By performing the perfect "floating Ling step", Chu Feng soon caught up with the black robed super pupil.

"Just let me see what you're going to do!"

Enough distance.

Chu Feng opened the supreme pupil.

Next second.

In front of the screen, switch to a tavern in Yuyang city.

In the narrow room, there were several super pupils who were obviously not from the four families. They gathered together and seemed to be plotting something.

"We will launch the beast tide attack at the end of the martial arts competition."

"Shadow, you first go to confirm the location of the super pupil of Lin, Shi and Zhao."

"The feather clan has provided us with enough information. Now, we just need to lock their position. Once the animal tide starts, King Guanghan has to go to the front line to defend."

"At that time, we will unite with the feather nationality to catch all the super pupils of the three families and win the victory of this acting task."

"Do you understand?"

The others nodded.

The picture is over here.

"Hum, it turns out that the Yu clan has betrayed King Guanghan and gone to take refuge in Xia Jiuyou!"

Chu Feng sneered. No wonder he distinguished the four camps at the beginning.

It turns out that there is a choice to betray.

He is more sure that there is a super pupil among the Yu nationality, who has mastered the strategy of this copy and knows how to make the Yu nationality turn against Xia Jiuyou, so as to win.

you 're right.

Although the number of super pupils in Xia Jiuyou camp is small, their average strength is much stronger than that of the four families because they can start the animal tide.

The Yu nationality chooses the path of rebellion, takes refuge in Xia Jiuyou, and provides information to the beast tide camp, which can more easily complete the copy task.

After all, before the second stage, the four families still have different camps. Only after entering the second stage will they officially distinguish the camps of Guanghan king and Xia Jiuyou.

If the Yu nationality defected to the enemy, the other three families not only knew nothing about the super pupil of the beast tide camp, but also leaked most of the information, which can be said to be a very fatal thing!

"In that case, I must immediately eliminate the hostile super pupil!"

Chu Feng looked cold and realized the crisis of the current situation.

The ability to launch "destiny" again!

He knew that the black robed superpupil he was tracking was code named "dark shadow". The superpupil ability was to lock. As long as the target locked by his eyes would always be exposed.

The task of "shadow" is to lock all the super pupils of the three families, and then provide intelligence to their associates.

In the way of this fate, "dark shadow" entered one tavern after another, met with his associates, and then reported all the information of the super pupil he locked to the past.

"There are about twenty hypermydriasis."

Chu Feng recorded all the positions of his accomplices by peeping at the fate picture of the shadow.

He took down the star bow behind him and showed a killing intention in his eyes.

According to the track of fate, the shadow came to the first hotel as scheduled.

In the room, a super pupil has been waiting for a long time.

Seeing the "shadow" coming in, the other party immediately got up and frowned: "have you not been followed?"


The voice just fell.

An arrow suddenly flew out of the window and hit the center of the dark shadow's eyebrows!

The shadow didn't even react and died on the spot!

"Damn it, this fool!"

Another super pupil immediately understood that the whereabouts of the "shadow" had been exposed. He couldn't help shouting a curse and hurriedly grabbed the door and fled.

However, he had not moved a few steps, and the second arrow hit like a flash of lightning through his heart!

Chu Feng's accomplishments have reached the sixth level of martial arts. With the perfect state of Breaking Dawn meteor arrow and the lock of eternal God's eyes, there is only one super pupil with the fourth level of martial arts, and there is no chance to escape!

"You killed a hostile super pupil with four martial arts, evolution point + 500!"

"You killed a martial arts triple enemy super pupil, evolution point + 300!"

Open panel——

Super pupil: Eternal divine eye

Grade: Grade 2 (1710 / 5000)

Abilities: super vision, blood enhancement, divine memory, martial arts reproduction, thousand blade divine front (New)

"There are 3300 evolution points to upgrade my eternal God eyes to the third stage!"

Chu Feng realized that this was his chance!

These animal tide superpupils who lie in ambush in Yuyang city don't know that their position has been exposed!

Now, it's hard to say who is the hunter and who is the prey!

Continue to follow the path of the "shadow" moving in the fate track.

Chu Feng continuously found the beast tide superpupil hidden in every corner.

The star snatching bow was opened, and the deadly arrows flew out of Chu Feng's hands, reaping the lives of one enemy after another in the shadow corners of Yuyang city

"You killed a martial arts duet hostile super pupil, evolution point + 200!"

"You killed a martial arts triple enemy super pupil, evolution point + 300!"

"You killed a hostile super pupil with four martial arts, evolution point + 500!"

Just half a day.

Chu Feng killed 17 super pupils of the beast tide camp.

And his evolution point has reached 6010!

"Your evolution point has reached the standard of upgrading eternal God's eyes!"

"Whether to raise the eternal God's eyes to the third level?"

Chu Feng chose evolution without hesitation!

Next second.

The familiar "bang bang" beat came from his left eye.

A strange energy, with the evolution of the left eye, was transmitted to Chu Feng's whole body, as if nourishing his blood.

Chu Feng opened the panel and found the information of eternal God's eyes. There was a new update——

Super pupil: Eternal divine eye

Grade: Grade 3 (1010 / 20000)

Abilities: super vision, blood enhancement, divine memory, martial arts reproduction, thousand blade divine front, Youming cold ice (New)

Netherworld cold ice: consume a lot of pupil power. You can cause the freezing effect of netherworld cold on the target's body and soul, and reduce the speed by 60% - 99%

(your thousand blade divine front has been evolved. You can cast eight divine front attacks at the same time!)

"Can you freeze the enemy's soul?"

This ability surprised Chu Feng.

When it comes to the soul, there is no doubt that it is an attack in the spiritual field.

However, the nether cold ice is different. As long as the pupil technique is activated, it can cause no small damage to the body and soul of the target. It can be said to be a "Double Wear" type of attack!

Super pupil release pupil surgery must consume pupil force.

If you can also cause damage to the soul of the super pupil, or even produce the soul freezing effect, it can make the opponent die on the spot if he can't even release the super pupil ability!

The premise is that the product level of the eternal God eye is higher than that of the enemy's super pupil. If it is faced with a higher-level super pupil, the freezing effect is not so obvious.

After a rough look at the new ability of the eternal God's eyes to upgrade to level 3, Chu Feng rushed to the next hiding place, ready to find the trouble of the 18th beast tide super pupil.

However, when he came nearby and opened the eternal God's eyes to investigate the environment, he found that the other party had fled!

"It seems that they have known the news of the death of their accomplices. Have they moved their position now?"

Chu Feng said sadly.

However, his eternal God eyes have been successfully upgraded to level 3. At present, there must be no super pupil with such strength.

Even if the animal tide was launched, Chu Feng was able to protect himself.