"Well, we can give you half of this treasure land for cultivation. But if you dare to play any tricks, I will never let you go!"

Shushan finally chose to compromise. As long as there was no conflict between the two sides, there was no material loss for them.

However, in the rules of the game of the heavenly towers, if the enemy becomes stronger, he will be relatively weak.

However, in the face of Shura's strong enemy, it's not easy for them to refuse the active alliance of Buddhism, otherwise face can't be justified!

"Don't worry, I promise in the name of Haofeng. Of course, I do what I say."

Haofeng's smile seemed extremely confident and even exposed his code name... Of course, since someone in Shushan recognized his identity, there was no need to hide it. Instead, the super pupil in Shushan could be speechless and could not find any excuse to refuse his request.

Seeing that there was no one in Shushan, Haofeng of course acquiesced that they agreed, and then asked dozens of Buddhist disciples behind him to find a place with good feng shui and start practicing.

"Tiannan, you just let those guys unconditionally occupy the territory we found first?"

A flat headed super pupil walked to Tiannan's side and was very unconvinced.

This treasure land is a place with abundant aura, which was found by the super pupil of Shushan mountain through brainstorming and finally through the mission clue of zongmen. The speed of practicing here can be more than ten times faster!

The yuxu palace only increased its speed five times, which made Tiannan have the leading cultivation in the middle of the congenital environment.

The aura of Langya Mountain is more abundant. Practicing here is of great benefit, but it is cheaper for those bald donkeys!

Although many super pupil people in Shushan didn't say anything, they couldn't see any favor from their faces.

Tiannan said helplessly, "didn't you find that we didn't find any trace of Shura's super pupil along the way?"

The flat head was held up like this and was stunned.

Zongmen's tasks are very diverse. They have come all the way. They have basically gone to many places in Luoyu.

Moreover, there are many detection type super pupils in Shushan. They act together, and any movement within a hundred miles can't escape. If there were Shura superpupil, it would have been noticed long ago.

Since the second stage has been opened, the Shura superpupil should also join this stage.

However, it has been more than half a month since I went down the mountain, but I haven't even seen half of Shura's shadow.

Is it difficult for them to drop the line collectively?

Or just hang up in the spring?

Obviously impossible!

This year's Shura superpupil is a group of ruthless characters, otherwise there won't be so many people left to the second stage.

In the Shura camp, there is likely to be a super pupil like Haofeng who organizes members of the guild to act in unity and follow the strategy.

Generally speaking, there are guild bands and no guild bands, which are completely two games.

So far, Shura hasn't seen anyone. This can't be as simple as a false shot. There may be a bigger plan behind it.

However, limited to poor information, they don't know what Shura is planning.

Tiannan chooses to cooperate with Buddhism, which is also the only choice out of frustration.

It can be said that it is seeking skin from the tiger!



When Haofeng returned here, he immediately became serious.

"I helped you win this opportunity from Shushan. All of you quickly practice the way of the Buddha seal, and you can improve your accomplishments as fast as you can."

"This time, we try not to have any loss, otherwise we will delay the later progress."

"Hum, as long as you can release the devil before the end of the second stage and control it with the Buddha seal, even Shura is just a group of miscellaneous fish to be slaughtered!"


Most of the super pupils of Buddhism are members of Lingtian guild. Even if they are mixed with a small number of scattered soldiers, they can only obey their arrangement.

Haofeng smiled gently.

As long as this information is not leaked, no one in Shushan will know that they are reserving troops this time to make a bigger plan!

The destructive power may even be stronger than Shura!

The Buddha just put on a layer of good protective clothing for this plan.

Who could have thought that there was such a thing in Buddhism?

I'm afraid even the Shura group don't know?

Thanks to this first-hand information, Haofeng can know that there is such a big secret hidden in the Buddhism, which is enough to become the key to this copy of the Raiders.

If nothing happens

This is his first show of this strategy!


curtain of night.

At the foot of Shushan mountain.

Several Shu mountain disciples with torches patrol around here.

Suddenly, their bodies stiffened, as if they had become motionless wooden people, who couldn't even blink.

In the night, a figure came out of the ripples like water waves and became apparent.

It was a woman with fierce eyes, wearing black leather clothes and tattoos of tigers and leopards on her face. In her pupils, a dark brilliance bloomed, like a vortex, drawing in the eyes of several Shushan disciples.

A moment later.

These Shu mountain disciples fell to the ground as if they had lost their souls.


In the shadow behind, a man covered with armor walked to several Shu mountain disciples with heavy steps.

There was a bright yellow light from the armor.

Next second.

The bodies of several Shu mountain disciples disappeared forever.

"Yuehua, your ability should still be effective?"

The woman turned her head and said something to the air in front of her.

Soon, in the air, a slightly weak voice responded: "as long as the moon exists, our pupil power consumption will not be very high. It should be able to cover you to the lock demon tower."

The woman nodded.

"According to intelligence, the elders of Shushan don't usually go to the place where the demon tower is locked."

"The old man seems to have a terrible identity. He is the founder of Shushan. In fact, after what happened a hundred years ago, his life has disappeared. Although he still has some abilities, he must not be able to resist our joint confrontation."

"As long as we can liberate the lock demon tower, let those ancient demons come back to the world and start a killing, we can complete the God surrender ceremony of Shura with the help of the blood array."

"At that time, Shu mountain and Shura people, even if they practice to a higher level, are just a group of mole ants!"

in fact.

In the air in front of him, there are all the superpupils of Shura.

The real goal of their coming to Shushan this time is to open the lock demon tower and liberate the ancient demons there.

According to the information, Shura knew that the super pupil of Shushan had gone down the mountain to practice, and the elders of Shushan did not have the ability of super pupil.

With the help of the cover of the moon, they can quietly sneak into the Shushan mountain and enter the scope of the lock demon tower.

Generally speaking, the elders of Shu mountain will not go to the lock demon tower casually, and even use specific talismans to separate the area.

This gives Shura's super pupil a great opportunity to invade!

As long as the lock demon tower has no super pupil stationed in Shushan, they can smoothly open the lock demon tower according to the plan, which can remind humans of the fear of being dominated by ancient demons that day!