Chu Feng's bones also made a noise. That's the effect of the pill!

His accomplishments have made a lot of progress in a short time, and his body has changed a lot

Chu Feng kept waving Yanlong fist without any rest, but he wouldn't feel tired.

The effect of the pill continuously provides sufficient energy for his limbs. Instead of venting this power, he will feel unhappy all over his body!

After a whole day of practice


Another dull noise sounded in Chu Feng's body!

And his accomplishments have reached the triple of martial arts at this moment!


After Chu Feng closed his fist, he took a long breath and felt the strengthening of his body. He couldn't help but feel happy.

His current strength has made a qualitative leap compared with the fact that he has just entered the world of martial arts!

Moreover, with the improvement of cultivation, the ability of eternal God's eyes seems to have grown to a certain extent!

Under super vision, Chu Feng can collect all the objects within two miles into his eyes without shelter.

"According to the regulations of the Zhao family, if an external disciple is promoted to the triple of martial arts and Taoism within the age of 14, he can officially become an internal disciple!"

"The treatment of inner disciples is very different from that of outer disciples."

"In addition to receiving richer salaries every month, you can also enter the second floor of tianwu pavilion to learn more powerful martial arts and skills."

this matter should not be delayed.

Chu Feng came to Wanlu hall again.

Seeing Chu Feng coming again, the scholar could not help scratching his head and felt some doubt.

However, when he looked at Ding Qing, he found that Chu Feng's accomplishments had been promoted to the triple of martial arts!


The scholar opened his mouth and looked at Chu Feng strangely: "have you been promoted to the triple of martial arts?"

"That's right."

Chu Feng still nodded calmly, as if the breakthrough was a common thing for him.

"I have to tell the elder of Wanlu hall about this. Now that you have been promoted to the triple of martial arts, you can become an internal disciple."

"As for your next arrangement, I can't do it!"

The scholar hurried to the back of the hall.

Soon, an old man with white beard but full of energy ran out of the hall.

The elder put his eyes on Chu Feng and immediately smiled: "it's very good. You can be promoted to the triple of martial arts before the age of 14, with infinite potential!"

"This is your inner disciple's token and a reward of 500 Liang silver."

"With this token, you can go to tianwu Pavilion and choose two martial arts you like, but don't aim too high. Just choose one that suits you."

"In addition, you can receive a salary of 50 liang of silver every month."

After receiving the inner door token.

The panel of Chu Feng has changed again——

Role: Zhao Yi

Age: 13

Identity: internal disciple of Zhao family

Accomplishments: triple martial arts and Taoism

Skills: basic boxing, basic footwork, Yanlong boxing

Silver: 500

Reputation: 125