
main hall.

In Haofeng's eyes, a trace of purple light flashed.


The abbot in charge was shocked and said angrily, "who on earth are you? You have learned such magic!"

"The troublesome old bald donkey is still resisting!"

Haofeng frowned, and a look of impatience flashed in his expression.

Immediately, the purple light in his pupils was like a magic vortex, which absorbed all the Abbot's mind.

A moment later.

The last high level of Buddhism also fell in front of Haofeng.

"It's all done at last. Come out!"

Behind him, dozens of super pupil people heard the sound and entered the main hall.

you 're right.

Haofeng's super pupil ability is "soul taking".

As long as he is given enough time, he can control the soul of the target.

In these three months, according to the strategy, Haofeng entered the "Hall of rebirth" where Shura was detained through a secret path in the main hall every day, and has completely controlled Shura.

However, when he was ready to go in again today, unexpectedly, the abbot of Buddhism had insight into his abnormality and ambushed him.

In desperation, Haofeng can only call his teammates and forcibly destroy the Abbot's soul with pupil technique.

"President, what shall we do now?"

A super pupil came to Haofeng and asked.

Although the abbot has temporarily lost his ability to move, they have shot at the top of Buddhism, and the matter will be exposed sooner or later.

For now

The plan has to be advanced!

Haofeng said in a deep voice, "up to now, we have to start the plan as soon as possible."

"Fortunately, we have God's blessing. Those guys of Shura don't know why the regiment suddenly disappeared."

"In that case, we can start the Shura plan without scruples."

"There is only one super pupil left in Shura. We can't turn over any waves. As long as we control the demon, it's not any problem for us to get SS Level Evaluation for this copy."

"The president is wise!"

The employees at the bottom began to flatter.

Haofeng smiled and came to an obscure corner of the main hall. There was a dusty Buddha statue hidden there. He walked over and slowly rotated the Buddha.


A secret way is revealed from the eyes of everyone.

"Let's go. The old bald donkey will wake up soon, and the Buddhist people will soon notice the abnormalities here."

After a pause, Haofeng's palm turned over, and a red blood essence appeared in his palm.

"After going in later, each of you will absorb the power of this blood essence, which should be enough for all of you to temporarily ascend to the spiritual power in the middle of the congenital environment."

"Then, we chanted the Sutra of nirvana of Prajna Buddha at the same time to temporarily remove the evil spirit of the devil and melt the evil nature of him."

"After taking control of the devil, we first evacuate here, then let the devil recover, and let the old bald donkey of Buddhism send a wave first."

"Such pure Buddha blood, if absorbed by the devil, should be able to quickly restore his strength to the peak!"

This blood essence is inherited from the immortal Xia world that Haofeng got from the Zhutian fair before he entered the replica. It can temporarily improve his cultivation. It is a disposable product with extremely high value.

As a last resort, this blood essence can be used to speed up the progress and directly promote all super pupil people in the guild to enough accomplishments and carry out the plan.

Although it's a little episode, it's harmless.

Everything is ready.

The members of Lingtian guild began to act according to the plan that had been drawn up before entering the copy.

Come to the hall of death.

A demon head with dark marks all over his body and a ferocious face was wound by chains composed of countless Buddhist seals, and a huge sword made of emerald jade was inserted into his body.

There are several green light curtains around the sword, which is the seal of the wine Taoist.

"Hum, Buddha, these old bald donkeys, don't have a good thing. Their faces are really hypocritical!"

Haofeng glanced at the corners of his mouth and despised the monks of Buddhism.

According to the request of the wine Taoist, he sent Shura to the Buddha to purify his magic heart.

However, for fear of the reincarnation of the devil, Buddhist people not only did not arrange for the holy monks to chant the Bible, but also used various Buddhist mantras to impose an additional seal and imprison them to the hall of death. They really have to be more afraid of death!

After several months of getting along with Buddhists, Haofeng also knows what those decent guys are actually.

As for the disaster behind Buddhism, Haofeng certainly doesn't care. He doesn't have any sense of belonging to the world at all. He just wants to get the SS Level Evaluation as soon as possible according to the plan and get super rich rewards.


The members of the guild successively took the blood essence in Haofeng's hand, improved their cultivation, and then came to the corresponding position and began to chant the nirvana Sutra of Prajna Buddha.

The huge Buddhist seals echoed in the "Hall of dying".

The dark mark on Shura faded away bit by bit.

"It's really effective. The copy strategy is sincere and doesn't deceive me!"

In Haofeng's eyes, there was a glimmer of joy.

The nirvana Sutra of Prajna Buddha is a means of forcibly purifying demons, but it is different from the chanting of the Bible. This way can only temporarily fade the demonic nature of Shura, but as long as you stop chanting, the demonic nature of the other party will soon recover.

However, the life seal placed by the wine Taoist blocked the demonic nature of Shura.

Moreover, this seal has a special mechanism.

Once the magic is completely removed, the seal will disappear forever.

Therefore, the use of the Prajna Buddha Nirvana Sutra for this Shura is absolutely prohibited in Buddhism.

Of course, in the eyes of these hypermydriasis, this has become an available copy mechanism.

And out of Haofeng's expectation.

The dark mark on Shura's body fades very fast.

The sword in his body turned into a gorgeous radiance and slowly drifted around.

The sword in his body is also gradually turning into a virtual shadow.

The original life seal of the wine Taoist is finally going to be untied.



Lock demon tower.

The body of the wine Taoist is drying up rapidly, like dehydrated trees, losing vitality.

Chu Feng sat next to the wine Taoist and watched his life pass by bit.

He didn't say much. He just sat quietly next to the old man for his last company.


Chu Feng asked softly.

He knew that the favorite thing of the wine Taoist in his life was drinking.

No wine, no joy, no wine, no drunk.

He doesn't have many disciples in his life, just like these two, but what he likes to do with his disciples most is drinking.


This old drunkard!

If you don't drink before you die, you may die in peace?

The wine Taoist smiled and shook his head.

"No, drinking is bad for your health."

"In this last time, I want to support this broken body for a while..."

"Then, look at you more."

Chu Feng was silent.

Then, the wine Taoist raised his hand gently and ordered it on the table.

A wine pot appeared on the table out of thin air.

"You're still young. It's no big deal to drink more."

"Only you can save the disaster of this land in the future."

"In fact, I don't want you to see the truth at the end of Xiuxian."

"However, I'm sorry. As the leader of Shushan mountain, this may be my sense of responsibility to the world, so I let you bear this responsibility."

"I hope you won't blame me after drinking this glass of wine."

PS: one more watch will be added tonight. Now the total number of votes is 412, reaching 484. There is another watch, with 72 votes to go. Brothers, vote more! One more word, remember to vote in the latest chapter! Otherwise, it doesn't count ~ ~ the author doesn't know why, but please.