With his first success, Chu Feng certainly won't be afraid of the later test.

Follow this rhythm and move on.

The more you move forward, the more strange the smell around you.

At present, after a period of time, the temperature began to cool suddenly.

The wind of "Wuwu" sounded again, and the frequency was faster and faster.

At the beginning, there were only one or two occasionally, but when we came to the middle of the bridge, the dark wind and strange noise never stopped and lingered in our ears.

Let alone ordinary people, even if we let the inner disciples of Shushan who have completed the foundation building come, I'm afraid they will be scared to death by the sound, panic, and are more likely to fall into the abyss.

The wine Taoist looked like he had nothing to do with himself. He just kept moving forward. If Chu Feng fell down, the other party might really just stand by.

"This is a test for me?"

Chu Feng said secretly in his heart that he understood this [an opportunity], and it seems that not everyone can bear it.

The more he got to the back, Chu Feng found that the test was not just as simple as his body method. The surrounding voices seemed to have the ability to confuse people. If the will was not firm, he might fall into the abyss if he was careless.

Fortunately, after opening the eternal God's eyes, a cool feeling continuously flows out of the left eye, so that the brain can always concentrate and keep extremely awake.

Passed the iron rope without danger.

The scene ahead is no better than the scenery along the way.

According to the wine Taoist, he lives on this mountain. What he usually eats is plain food. He even lives on Reiki many times. Chu Feng needs to solve the problem of eating by himself.

The place where the wine Taoist lives is just a cabin, which can only accommodate one person.

Therefore, when Chu Feng came here, he needed to solve the problem of clothing, food, housing and transportation. The environment was very limited, and the treatment was even worse than that of the test disciple.

In the distance, countless iron cables are connected to a high tower. There is an evil spirit in the sky, and sometimes there are bursts of ghosts crying and wolves howling. Presumably, the sound above the iron cable comes from the lock demon tower.

Chu Feng was surprised. Although he had never heard of the legend of Shushan, it was not difficult for him to guess that the monks and demons in Shushan were mortal enemies through the introduction of the panels of Zhutian pagodas. The cultivation of countless demons held in the lock demon pagoda was so profound that even the leader of Shushan might not have the means to kill them.

Magic makes faster progress than the cultivation of the right way, but at the same time, it will also lose human nature, become an ugly appearance, and finally lose its mind and become a monster that destroys living creatures.

Some ancient demon kings have been repaired to a high level. They can't even be killed by ordinary means. They can use all kinds of yin and evil techniques to revive from the dead. Therefore, it's safer to seal them than to kill them.

However, over thousands of years, the number of ancient demon kings held in the lock demon tower is increasing. If the seal is untied one day, it will bring devastating disaster to the world!


While Chu Feng was staring at the lock demon tower in the distance, he was stunned. Suddenly, the wine Taoist did not know where to get a wine pot and handed it to him.

"This wine... Can I drink it?"

Chu Feng scratched his head in some doubt. Should he still be a minor?

Even in ancient times, underage drinking was not advocated.

"Drink it. Your way of cultivation is quite special. This wine may help you."

When the wine Taoist said this, his expression seemed to be much milder, and his eyes were a little erratic, as if he were remembering something of the past.

Chu Feng's heart moved. From the words of the wine Taoist, he already knew that the other party saw through the skill he had practiced, which was "Da Dao Zhi Xian".

Even the leader of Shushan didn't see the clue, but the wine Taoist saw it!

From this point, we can see that the identity of wine Taoist is very unusual.

"Since the elder said so, the younger generation will dry this pot of wine!"

Chu Feng politely took the pot of wine from the wine Taoist. The next second, he bored the whole pot of wine with one mouthful!

The wine Taoist was stunned.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to drink so much. I planned to drink this wine together, but you finished it all!"

Chu Feng smiled and didn't talk to each other politely.

In his previous life, he was a prodigal son who lived alone in the metropolis. When he was tired, he drank until he fell drunk on the bed, as if he had forgotten all his troubles!

"Good wine!"

Chu Feng finished a pot of wine and couldn't help humming.

After opening the eternal God's eyes, the blood in his body is unusual. Ordinary wine only needs the cool feeling from his left eye to keep himself awake all the time.

However, after drinking this pot of wine, it made his body feel hot, and his throat seemed to be burning.

The scene in front of us has become illusory. The body seems to be frivolous and heavy sometimes, and the consciousness is gradually blurred.

It seems that the wine Taoist came with a somewhat helpless voice.

"This is the immortal wine I've been brewing for many years. Unexpectedly, it makes your boy feel bored. I'm still waiting to relieve my boredom, old man!"

"Forget it, I have brewed a lot of wine for hundreds of years. Fortunately, the inventory is wasteful enough!"

"Hum, I hope you can get some benefits from it and finish building the foundation as soon as possible. Don't let it be a waste of my pot of enlightenment wine!"

After that, the wine Taoist shook his hand, and the wine pot that Chu Feng drank clean was full again.

As he spoke, the wine Taoist walked to his cabin. He seemed too lazy to pay attention to what would happen next to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng didn't take a few steps, but he fell drunk to the ground, but he didn't lie down. Instead, he sat up unconsciously.

Although the aura around him was thin, Chu Feng felt that he was closer to the source of the road and could understand his heart.

It seemed that after he was drunk, he could see clearly, touch and hear.

Of course, this feeling, in its current state, can not be described in words for the time being.

However, Chu Feng did not insist, but let his heart completely calm down, listen to the voice and feel the change.

Don't rush to find the answer.

The ethereal and incomparable Tao seems to be viewed from a distance through a thin film, like looking at flowers in the fog and looking for the moon in the water.

Although it is still far from finding out the real Tao, Chu Feng feels that he can grasp something.

The five senses become more and more empty and illusory.

Finally, Chu Feng closed his eyes and didn't think about these things any more. His brain fell asleep.

I don't know how long later, when he vaguely opened his eyes, opened the eternal God's eyes, and looked at his current state, he was stunned.

"In the middle of building the foundation?"