Under the guidance of the elder of Wanlu hall, Chu Feng quickly found tianwu Pavilion.

"Elder, can you accommodate us and let us in?"

When Chu Feng came to the door, he found several teenagers standing not far away, pleading bitterly.

"You can enter the first floor of tianwu Pavilion if you are above the second level of martial arts. You can enter the second floor if you are above the third level of martial arts. This is the rule."

The elder sitting at the door looked cold and his tone was cold.

The teenagers had to go home bitterly.

Chu Feng's pupil flashed a golden light. After glancing at the fate of these teenagers, he smiled in his heart: "it's really a super pupil!"

After only one day, most people with hypermydriasis go to the replica for the first time. Facing the current situation, they are completely confused and don't know how to practice.

Most of the super pupil people still stay in the first weight of martial arts, and Chu Feng is already the third weight of martial arts!

He stepped forward and handed the token of the inner disciple: "I want to enter the second floor of tianwu Pavilion."

The elder of tianwu Pavilion received Chu Feng's token. His eyes flashed with approval, nodded and made way for the road.

Several superpupils in the back looked dull.

"Is he an inner disciple?"

"At least there is the triple cultivation of martial arts and Taoism?"

"The boy looks about the same age as us. Will he also be a hypermydriasis?"

"It's impossible. I asked other super pupil people. Everyone's template is the same. No matter how against the sky, it's impossible to rise to the triple of martial arts and Taoism in one day. It should be the genius aborigine of the world."

"That makes sense..."

Chu Feng, who entered the second floor of tianwu Pavilion, did not expect that he was just passing by and won the reputation of "genius aborigine".

He opened the eternal God's eyes and read the martial arts secrets here under the super vision.

Eternal divine eyes have the ability of "divine memory". Therefore, Chu Feng only needs to read the script once and can remember all the contents.

As long as he reads all the martial arts here, he will have a moving tianwu Pavilion in his mind.

"Ah, there's a map here?"

After reading hundreds of martial arts, Chu Feng found a map that fell out of the page of a martial arts secret script.

It is estimated that a disciple accidentally put the map in the book when returning the martial arts secret script, so he left the map on the second floor of tianwu Pavilion.

When he opened the map, he found that the four Wudao families in Yuyang city occupied the four corners of Yuyang City, and the Zhao family was in the southeast.

In the north, there is also a large mountain range. Many images of fierce animals are marked on the map, which obviously shows its danger!

"Mountain range... By the way, I remember that killing fierce animals should also gain reputation value, and the exchanged precious blood can also sell high silver in exchange for more precious pills."

Chu Feng's eyes brightened.

His cultivation has reached the triple of martial arts and Taoism. Staying in the Zhao family for cultivation will not help him make a breakthrough in the future.

If you go to Hengduan Mountain for cultivation, you can not only gain high reputation by killing fierce animals, but also get some opportunities.

Risks and opportunities coexist

"My supreme pupil has the ability to see fate. Therefore, choosing the road with the highest risk and highest return is the most suitable for me!"

Chu Feng soon made his own plan.

However, some preparations must be made before going to Hengduan Mountains.

How can we hunt fierce animals without a suitable weapon?

Chu Feng remembered that there was a star martial arts auction next to Xuandan Pavilion, where many weapons used by martial artists were sold.

"I only have 500 taels of silver on me. I don't know if it's enough to buy inferior Xuanqi..."

The weapon used by martial artists is called Xuanqi, which is very different from ordinary weapons.

Chu Feng's accomplishments have reached the triple of martial arts, and he has been able to initially use inferior Xuanqi. The Xuanqi usually used by martial artists is also expensive and frightening!

Come to Xingwu auction.

"This guest, what weapon do you want to choose?"

"I need a inferior Xuanqi, bow and arrow."

Chu Feng thought for a moment and replied.

Since his eternal divine eyes can provide super vision, bow weapons must be the first choice.

If you can kill a fierce beast thousands of miles away, why do you need close combat?

But after hearing this, the auction reception looked embarrassed.

"There are many inferior weapons, but few people use bows and arrows, so the supply is relatively small..."

"At present, we have only a bow and arrow with inferior Xuan ware at auction, called star plundering bow, which is also more expensive."

"It takes a thousand liang of silver."

"But this bow and arrow is injected into the veins of master Wudao. It can enable the triple warrior of Wudao to launch Zhenyuan attack."

Generally speaking, only those with more than four levels of martial arts can reach the realm of Zhenyuan out of the body.

However, the star sweeping bow is unusual. It injects the veins of the martial arts master, which can make the triple martial arts give full play to the strength of the quadruple martial arts. It is reasonable to need 1000 liang of silver.

"But... I have only five hundred taels of silver on me."

Chu Feng frowned.

"Are you going to hunt fierce animals in Hengduan Mountains?"

The receptionist thought and guessed Chu Feng's next plan.

"Exactly." Chu Feng nodded.

I saw the other party gritting his teeth: "well, I can give you a loan of 500 Liang silver, but you need to return it within a year, interest free. What do you think?"

Chu Feng was stunned.

Is there such a good thing?

The receptionist said with a smile, "your cultivation has reached the triple of martial arts and Taoism, and according to your clothes, you should be an inner disciple of the Zhao family."

"I know that the inner disciples of the Zhao family earn fifty liang of salary every month. They have to collect five hundred liang of silver, that is, a year."

"Besides, Hengduan Mountain has rich opportunities. You only need to kill a few fierce animals and sell more than 500 liang of silver."

"So this is an investment."

Chu Feng suddenly realized!

It turned out that it was the identity of his inner disciple, which improved his credibility and brought convenience!

There is another possibility

Your reputation also works!

Whether it is the elder of tianwu Pavilion, the elder of Wanlu hall, or other institutions in Yuyang City, they are more polite when they see themselves.

On the contrary, other accomplishments still stay in the super pupil of martial arts. Even if you talk to others, you get a cold attitude.

Therefore, reputation value can not only get higher scores when settling accounts, but also get a lot of convenience when walking in the world.

Under the arrangement of the reception staff, Chu Feng signed a loan contract.

He first paid all the silver he had on him, and the remaining 500 liang of silver needed to be returned within a year.

As a guarantee in the name of Zhao nationality, the reputation is also guaranteed.

A blue bow with golden veins like a swimming dragon was held in Chu Feng's hand.

Get the inferior Xuan weapon and sweep the star bow!

Chu Feng goes to Hengduan Mountain immediately and is ready to brush his reputation!