Chu Feng sat on the edge of the sunset cliff and looked at the scenery in a daze.

in fact.

His panel shows three lines of data——

"Shushan remaining superpupil: 99"

"Buddhist excess pupil: 98"

"Shura remaining superpupil: 85"

A week has passed since the opening of the second stage.

However, the number of hypermydriasis on the panel has not changed much, and the remaining number is still very large.

Chu Feng guessed that the three forces should all have the task of going out to experience. They may have to spend some time to complete the task before confrontation?

The stage of Xianxia world has expanded to the whole Luoyu area, and the area is not as small as Yuyang city. Perhaps, Xianxia world is the world with the highest challenge among the heavenly towers.

While thinking, a voice suddenly came from behind Chu Feng.

"Boy, are you looking at the scenery here?"

The wine Taoist came to him and handed him a pot of wine.

Chu Feng was not polite either. As soon as he received it, he opened the bottle cap and bored the wine. Then he smiled and said, "yes, the scenery in the sky is very good. It's good to come here from time to time."

"It's busy at the foot of the mountain. You just stay here and don't plan to go out for a walk?"

"The scenery here is beautiful and there are drinks. Why should I go out?"

"How about two games of chess?"


Back in the cabin, the wine Taoist took out the chessboard and patted the dust on it.

After a month, Chu Feng played a game with the wine Taoist again.

The two sides fought fiercely and deadlocked on the battlefield for a long time.

The wine Taoist didn't walk as fast as before. From time to time, he had to stop and think for a few steps to come up with a way to deal with it.

Compared with when he first played chess with the wine Taoist, Chu Feng's chess skills have changed dramatically.

The last step

The wine Taoist walked out of the heaven and earth kill array, trapped all Chu Feng's Zili in a small space, and said with a smile: "you can't understand that realm now, it's better not to go out."

Chu Feng was silent for a moment before he smiled.

"You're right."

"Have a drink and have a good sleep."

The wine Taoist walked towards the cabin and waved to Chu Feng behind him.

At this time, Chu Feng had many feelings in his heart.

He is getting closer and closer to the peak of the congenital realm.

If you can break through to the golden elixir realm and add the five-level ability of eternal God eyes, no one with super pupil will be his opponent.

However, Chu Feng suddenly noticed that the spirit of the wine Taoist seemed to be much worse than when he met last time.


He usually doesn't take the initiative to find himself.

Even for the boy.

However, this time I came to chat with myself and asked if I wanted to go down the mountain. What does it mean?

Chu Feng flashed this doubt in his heart, but soon he threw it behind him.

After recent progress in chess, it seems that the Tao mind has also been enlightened a lot.

It is the best time to impact the golden elixir realm!

He sat down, understood it with his heart and began to practice.


Luo Yu.

Langya Mountain is a treasure land with abundant aura.

A group of youths in Taoist robes and a group of monks were divided into two different camps, which seemed to be in a confrontation.

"Benefactor of Shu mountain, Langya Mountain has rich resources. Why don't we step back and share the resources equally?"

A super pupil of Buddhism stood up and spoke kindly.

"It's not impossible to share equally, but this is our first chassis. Why can you share unconditionally?"

Shu mountain camp, worshiping yuxu peak and the "spiritual group control" with the highest cultivation, looks at each other with vigilance.

He knows each other's true identity!

The super pupil led by the Buddhist camp, code named "Haofeng", is the son of the chairman of a super pupil company.

Lingtian company!

Before the super pupil era, the market value of the company reached tens of billions.

When the super pupil era came, Lingtian company quickly used a large amount of money to smash a powerful super pupil Legion and form a guild. It is said that their president has been in line with Jiang Xue's level, and the strategy has reached the fourth floor of the Zhutian tower.

They also have more information than ordinary people with hypermydriasis.

As for why they knew each other, when they were on the first floor of the Zhutian tower, "mind control" was a super pupil in the same camp as Haofeng. They had recognized his true identity from each other's action habits and conversation.

of course.

Similar to the core members of this super guild, their identity is difficult to hide. After all, it is easier to expose if they want to lead a guild into the heavenly towers and command.

But exposure doesn't matter.

The super guild is not something that the scattered soldiers can afford to provoke. Even if they know each other's real identity, no one will go to reality and find each other's trouble.

Haofeng seems to recognize "mind control".

However, he did not care about this, but continued to persuade as a leader: "now, we still have a common hostile force - Shura, which has not been solved."

"According to my information, the super pupil who chose Shura power this time has very strong comprehensive strength."

"Generally speaking, it's very rare for Shura to have 50 super pupils when the first stage passes."

"However, there are still so many people left in this Shura."

"Their cultivation method is mainly killing, which is much faster than us. If they don't unite to kill Shura first, but conflict now, then the last cheap will only be Shura."

"Although we are divided into different camps by the system, in the second stage, we should all be allies before solving the Shura camp. Isn't it right to help each other?"

Haofeng's words seemed sincere and could not find a fault.

What's more, they can't use up the aura of Langya Mountain. If they refuse the super pupil of Buddhism, it will be unreasonable.

It can be seen that Haofeng's words are very clever.

"Mind control" kept silent. He couldn't find any clues from each other's tone and posture.


As far as he knows, Haofeng is definitely not a simple role. Any super company has the latest copy intelligence. As the son of the chairman of Lingtian guild, Haofeng has no reason to do things in such a simple way.

of course.

Haofeng's words are absolutely right.

In the face of strong enemies such as Shura, if they conflict now, they really have no chance to follow the subsequent victory!