The headmaster's pupil contracted slightly for a while, and a trace of surprise flashed in his expression, but he converged in a very short time. He didn't say much. It seemed that he was waiting for Chu Feng to make a decision.

This subtle expression may not be noticed by most of the super pupils here, but Chu Feng has always opened the eternal God's eyes, and the super vision completely captures this subtle detail.

After thinking, Chu Feng still didn't use the supreme pupil to watch each other's fate.

Open the eternal God's eyes, his pupils just look a little deeper, not so obvious.

When you open your eyes and watch your destiny, you will waste some time and may reveal your secrets.

There are many superpupils waiting behind the teacher worship meeting. He can't expose too many measures or hesitate to make decisions for too long.

After considering all the factors in a very short time, Chu Feng replied without hesitation: "I am willing to worship you as a teacher."


A sigh came from above.

This sigh comes from the leader of Shushan mountain.

All of you here are in a state of mind and secretly trying to figure out what the secret is.

Some super pupil people looked at Chu Feng with a puzzled face and wondered why he didn't go to worship the leader. Instead, they wanted to worship a floor sweeping monk who didn't look famous.

Some people cast deep eyes and seemed to be aware of something.

But anyway, it was Chu Feng's choice.

The old man nodded and looked at Chu Feng: "from today on, you will be my disciple. Come with me to the lock demon tower and practice."

Lock demon tower?

Hearing this name, many outside disciples felt a shudder.

They looked at Chu Feng with sympathy.

Shu mountain is divided into nine peaks, corresponding to different leaders.

Among them, the yuxu palace where the leader of Shushan mountain is located is regarded as a noble place, and there is the most abundant aura for cultivation. If you can worship under the leader and be a true disciple, you can enjoy the aura on the yuxu peak. The cultivation efficiency is almost several times that of the other eight peaks!

The demon lock tower, however, is a forbidden area used to hold demons in legend. There is not only no aura, but also the soil is very poor. Few disciples in Shushan are willing to go there.

Many people do not understand Chu Feng's choice, but also because of this.


Chu Feng didn't bother to pay attention to other people's views. He paid homage to his teacher in good order. Soon, his identity changed——

Name: Lu Yu

Age: 17

Identity: true disciple of Shushan wine Taoist

Accomplishments: Qihai jiuzhong

Opportunity value:???

"The chance value becomes a series of question marks?"

Chu Feng thought and found the change.

In other words, because [a chance] triggers a special condition, the original chance value is useless to you?

Through the system, Chu Feng also knew the master he worshipped, named wine Taoist.

His identity is neither an elder of Shushan nor has anything to do with any position. The only thing he knows is the name with the same code.

Wine Taoist

Is it true that my master is a guy who likes drinking?

While thinking, the wine Taoist waved to Chu Feng.

"If you don't have any extra luggage, come with me."


Chu Feng kept playing and followed the wine Taoist all the way.

The wine Taoist looks very weak, but his walking speed is not slow at all.

Chu Feng has nine accomplishments of Qihai, and his speed is much faster than that of ordinary people. If he practices the body method of the immortal Xia world, maybe he won't have a problem one hundred meters at a time.

However, it seemed difficult for him to keep up with the speed of the wine Taoist.

Chu Feng might have been thrown away if he hadn't opened the eternal God's eyes and predicted the other party's course of action!


"I clearly didn't feel any aura fluctuation on him, but his body method was so light..."

"I try my best to catch up. It's strange!"

Chu Feng was secretly surprised.

In this way, the wine Taoist is not as simple as expected, and he doesn't know what opportunities are behind him, waiting for himself.

He is on his way now. He must concentrate, so he can't use the supreme pupil for the time being.

After waiting for the past, as soon as he has the opportunity, he can see what is special about the fate of the wine Taoist.

After climbing over the nine peaks with dense immortal Qi, the scene in front of me gradually became desolate from the place where the aura flourished.

In front of him, a rickety iron rope straddled his eyes.

Opposite the Tongtian bridge is the lock demon tower.

From the entrance of the bridge to the other bank, you have to walk through the interval of several mountains on the way alone. There is a black fog at the end of your field of vision. Even the eternal God's eyes can't see the end.

There are no places to stay on the bridge. The only iron plates tied on the bridge also look like they are going to collapse. It seems that there are only iron cables at both ends where they can stay.

However, there is only one force point of the iron cable. If you step on it, the bridge body will inevitably tilt in the other direction, resulting in the violent shaking of the whole iron cable.

If ordinary people take this iron rope, they are completely walking through a gate of hell!

"Woo woo!"

There was a sudden sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling under the bridge. The dark wind carrier threw a trace of ghost resentment on his face, which made people feel more and more uneasy.

"Let's go."

The wine Taoist's voice didn't fluctuate, ignored all the surrounding scenes, and seemed to cross this iron rope, which was not a problem for both of them.

He took the lead in stepping on the iron cable bridge, and his body fell steadily on the bridge. The whole iron cable only shook slightly, and then he returned to calm.

"The test of body method?"

Chu Feng's mind moved and followed him.

At this time, his eternal God eyes began to analyze rapidly.

Any movement details of the wine Taoist who went up first were captured by the eternal God's eyes, and then imitated.

By mobilizing the aura in the sea of Qi, Chu Feng entered the state of no distractions when he comprehended Da Dao Zhi Xian. While learning the body method of wine Taoist, he opened at the same time and stepped into the iron cable bridge.

Although the eternal God eye is not the heaven pupil of the immortal Xia world, it still has strong learning ability when upgraded to level 5. Although it can not reach the effect of light speed reproduction, it can learn as fast as a supercomputer after anatomy, analysis and imitation!

Chu Feng just stepped in, and the iron cable bridge immediately shook violently.

However, Chu Feng's eternal God eyes have strong computing power. They have long known what will happen when they step on the iron rope. They make efforts according to the skills of early simulation in their mind, and stabilize their mind at once.

The wine Taoist looked at Chu Feng's body method and was stunned. Then he continued to move forward as if nothing had happened.