A corner of Yuyang city.

Three super pupils in black robes hid in a hidden corner.

One of the hypermydriasis was extremely gloomy and full of hate.

"Damn feather clan!"

"They are double agents and betrayed us!"

"This shameless guy can't even see through his lies. We're really careless!"

you 're right.

These three super pupil people are the remaining animal tide super pupil people blocked by Chu.

Their task is to sneak into Yuyang city in advance, investigate strategic intelligence, meet with the Yu nationality and encircle and suppress the super pupil of the three families.

However, the news of other associates was suddenly cut off, and the body of "dark shadow" was also found in a tavern.

What else does that mean?

The only truth is that the Yu clan is a double agent and betrayed their animal tide superpupil!

Damn it!

"What shall we do?"

The faces of the other two super pupils are dead gray. Their position has been exposed. Next, they are likely to face the encirclement and suppression of the three families of super pupils!

"Feiyan, you immediately use your super pupil to pass on information. Say that the time is ripe and start the animal tide immediately!"

"Didn't our original plan wait until the martial arts meeting was over?"

"The martial arts meeting is over? By that time, we are all dead. Only when the animal tide starts and the situation is chaotic enough, can we have a chance to survive!"


Feiyan also understood the meaning of the other party and immediately transmitted the information to the vision of the animal tide super pupil through his super pupil ability.

The second after he delivered the message.

The sky of Yuyang city was shrouded in a large area of dark clouds.

In the distance, there seems to be a violent vibration rushing towards this place.

It's like an earthquake!

"The animal tide is coming!"

Even if the current situation had been predicted long ago, the faces of the three super pupils were extremely dignified.

In Wudao world, animal tide is a natural disaster hundreds of times more serious than mountain flood and Tsunami!

Whenever the animal tide is launched, it will lead to the destruction of countless lives, and the prosperous city will become a sad place in an instant!


"The 24th game, Zhao Yi against yunanguo!"

At the martial arts competition.

Senior officials read out the list on rice paper in a loud voice.

However, neither Zhao Yi nor Yu Nanguo stepped on the stage of the martial arts competition.

"Zhao Yi, Yu Nanguo, please take the stage!"

The senior official frowned and was very dissatisfied with their neglect.

Just then.


In the distance came the sound of walls collapsing!

The dust all over the sky drifted towards the sky, and countless animal tides sounded from the distant dust.

In an instant, the howls of all kinds of fierce animals surrounded the whole Yuyang city. Countless frightened voices came from the other side of the wall!

Many residents of Yuyang City, seeing such a large-scale animal tide for the first time, screamed in horror and ran for their lives!

It seems that the last second is a peaceful day with a clear sky. The next second, fear envelops the whole Yuyang city!

"What's that?"

Some people with hypermydriasis looked at the mutation in front of them in panic.

"Look, our copy panel has changed!"

Someone with hypermydriasis shouted.

At this time, other hypermydriasis opened their copy panel and saw one prompt pop up——

"Wudao world copy has entered the second stage - the disaster of animal tide!"

"Background: King Guanghan, as a martial arts saint, has a mortal enemy in his life, named Xia Jiuyou. A few years ago, Xia Jiuyou controlled the secret technique of controlling animal tide. After stepping into the realm of martial arts saint, he did not hesitate to attack King Guanghan to revenge the hatred of that year."

"Mission: survive the attack of animal tide and go to Guanghan City under the protection of King Guanghan. At the same time, kill all the super pupils of Xia Jiuyou camp."

"Faction: Guanghan King camp vs Xia Jiuyou camp"

"Remaining number of hostile hypermydriasis: 72"

There's a second stage?

Many super pupils who first entered the heavenly towers did not expect this to happen!


On the stage.

King Guanghan snorted coldly.

"Have you started?"

The general of national protection, Li Xiuyuan and others all stood beside King Guanghan.

The elders of the four families were also shocked at the beginning of the animal tide, but they were also martial masters who had experienced great storms and waves. They soon understood the current situation.

"We are willing to go with King Guanghan to meet the beast tide!"

In Yuyang City, all martial arts masters stood up, looked calm and ready to fight to the death!

It is their bounden duty to protect their people!

Moreover, it is the common honor of all martial arts masters to fight side by side with martial arts saints!

"Very good, you go with me to the front line of animal tide!"

King Guanghan shouted angrily, turned his body into a flash of lightning, and rushed to the forefront of the animal tide.

With a wave of his hands, tens of thousands of thunder appeared from the palm of his hand, attacked the animal tide in the Black Sea in front of him, and killed a large number of fierce animals with his hand!

The scene is as like as two peas of Chu.

Other martial arts masters also guarded the intersections of Yuyang city.

However, there are too many fierce beasts. Many fierce beasts broke through the defense line of master Wudao and rushed into Yuyang city to kill and abuse the people in the city!

As if it was just a trance, Yuyang city has been filled with a bloody storm!

"What shall we do?"

At this time, the super pupil of the four families also got together and began to discuss strategies.

From now on, they have realized that they are not enemies, but allies.

"According to the instructions of the task, we must go to Guanghan City immediately and keep our lives first. It is most important!"

Lin clan, several super pupil people with five martial arts, stood up and said.

"At this time, we must unite!"

The super pupil on the field nodded one after another and reached a consensus.

Just then.

The super pupil of the feather family suddenly surrounded the super pupil of the three families.

"Yuzu? What do you mean?"

The super pupil of the other three families all changed their faces.

They have noticed the abnormality of the feather clan!

"Ha ha, don't you understand? We have joined Xia Jiuyou camp!"

Among the Yu nationality, Yu Hao, who has the highest cultivation, stands in the front, with the meaning of teasing and ridicule on his face. Looking at this group of naive super pupil people, his eyes are like looking at a group of idiots.

"You betrayed King Guanghan?"


Yu Hao said with a smile: "the Xia Jiuyou camp has the ability to control the animal tide, and there are countless high-level fierce animals in the Hengduan Mountains, which is equivalent to infinite combat power."

"Although the number of super pupil people over there is small, they master the secret skills we don't have."

"In the first stage, according to the development of the plot, there is no Guanghan King camp, only four families and the hidden beast tide camp. At this time, if we choose to surrender to the enemy and sell intelligence, the beast tide camp will have a great chance to win."

"Before the second stage begins, if we choose to rebel, we will be recognized by the system as the camp of Xia Jiuyou, so as to easily win this victory."

"Children, it should be your first time to enter the heavenly towers? This time it's like buying a lesson!"

The super pupil of the three families finally realized why the comprehensive strength of the super pupil of the Yu nationality is so strong

Presumably, this feather Hao is a senior who has mastered intelligence and is likely to be the president of a super pupil guild. Under his leadership, the super pupil of the whole Yu nationality hold the strategy and know how to win!

"You, a feather clan, want to encircle and suppress all the super pupils of our three families?"

A stone family super pupil stood up and said angrily.

"Oh, you think it's just us feather people?"

Yu Hao disdained to hook the corner of his mouth, took out a signal bomb, aimed at the sky and fired a gorgeous fireworks.

"Friends of the beast tide camp, it's your turn!"


After more than ten seconds.

Three ragged super pupil people came out and looked at Yu Hao with hate on their faces.

"Well, you feather nationality, I didn't expect you to be double spies. You can even deceive the real eye!"

"What a good play!"

What happened?

Not only the people of the Yu nationality were deceived.

The superpupils of the other three families were also blinded.

Didn't you say you had surrendered to the enemy?

What's going on here?